Ownership - Part Ten B

Jan 18, 2011 23:20

Urgency burned in Chris. Having Chad naked beneath him was intoxicating, and he just wanted to ravage him, every part of him. For so long he had dreamt of being with Chad like this, but he’d never truly believed Chad’s feeling towards him were real. He’d been sure that this was just some childhood crush that would fade as Chad grew older. But now? God he wanted this kid, wanted to own him, make him scream and beg.

He knew technically Chad wasn’t a kid, but he still looked so young and vulnerable, and Chris wanted to shield him from all the bad in the world. For a long time, Chris had put himself in the category of things to protect Chad from, but their confessions had blown all of that out of the water, and nothing short of Chad telling him to would stop Chris now.

Ripping his fingers from Chad’s mouth, the sensation of his tongue working over them far too mind-blowing, he gripped Chad’s legs, hoisting him up slightly. His mouth never left Chad’s neck, biting bruises into the sensitive skin and revelling in the sounds of pleasure Chad made.

Chad was writhing in Chris’ hands, like he was unable to keep still, and as much as Chris enjoyed it, he spoke sternly in Chad’s ear.

“Keep still,” he ordered, his voice low and gruff. Chad immediately ceased all movement and Chris grinned, loving how obedient and without hesitation Chad was. Lowering his hand, finger slick with Chad’s saliva, Chris pushed against the dark, puckered skin, just breaching him.

The muscles in Chad’s body twitched, like he was having to force himself not to move away. Chris knew that Chad had never done this, having been born a werewolf, and Chris didn’t want it to be traumatic for the kid, even as much as he just wanted to push inside Chad’s virgin hole and take him hard and fast.

Pushing a little more forcefully, Chris buried his finger all the way in, Chad’s walls clenching around him as a cry fell from Chad’s lips. Chad’s head was thrown backwards, showing off his abused neck and Chris really wanted to sink his teeth into it, but he held back, there would be time enough for that, he would make sure.

“Put your hands above your head,” Chris said silkily, breath ghosting over Chad’s throat. He stifled a groan as Chad complied immediately, fingers digging into the pillow they found there as his chest lifted from the bed slightly.

Chris worked his finger as he dipped his head, latching onto the skin just above Chad’s collar bone. It had been an awful long time for Chris, but as he crooked his finger, he was surprised how easy it was to find what he was looking for. With a satisfied smirk, Chris lifted his head to watch Chad’s eyes fly open as a loud scream escaped him.

“Fuck,” Chad cried, body lurching up as his back arched. “Oh, fuck.”

Chris worked his finger relentlessly, squeezing in another quickly, pushing them both all the way inside. Chad was rock hard against his belly, dripping pre-cum in copious amounts. Chris didn’t want Chad to come yet, so he used his other hand to circle the base of Chad’s cock, stopping his orgasm in his tracks.

“Nggh. Chris,” Chad gasped, lifting his head to blinke slightly unfocused eyes at him. Chris removed his fingers, lunging over Chad’s body and lifting his legs over his shoulder and bending him almost in half.

He caught Chad’s mouth, biting his lips before plunging his tongue inside, kissing him brutally. His throbbing cock brushed against Chad’s ass as he moved his hands up, grasping Chad’s wrists and squeezing hard.

“Say it,” Chris demanded, staring into Chad’s glowing eyes.

“Yours.” The words were out of Chad’s mouth before he had time to think if that was really what Chris was asking, but his whole body was tight, his skin feeling like it was stretched too far, and he was shaking hard. “I wanna be yours, Chris. Please, make me yours, forever.”

The growl in Chris’ throat was low, almost threatening, but it didn’t scare Chad-quite the opposite. He stared into Chris’ eyes with trust, just for a second before they were gone from his sight, Chris’ face buried in his neck.

Chad screamed, the duel attack of Chris’ teeth splitting the flesh of his neck at the same time as his cock pierced though the tight rim of his ass was almost too much to take. He wanted to cling to Chris, to dig his nails into his back and hold on for dear life, but his hands were still pinned above his head, his body folded in half as Chris thrust into him over and over again.

The pain was intense. Chad could feel Chris’ tongue working to lap up the blood that spilled from his neck, while Chris’s teeth were still buried in him, and Chad’s ass felt like it was being split open. But beneath it all was the best feeling in the world. White bliss exploded behind his eyes as Chris hit that spot inside him again, but Chad’s screams had diminished to more of a gargle, his voice giving out on him.

With each thrust the pain dimmed and more and more until pleasure took over. Chad began to pant, his legs trembling where they resting over Chris’ shoulders.

“Chris. Chris,” he sobbed, tears falling from his eyes. The tears were partly due to the pain but more due to the elation in his heart. Chris was claiming him, marking him as his mate. When it was complete, they would be together forever and nothing could ever tear them apart. He would belong to Chris, but at the same time Chris would belong to him also.

Chad didn’t notice when his hands were released, but he did feel when Chris’ teeth pulled from his neck. Chris’ face appeared over him, framed by his long hair and mouth stained with blood. Chris’ eyes were practically black with lust, and by God he was beautiful.

Trembling fingers brushed over Chad’s cheek, sliding through the tears and wetting the skin. The gentle touch was such a contrast to the brutal way Chris’ hips still pounded against him.

“Chad?” Chris gasped, his movements slowing as his eyes turned concerned, and his thumb wiped away Chad’s tears.

“Don’t stop,” Chad begged, reaching up to dig his fingers into Chris’ arms, holding on. “Please?”

Chris watched him carefully as he slammed into him again, striking Chad’s prostate.

Chad’s head flew back, sending a pleasured cry echoing around Chris’ den. Chad was surprised when he felt his legs drop from Chris’ shoulders, staring at Chris, mouth open, but Chris’ hands gripped his hips, yanking him down onto his cock at the same time as his mouth covered Chad’s.

Wrapping his arms around Chris, soaking up the heat burning from his skin, Chad opened his mouth, letting Chris thrust his tongue inside, giving Chad a taste of his own blood. Chad’s head was spinning, his body being forced into the thin mattress of the bed each time Chris’ fucked into him.

Chris’ movements became faster, and he broke the kiss to pant into Chad’s mouth, an awed expression on his face. Chad just stared right back, the grip on his fingers tightening as sensations ran through his veins, growing more and more intense.

“Love… you,” Chad breathed between gasps, a shocked sound being forced from him with every stab of Chris’ cock.

“Mine,” Chris growled and all Chad could do was nod. “Mine.”

Chris’ fingers dug into Chad’s hips as he yanked him down, impaling him over and over again, every time harder and faster than the last. Chris was groaning, his body was covered in a sheen of sweat, and the sound of each grunt had Chad reeling. His orgasm sped closer and closer to the edge.

“Nggh… Chris.” Chad’s voice was wrecked, barely there. He felt like his veins were about to pop, his blood was speeding through him so fast. “CHRIS!”

Above him Chris cried out, his hips stuttering, right before his mouth latched onto a clean patch of skin on Chad’s throat, teeth piercing the flesh easily.

Chad’s mouth opened in a scream, but no sound came out.

Chris gave one hard thrust, catching Chad’s prostate with unerring precision, and it was all over. Chad came harder than he thought physically possible. Inside him, he could feel Chris pulsing as he came too, and the only thing Chad could think was… he was finally home.

It took a long time for Chris to come down, still buried in Chad’s body, tongue lazily lapping up Chad’s blood. The moment they’d come-it was like he could feel the connection between them link together, and any sense of feeling alone in the world was washed away.

Resting his head against Chad’s, Chris breathed in the scent of his mate, sex and blood and Chad, and smiled, nuzzling against him. That’s when he noticed how still Chad was. Alarmed, Chris lifted up, blinking down at the younger wolf. He took in the pale features of Chad’s face, stark in contrast to the blood smeared over his skin, leaking from the deep gorges on either side of his neck.

Chad’s arms were limp by his sides, his finger nails bloody where they’re clawed at Chris’ skin. His legs rested on the bed, Chris still lying between them, but they didn’t move.

“Chad?” Chris called softly as fear raced through him. Chad didn’t respond. Terrified that he’d gone too far, bitten him too deeply, Chris scrambled to kneel beside his mate, pulling him into his arms while his hand pressed against Chad’s chest, feeling for his heart.

The skin around Chad’s hips was deeply bruised; clear finger marks darkened the skin. Come smeared Chad’s body, his stomach, groin, it dripped from between his legs along with small traces of blood, and Chris felt vaguely sick. What the fuck had he done?

It was still a huge relief when Chris felt the steady thud of Chad’s heart against his hand. A sharp sob exploded from Chris and he realised that he’d never been that scared in his entire life. He held onto Chad tightly, relieved to see the wounds on his neck had almost stopped bleeding. Chris hugged him for a long time, what felt like hours, unable to let him go, unable to lose contact with that beating heart.

Eventually though, Chris lowered Chad to the bed, settling his head on the pillow and watching Chad’s serene face for a minute. Then he staggered to his feet, gathering a cloth and some water, and quickly washing himself down before returning to his mate’s side.

He diligently cleaned Chad, wiping gently over his skin and removing the blood and come. When he was done, Chris crawled in beside him, pulling Chad into his arms so his head was resting against Chris’ chest. Chad never stirred, his sleep was so deep.  Chris laid soft kisses on Chad’s forehead, rough hands stroking over his silky skin, just needing to be touching.

“I love you, so much, Chad,” he whispered to the sleeping man.

Chris didn’t sleep that night, not a wink; he just held his mate close and prayed that he hadn’t scared Chad, or scarred him. He knew claiming could be brutal, sometimes even dangerous as the animal instinct was always very strong as the bond was being created, just as he knew Chad knew that, but the worry was still there. He’d only just gotten the kid; it would kill him to lose him now.

Usually when Jensen woke up, it was to Jared gazing down at him, trailing his fingers through his hair, but when he roused that morning Jared was still sleeping. Smiling, Jensen rose onto his elbow and gazed at his mate. He had only recently really started referring to Jared as his mate in his head, but he really liked the idea of it and wondered when they would take the next step with their relationship.

Jared was gorgeous, even in his sleep. Even the damaged skin of his left eye didn’t deter from his good looks, Jensen barely even saw it anymore. He knew Jared hated it though; he often caught him examining it in a mirror, a scowl on his face. Jensen wondered just how well Doc. Beaver’s salve was going to work, he prayed for Jared’s sake that it really did make a large improvement, then maybe Jared wouldn’t despise the way he looked so much.

In his sleep, Jared flinched, and Jensen frowned, tipping his head to the side. Jared’s eyes were moving under the lids, his brow twitching. It was clear he was dreaming, but Jensen wasn’t certain it was a good dream. Suddenly Jared eyes flew open, a gasp on his lips.

“Hey, you okay?” Jensen asked in concern, wanting to wipe away the perspiration on Jared’s face, but afraid to touch him right away.
Jared panted slightly and groaned, falling back on the bed and wiping a hand over his face. “God I wish these dreams would just quit it already,” he complained, glancing sideways at Jensen.

“Dreams? Like nightmares?” Jensen questioned, concerned by the tired look on Jared’s face.

Jared shrugged. “Sometimes. Often they’re just dreams, but occasionally they turn nasty. It’s almost like I’m reliving the attack, but not quite,” Jared explained, appearing confused.

“What do you see?” Jensen pressed, trying to figure out if there was some way to help his mate.

“You,” Jared said with a smile. “But wolf you. You’re always howling at the moon, and I usually join you. It always seems so real, it’s confusing when I wake up.”

“That doesn’t sound so scary,” Jensen pointed out, but he had to smile that Jared would dream of him at all.

“Not that part, no,” Jared conceded, the expression on his face telling Jensen that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk about it, so Jensen waited patiently, not willing to push him. “The other part… it’s so dark I can’t really make anything out, but I know it’s not me. There’s a man and a wolf is attacking him. I can feel his fear like it was my own, and I try to help, but it’s like I’m not really there, just a non-corporeal bystander.” Jared shivered, staring off into the distance like he was seeing the dream again. “It’s so violent, brutal. But I feel this guy’s determination, he’s not going to give up, and I watch him fight the wolf. I never know the outcome, I always wake up before it’s over, or I see you as a wolf and everything’s calm again.”

Jensen was staring at Jared with wide eyes. This couldn’t be real, could it? “What does the wolf look like?” he asked, his voice shaky.
Jared frowned thoughtfully. “Um, it’s brown, but a light brown. I don’t feel anything from the wolf though, everything comes from the man. He’s something really amazing.”

“Patrick,” Jensen breathed, shaking his head.

Jared’s attention snapped to Jensen, his eyes wide with alarm. “Isn’t that the guy that turned you?” Jared questioned, but Jensen was already rising, his hands trembling violently. “What does that mean?” Jared got up too, following Jensen as he rushed out of their den. “Jensen?”

“We have to talk to Jeff,” Jensen said in a low voice, not willing to tell his theory to Jared in case he was wrong.

Jensen practically ran to Jeff and Samantha’s den, calling out to them as soon as he was inside the tent the shielded the underground entrance. “Jeff? Jeff, I need to talk to you.”

“Jensen, what’s wrong? What is it?” Jared badgered him, hovering nervously, but Jensen just waited, he needed to see the pack’s alpha.

“What the hell?” Jeff grumbled, rubbing his eyes as he appeared, Samantha close behind. When he locked eyes with Jensen, taking in his desperate appearance, he rushed to his side, grasping his arms. “What happened? Did Sterling-”

“No, it’s not Sterling, it’s something else,” Jensen said, trying to remain calm. He relayed everything Jared had told him, ignoring the slightly betrayed look his mate gave him. He was panting when he finished, starting pleadingly at Jeff. “It was Patrick, it sounds exactly the same as when he attacked me. Jeff, do you think this means…?”

Jeff turned curious eyes to Jared, approaching him cautiously. “Jared? When did you start having these dreams?” Jeff asked quietly.
Jared looked confused, but could obviously tell that something important was going on, so he answered Jeff. “Um, as soon as I got here, right before I turned.”

“And it’s always the same? You saw Jensen as a wolf, and Jensen getting attacked by Patrick? You’ve never seen Sterling in any form?” Jeff pressed, Samantha hovering behind him. Jensen hung onto every word, watching Jared expectantly.

“No, I’ve never seen Sterling. But I don’t know that it’s Jensen getting attacked; I can’t see him properly. Now what the hell’s going on? What does this mean?” Jared said in frustration, looking from one person to the other.

“Jared, when a person is turned, for the first month, they… how to put it? They’re able to see things, often traumatic things because they’re the moments that are more imprinted onto your mind,” Jeff tried to explain, but Jared just looked confused. “Jared, they see memories or incidents that belong to their sire.”

Jensen bounced on the balls of his feet, waiting for Jared to get it.

“But… if Sterling was the one that turned me, then why am I seeing Jens… Oh.” Jared’s eyes flew to Jensen’s, and he looked about as stunned as Jensen felt. “But how?”

“I have a theory,” Jensen piped up, biting his lip. “When I found you in the woods, Jared, just before we carried you back here, you struck out with your knife, caught me on the arm. I bled. It looks like Sterling never shared blood with you; he’s not your sire… I am.”

Jared just gaped, like he didn’t know what to say, and Jensen knew the feeling. The thing that worried Jensen though was how Jared was going to take this news.

“It would be another explanation as to why your eye didn’t heal well, you had the injury for longer before werewolf blood was introduced to your bloodstream,” Samantha said cautiously.

“I… That’s… Wow,” Jared stammered, still looking shocked. Jensen stepped towards him, reaching out with his arm, but before he could touch him a howl echoed from outside. It was close, coming from somewhere in the den, and Jensen’s eyes snapped to Jeff’s.

“That’s Tom,” Jeff said, already moving to the exit.

“Jamie,” Jensen muttered, rushing after Jeff, Samantha and Jared right behind him. He could already see that Jeff had shifted, his clothes tearing off him as he charged across the den. Other members of the pack were appearing from their dens, all alert.

Jensen skidded to a stop, turning to look at Samantha. “I told Tom I’d be there,” he said urgently, and Samantha smiled at him.

“You’d better get going then,” she said gently, and Jensen grinned.

“Okay, now I’m confused again. I thought there was some kind of emergency,” Jared said, looking around as if the whole world had just gone insane.

“There is. Jamie’s giving birth,” Jensen said, beaming as he started pulling the sweats he’d worn to bed off. He saw Samantha slipping off her nightdress and felt excitement bubble up in him.

“Really? That’s awesome. Can I come with?” Jared asked, bouncing a little.

“I’m really sorry, Jared, but Jamie’s doing this in wolf form. It’s too dangerous to be near her looking like a human. The only one that will be like that is Doc. Beaver, and we have to be there to make sure Jamie doesn’t tear him apart. She’s going to be very territorial while giving birth, wolves only.”

Jared looked disappointed, but nodded quickly, pushing Jensen gently. “You’d better get going then,” he said with a smile. “Don’t want to keep mommy waiting.”

Jensen quickly stepped up to Jared, rising on his toes a little and planting a firm kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you later,” he promised, and Jared’s eyes went soft as he nodded. Then Jensen turned to see Samantha already shifted, waiting for him. He started running with her, changing form as he went.

Chad woke with a start, hearing the howl pierce through the den. He sat up sharply and looked around, confused that he wasn’t in his own den and that he was naked. Then it all came flooding back, and he glanced around in desperation. His entire body relaxed when he saw Chris lying next to him, watching him warily. Chad beamed, dropping onto his back and looking up at Chris. His mate.

“What’s all the ruckus?” he asked, tipping his head to the exit of Chris’ den, one eyebrow raised in question.

“Jamie’s giving birth,” Chris told him, but his eyes were questioning, and Chad began to feel self-conscious.

“What’s wrong?” Chad asked, his voice shaky. Doubt clouded his mind. Was Chris regretting what they’d done? Did he hate that he had just bound himself to Chad in such a permanent way?

“Are you alright?” Chris whispered, ever so slowly reaching out to touch Chad’s face with the tips of his fingers. Chad frowned in confusion.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked, but then asked a more important question. “Are you? Do you…?”

“I’m so sorry, Chad,” Chris said brokenly, and Chad’s heart sunk. He began backing away, shaking his head as tears formed in his eyes.

“I knew it,” he said, holding back a sob. “I fucking knew it.”

Scrambling to his feet, Chad hunted around for his clothes, but as soon as he was standing he swayed, his head spinning. Chris was at his side in a second, steadying him, but Chad shook him off angrily.

“Don’t,” Chad hissed, refusing to look at Chris. He found his jeans, pulling them on quickly, not caring to find his boxers first. Then he spun on Chris, accusation in his eyes. “I don’t get it. Why? Why did you do it if you didn’t want me?” Tears spilled down his cheeks, and he stared pleadingly at Chris.

“What?” Chris asked, looking taken aback. Then realisation dawned on his face, and he stepped closer, reaching out for Chad, but Chad backed away, almost tripping in his haste. “Chad wait.”

But Chad wasn’t waiting, he turned and bolted for the exit, moving swiftly right up until his vision clouded over, and he had to put his hand against the wall to steady himself. Strong arms looped around his waist, pulling him back against a firm body.

“Slow down, you’re not fully healed yet,” Chris hissed in his ear. Chad stilled, frowning. What did Chris mean, not fully healed? Had he been hurt and forgotten about it?

“What-” He stopped talking when he felt Chris’ tongue trail over his neck, and he hissed when he hit sensitive skin. His hand flew up, touching tenderly and feeling a raw cut on his neck, right where Chris had bitten him during the claim.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Chris whispered, his voice pained, but he brushed his lips against the dip behind Chad’s ear. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me?”

Slowly, Chad turned in Chris’ arms, gazing at him in wonder. Chris’ face was a picture of misery, but his eyes held so much love that Chad gasped at seeing it.

“I don’t understand. I thought…” Chad tried, but couldn’t force himself to voice again the he thought Chris didn’t want him, that he’d changed his mind. It’s not like the older wolf hadn’t run away from him before.

“I lost control a little,” Chris explained, cupping Chad’s face. “I bit you too hard. Jesus, Chad, I could have killed you.”

Touching his neck again, first one side then the other, Chad understood what Chris was upset about. He smiled, leaning into Chris’ hand. “I’m okay,” he promised. “It’s okay. We both know things can get like that during a claim.” Biting his lips, Chad looked down for a second. “You don’t regret it, do you?”

Chris pushed Chad’s head back up, glaring into his eyes angrily. “If you ever ask me that again, I’m not going to be responsible for my actions,” he warned, and Chad stared at him with wide eyes. Then Chris was kissing him, pushing him up against the wall in an action so fast it had the breath expelling from Chad’s lungs.

It only took a second for Chad to start kissing him back, parting his lips to let Chris’ tongue into his mouth as he gasped at the press of Chris’ body against his. He could feel Chris growing hard against his hip bone and shivered in arousal.

“How are you feeling?” Chris asked panting, looking at Chad intently.

Chad wondered how Chris expected him to speak after than and while Chris was still so close, his body in perfect alignment with Chad’s.

“I feel fine,” Chad managed to say, and Chris’ eyes went wicked, causing Chad to gulp.

“Good,” Chris said, grasping Chad by the back of the neck and moving them easily back towards the bed. Chris’ hands pulled at Chad’s jeans, opening them swiftly and pushing them down.

Chad didn’t even have time to step out of them before he was manhandled onto the bed, Chris looming over him. He was kissed within an inch of his life, his hands grasping at any part of Chris he could find. Then Chris stopped, gazing down at him.

“I love you,” Chris said softly, his thumb moving gently over the base of Chad’s throat. “And I’m going to spend the rest of eternity showing you just how much.”

The promise had Chad gasping, but before he could catch his breath, Chris was kissing him again, hands roaming freely over his body, and Chad closed his eyes, giving himself over to the exhilaration that coursed through him. When Chris took him this time, it wasn’t like the claim, it wasn’t him staking his authority over Chad. Chris made love to him, steady and strong, but full of passion and love, and Chad had never been so happy in his entire, long life.

Part 10 A | Part 11 | Master Post

bigbang, ownership, j2

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