Lives Intertwined Cannot Be Unbound~PROLOGUE

May 27, 2010 10:14

Characters: POTC, OFCs
Rating: PG-PG13
Summary: What happens to Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth after At Worlds End? Their lives will forever be mingled, whether they choose to admit it or not. **A/N** This is post AWE, nix the final scene after the credits.
Disclaimer: However much I would LOVE to claim my pirate crew, I cannot. Disney owns them, but I get to choose their course.

Sometimes in life we wonder what would happen if things turned out differently than we had expected. We wonder what we would have done differently to change the outcome of the events. Sometimes we decide that things happen for a reason and we wouldn’t change a single thing.

People come and go in our lives. But one thing remains the same. They are always forever mingled with our memories. Some people we choose to try and forget, and sometimes we relish on the face that came into our lives. Some people are hard to read, others not. Some people are the best emotion lifters, some weigh us down with guilt, hatred, envy, loathing.

Once a name has been breathed upon your lips, a face burned in your memory, that person is always with you. No matter how you try to ignore the fact. Years may come and go before you ever think on that person ever again. But it will happen.

Lives intertwined cannot be unbound.

johnny depp, dreams, jack sparrow, disney, barbossa, will turner, walt disney, elizabeth swann, blackpearlsails, fan fiction, creative writing

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