Forever Wonderland CHAPTER 16

May 17, 2010 11:18

Characters: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland characters, and OFCs
Rating: G to PG-13 for some fighting sequences
Disclaimer: As much as I would love to claim Wonderland and all it's gloriousness, I cannot. Therefore, I give all credit to Lewis Carroll, Disney and Tim Burton.
Summary: Imagine being the granddaughter of the great Alice of Wonderland. Imagine for a minute that you wished you could go to the place where you heard the stories? Could it be possible? This world makes you think that it couldn't be, but really, could it?

“Fear not, Champion,” came a deep voice below her. Renenvere could feel Melody’s anxiety through his skin. “I have seen many-a battle. And you will do well, Lady.”

“I’m glad someone has a vote of confidence in me,” Melody timidly replied. “Thank you, Renenvere.”

The horse bowed his head and whinnied. He stamped his hooves in the dust.

Melody gulped as she looked over the rolling hills into the land that she was about to enter. It was dark and gloomy. Thick, black clouds hung over the kingdom as an eerie glow from the sunrise pleaded to peak through. Her heart began to ache even more. Just knowing she was going into a dreary land forced her emotions to turn. She felt as if the Devil himself was laying his hand on her soul, grasping at her heart, ready to claim it from her body at any moment.

Her breath was coming quicker. She knew she had to make her move soon. If she didn’t, she would be frozen in this spot for a length of time and eventually retreat like a coward.

She slowly raised the Vorpal sword over her head, ready to give the signal.

“You didn’t think I would let you go into battle alone, now did ye?” came a thick roguish voice at her side.

Melody whipped her head to see Tarrant standing at the side of the horse. She let a smile faintly play on her lips. Tarrant looked at her and let his gaze soften.

“Melody, I am so sorry for the way that I acted. There was no need for it. I was just scared that something would happen to you and I didn’t know what I would do if it did and I couldn’t live with myself is something did happen to you because-”


Melody stopped Tarrant’s rapidly accelerating apology.

“Thank you. I’m fine.”

“There’s no time for that now. We have a fight to win,” she said with a smile. She reached down and grabbed Tarrant’s hand, pulling him up on the horse with her.

“Underlandians!” She said as she raised the Vorpal sword.

They echoed her cry and readied themselves for battle. Melody felt Tarrant place his hands on her waist as he leaned in to her ear.

“You will do well, my Champion,” he whispered. He let his kiss linger behind her ear and smiled against her skin.

Melody felt her blood warm at his touch and it gave her the courage that she needed. She rapped the reigns against Renenvere and signaled to him to move on. They slowly made their way into Brungretter. Melody could feel the perspiration on her palms and she felt the reigns slipping a little. She tightly squeezed them in her hands and tensed her arms.

“’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe...” Tarrant whispered against her ear as they trotted through the dark land.

Melody smiled. “I shall n’er look at that poem the same after I have heard you speak it, Tarrant.”

“Does it calm, ye, lass?”

“Indeed, it does. Not so much the poem. But...your voice.”

“Ah. Then I shall continue. ‘He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought-So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought.’ “

By time Tarrant finished the next phrase, they made it up to the castle. Melody pulled on the reigns and Renenvere came to a stop. Her heart was racing so fast. She hadn’t had time to think what she was going to do or plan on how she was going to rescue Mirana. Tarrant had helped her calm her spirits-nay, distracted her.

“I will ask you once again, my Queen,” Brennan hissed through his teeth, “where is your Champion?!”

Mirana continued to keep her lips closed and stared Brennan down. He wasn’t too pleased with this answer and he slapped her across the face.

“Where is he!? I want to kill the man that killed my father!”

The door opening to the room echoed off the walls as a little, stout man inched his way closer to Brennan. He slowly lowered in a bow.

“Your, Majesty,” said Vrellen to Brennan.

“Vrellen.” Brennan walked up to the little man. “Have you found any news on this Champion of the White Queen?”

The little man paused. He looked to the Mirana, who’s eyes were closed. She looked as if she might be fighting off tears.

“I have new news, sir. News that has come as a shock to us all.”

“What is it?”

“The descendant of Alice has returned.”

“Yes, yes, I already knew that. Melody is her name,” he said with a bit of irritation. “We met her at the ball, remember? Or do you not keep anything locked away in that puny, bald head of yours?”

Vrellen coward at Brennan’s snide remark. “A thousand pardons, sir. I forgot. It seems, Your Majesty, uh,” he hesitated as he looked at Brennan, “That this Melody is the new champion. As were her grandmothers before her.”

“I knew it.”

Brennan paced the room. He knew that he should have taken Melody away that night at the ball. It would have been so easy. But, no. He had to play the “nice” card and pretend that he actually liked her. She was beautiful, of course. Long flowing blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, bright red lips. Hips that were perfect for childbearing. He closed his eyes. He couldn’t fantasize about her. He needed to destroy her. As long as the bloodline of Alice was still alive, there would be good in Underland and the White Queen would rule.

“There is one more thing, Your Majesty,” Vrellen cautiously stated.

Brennan whipped around from his reverie. “This had better be good or I will see fit to have you bound, gagged, and hung so the vultures can slowly eat you alive.”

Vrellen flinched at the words. He tried to erase the image that was floating in his head, but he could not.

“Beg pardon, sir, but...” he quietly began, “in order for you to fully become King, since your father never left your name to anyone to hold the crown, you must seize the Vorpal sword. If you do not, you will never fully be King.”

Brennan clenched his jaw. He pressed his fingers painfully tight against his palms threatening his tendons to snap.

“You must also slay the person that killed your father in order for the debt to be paid.”

“That was already on my ‘To Do’ list.” Brennan turned again to Mirana. He placed his hands on the arms of the chair and moved his face close to hers. “” he breathed.

Mirana felt her stomach creep into her throat. She didn’t know if she was repulsed by Brennan’s sudden rancid breath or the fear that emanated from him. Or, maybe it was both. She continued to sit silent. Her arms were bound to the chair by an invisible force and she couldn’t move. Brennan had a spell placed around her that only he was allowed to get within close proximity of her.

“Tell me!” he bellowed.

“I do not know where she is,” Mirana finally whispered. “She is not in Underland anymore. She went home. And I have no idea where home is.”

Brennan backed away cursing. He slammed his hand against the table and shoved parchments flying into the air. This was not the answer he was looking for.

“What do you mean you do not know where her home is? Didn’t you send her there?” He stated as he approached her once again. “Oh, do come now, Queeny....clearly you know the answer to the question.” He ran a cold finger against her jawline. “This would be less painful if you would just tell me. You would be free to go back to your pleasantly happy life in Marmoreal and never have to worry about me again.”

Mirana kept her gaze lowered. She never made eye contact with him for fear of bursting into tears. She had never been a person that scared easily, but she was thinking of her kingdom and the people that occupied it. They were loving, caring people and she couldn’t stand to see something happen to them. Silently, she prayed for Melody to come back.

Melody and Tarrant stepped down from Renenvere. She looked at the giant wall guarding the castle.

“We won’t be able to sneak in quietly. Eventually, they will know we are here.”

Tarrant looked around. Melody was right. If they tried breaking into the castle through the main gateway, they would be caught and bound. Tarrant looked down the wall and saw a door. He stepped away from Melody and cautiously opened the door.

“Melody!” he whispered loudly. “This way!”

Melody quickly walked over to him. He opened the door slowly and noticed that they were able to get in through the door. It wasn’t locked. Foolish, guards. Melody motioned for her men to come.

Melody slowly peeked her head in the door and looked around. This will be easy, she though to herself.

“There are two guards,” she said as she pulled her head back. “Tarrant and I will go in and disarm them. Nivens, stand by the door. When you see me give the order, have the men come in and wait. If the Black King’s men charge, fight back. Do not back down. Understood?”

All the men nodded in agreement.

Melody grabbed Tarrant’s hand and they walked into the courtyard. She held the Vorpal sword at hand, ready to strike at any moment. Her hands were shaking. She had never killed before, nor did she plan on it. Her only motive right now was to free Mirana and capture the Black King. She had no intentions of killing him. Not yet. If he did die, it wouldn’t be by her hand.

“Oi! What’s this!?” one of the guards said smacking the other in the arm.

The two men got up from the card game they were playing, swords drawn. Melody tightened her grip on the handle and felt the sword’s energy increase in her fingers. Tarrant and Melody continued to advance on the men.

“Stop! In the name of the King of Brungretter!”

When the two men saw that Tarrant and Melody were not backing down, they charged.

“Now!” Melody yelled to Tarrant.

She moved forward to the men and crossed blades. They danced and weaved in rhythm. The sword moved on its own accord. Melody couldn’t believe how light the sword felt in her hands. It swept through the air with such ease. It was like it was made for her. It was made for me, she thought. Made for a true Champion.

She lunged herself at one of the men as he tried grabbing her and pulling her towards him. She lifted her leg and kneed him in the groin. He bent over, crying out in pain like a little child. He writhed in the dirt while Melody stood over him, ready, in case he played possum.

“Oi! Wench!” the man on the ground yelled. “You’ll pay for this!”

He reached for his sword as he saw Melody stepping back, Vorpal sword placed across her chest.

“Melody!” Tarrant yelled. He motioned his head over to the side.

A couple more men came out of the side of the building, weapons drawn. Melody’s eyes grew wide in horror. This can’t be happening, she thought. It was so easy!

“Tarrant, what are we going to do?!”

“Surrender, you bloody wench! That’s what!” the man that Melody was fighting hackled.

“Never!” she said as she felt the sword move on its own accord through the air, knocking the man to the ground unconscious. “Nivens! Now! We need help!!”

The little rabbit heard Melody’s cry and he motioned for the men of Underland to go forward and they raised their weapons high in the air. The soldiers to the Black King didn’t have time to raise a reply for reinforcements and they were bombarded by sticks, axes, picks, and other odd paraphernalia. The Black King’s men raised their hands in surrender when they saw that they were never going to be able to fight this alone against the amount of men that they were up against.

“Good work, men!” Melody breathed through heavy sighs.

Tarrant came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “The easy part is over, darling. We still need to find and rescue Mirana.”

Melody nodded. She wiped a bit of sweat off her brow. She noticed how dirty her hands were and she could just imagine what she looked like.

“Nivens,” she exhaled. “Mally and Thackery. You all are coming with me and Tarrant. The rest of you men, stand guard of the castle. Raise a warning if anything should happen. You all were marvelous fighters, and I shall see to it that the White Queen reward you immensely.”

Melody nodded to Tarrant and they walked into the castle. 


Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4
Chapter 5/ Chapter 6/ Chapter 7/ Chapter 8
Chapter 9/ Chapter 10/ Chapter 11/ Chapter 12
Chapter 13/ Chapter 14/ Chapter 15

fairytales, alice in wonderland, johnny depp, disney, writing, tim burton, walt disney, mad hatter, fan fiction, tarrant hightopp, creative writing

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