
Mar 14, 2008 00:27

Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (Warning: violence !)
Summary: AU_AU. This is a story about fear, uncertainty and doubt but also about friendship and love. Ennis and Jack meet each other in the modern time.
Dedication: This story is dedicated to my German beta tanzmaeusi, who encouraged me to write this story. I also want to thank judy-blue-cat who helped me to understand the US-postal service and who also helped me to find the most suitable name for the city where this story takes place.
But tizi17 is the one you should thank the most if you like this story because she is the one who translates it. My special thank is dedicated to poppyhoney_67. She's our second native speaker besides Judy who is willing to help us catching the remaining errors. Thank you all !!

Feedback: Please !! It keeps all of us motivated...

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Prologue: http://mel0804.livejournal.com/37179.html
1 Steel City: http://mel0804.livejournal.com/38777.html
2 Rust Town: http://mel0804.livejournal.com/46005.html
3 Iron District (part 1): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/51964.html
3 Iron District (part 2): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/52662.html
4 17, Allegheny Street, Rust Town (part 1): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/58027.html
4 17, Allegheny Street, Rust Town (part 1): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/58380.html
5 13, Monongahela Alley; Iron District (part 1): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/62609.html
5 13, Monongahela Alley; Iron District (part 2): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/63302.html
6 Jack Twist, 13, Monongahela Alley, Iron District (part 1): http://mel0804.livejournal.com/65673.html

Jack Twist, 13, Monongahela Alley, Iron District (part 2)

A few days later Ennis rang at Jack's door. As usual he waited patiently until he heard the clattering of Jack's crutches on the floor and with a joyful heartbeat he looked into a pair of eyes that reminded him of a bright summer day.

Of a shimmering hum lying in the air, the crackling of life Ennis had heard as a little boy lying in the summer fields, escaped from the parents' grip for a short while. The spicy scent of fresh cut grass and the sweet smell of wild flowers in his nose, the sun that shone hot on his skin waking every single pore of his body to life, and slightly salty taste on his lips. And as he opened his eyes to look into the sky there was the eternity spreading over him, ablaze in an infinite blue that pulled him in, seemed to raise him from the ground the longer he stared into it.

He felt dizzy, drunk from joy that short moment which seemed so endless to him. It was as if the blue would cast a magic spell over him, and a feeling of sheer happiness welled up in him, bigger and more powerful than anything he had ever felt. It bubbled up in his chest and vibrated through his veins - and he felt so free... free and strong and untouchable.
It had been a perfect summer day.

A day that was so vivid in Ennis' memory, seeming like the sole colourful dot in his life - until he looked in Jack's eyes.

“Hey, earth to Ennis. What are you thinking of? Are you daydreaming?“ asked Jack with furrowed brow and looked at him, amused.

“Ohh... oh... n-nooo. I was just thinking...,“ Ennis mumbled sheepishly.

“Must have been beautiful thoughts,“ Jack mused and opened the door wider to let Ennis come inside.

“Hmm... well, yes,“ Ennis said quietly and put the mail on the table in the hallway, as every day. “Got two little parcels for you today,“ he added and rummaged in his bag.

“There,“ he said, holding them out to Jack who looked at him expectantly.
“Sorry,“ mumbled Ennis. “I keep forgetting...“

Jack smiled. “That's the best compliment you can give me Ennis.“

“Hmmm... no, not right,“ Ennis muttered with blushed face. “Where shall I put the parcels?“ he asked softly, looking shyly at Jack.

“Living room. Who're they from Ennis?“

“Ahh... one's from Wyoming. Family Twist... Your parents probably, and the other one from a pharmacy here in town...“

“What's up Jack?“ Ennis asked as he saw Jack's petrified face, as he followed him to the living room, slumping heavily onto the couch.

“I'm not going to take my parents' parcel,“ he said coldly and pushed it with repulsion back into Ennis' hand before he started to open the other delivery.

“But, Jack...,“ Ennis wanted to object, but as he looked into Jack's grim face he became silent. Who was he to decide about that - and if he was honest, he didn't even want to.

Sighing he put the parcel back into his bag, sat near Jack on the sofa and watched with big eyes as Jack opened one drug packet after the other.

“What's all that for?“ he asked hesitantly and pointed to the little heap.

“This and that,“ Jack mumbled absent mindedly and compared invoice with delivery.

“Why that much?“

“Christmas and New Year's around Ennis, remember?“

“Hmmm... but... what about side effects with all that crap here? You really need all that?“ Ennis asked.

Jack looked up and at him, irritated.

“If you really want to know Ennis, I suffer pain. It gets worse when it's cold outside. Also when I had a bad night. And since I have a bad night nearly every night and outside it's fucking cold, the pain is worse. Since painkillers attack the stomach I've got something to take to neutralize it, and then something when nightmares get so bad that I can't sleep at all and... and... and... By the way, Ennis, I give a shit about side and long term effects. I got so much to do with the Here and Now that I just don't want to think of the rest, got it?“ Jack asked bitterly and started to sort his pill boxes into little heaps he could carry with one hand.

“Hmmm...,“ Ennis mumbled distracted and took the drug collection from Jack. “I'll get that...,“ he said quietly, looking at Jack kindly.

Without a word they put the pills in the kitchen and then stood side by side, undecidedly.

“Guess I'll be going then...,“ Ennis muttered reluctantly and went slowly towards the door. Jack followed scuffling, looking after him as he stepped into the hallway.

“Ennis?“ he called him quietly before he could leave his field of vision. Ennis turned around.

“What.... what are you doing tonight?“ asked Jack, and a more peaceful sound was in his voice than minutes ago, as he looked at Ennis carefully, nearly asking for forgiveness.

Ennis looked at him in surprise. “The usual,“ he mumbled and scratched his head. “N-nothing...,“ he confessed ruefully as Jack didn't answer. “Why you asking?“

Jack took several deep breaths. “I... I... uh...,“ he lowered his head bashfully.

Ennis stepped up. “Yes?“

Jack's eyes shimmered azure blue through his long lashes as he looked up at Ennis from below. “I... I thought... well I thought we could go together... to the movies?“

“Well, it was just an idea,“ he added hastily as he saw Ennis' startled expression. “Was a stupid idea. Just forget it, Ennis... I just thought... well... it's been such a long time that I... and I can't go alone so... well... but we don't have to...n-no...“

He stopped dazzled, bearing quietly Ennis' voicelessness and a bit frightened, he wondered if he had gone too far, as suddenly he felt Ennis' hand on his arm.

He looked up questioningly. Ennis looked at him. “I... I've never been to the movies...,“ he confessed abashed and wasn't amazed at Jack's surprised groan. The longer he knew the more he wondered himself what had gone on in his life all those years before.
Despite his limited mobility Jack radiated such a liveliness and dynamic that shattered Ennis - and if he wanted or not he couldn't withdraw from the pull of Jack's mental agility.

“So you've never been to the movies,“ Jack stated and Ennis smiled. That was another characteristic that made Jack seem so alive to Ennis. He repeated sentences, put them as given - and every time it seemed to Ennis as if that mere repeating would edge off some of the weight and sharpness of the facts.

Jack said things in a manageable way and then served Ennis the essence in little bits he was willing to swallow without fighting too much.

“No,“ so Ennis repeated a bit more certainty in his voice. “I've never been to the movies.“

“Shall we change that tonight?“ asked Jack and looked at him challengingly, smiling.

Ennis nodded and felt an excited prickling run down his spine.

“Wonderful,“ Jack stated and didn't expect any objections. “You pick me up at 7.“

“What are we gonna watch?“ asked Ennis. At least he wanted to be a bit prepared.

“No idea,“ Jack said, shrugging. “We'll decide when we're there,“ he said pointedly composed, but the adventurous gleaming in his eyes that brought a warm feeling to Ennis' stomach spoke a different language.

“7 o'clock.“ He said quietly and went down the floor to the exit. “I'll be on time.“

“No doubt about that,“ Jack whispered to himself and stood smiling until he noted the vigorous closing of the door.

Tbc with part 3

obscurity (in english)

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