Ownership - Part Eleven

Aug 21, 2010 02:31

Jared watched from a safe distance as Jensen stood guard over Tom and Jamie’s cubs. Jared himself still wasn’t allowed close to them in human form, and it gave Jared a pang of longing to be able to shift, mainly so he could share the experience with his mate.

Jamie was getting some much needed sleep while Tom was off hunting with Chris, getting Jamie something to eat. Neither she nor Tom had shifted back to human form after the birth, and Jensen had only shifted back a few times, the first time rushing over to Jared with the biggest smile Jared had ever seen on his mate, declaring that he was a Godfather. Jensen had practically been glowing, like he was the father, not Tom.

“Aww, isn’t that cute?”

Jared turned to see that Chad had joined him, watching Jensen allow the three dark cubs to pounce on him, biting his ear as he snapped playfully at them. Chad had also never looked happier, and Jared grinned at him, shoving him in the shoulder.

“Another long night?” Jared asked, noticing the healing bite marks on his neck. It seemed that both Chris and Chad enjoyed it when Chris marked him up enough for people to see it before it healed fully. Chad beamed at Jared’s comment, but there was a slight flush on his cheeks too. Jared chuckled, but batted his slitted eyes playfully at his friend. “But do you think you could keep it down a little? Some people aren’t quite to the ruckus sex several times a night stage.”

“Aw, is someone jealous?” Chad asked with a delighted grin. “I’m telling you, man. Chris really is an animal. It’s fucking awesome.”

“Gah, Chad. Far too much info, dude,” Jared grimaced, but looked wistfully over at Jensen, taking in the loping smile on his wolfy face, his soft grey-and-white fur and felt a pang in his heart. Yes he wanted Jensen and he to be intimate, but he was also scared of letting himself go, he wanted to wait until he’d experienced another shift to see how he behaved.

“So, you looking forward to tonight?” Chad questioned, his face serious again.

Jared scrunched up his nose, knowing exactly what Chad was talking about. He had been feeling the tingle in his skin all day, and his eyes kept drifting to the sun, which was rapidly lowering in the sky.

“I’m terrified, Chad,” Jared admitted quietly, glancing worried eyes to his friend. “What if I hurt him again?”

“You won’t,” Chad said with certainty. “Look, I know you were worried about having Sterling’s blood in you, but now you know that’s not the case, so chill.” Chad looked thoughtful for a moment. “Also, one thing you have to remember, is that Jensen was made by one crazy wolf, and he turned out okay, right?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Jared conceded, but it didn’t really diminish his worry. The full moon was approaching fast, and there was nothing Jared could do to stop it rising.

“Okay, look. If you’re still worried, then how about I stick around, be here just in case something goes wrong -which it won’t.” Jared stared at Chad, gratitude warring with guilt.

“But what about the hunt? I know you were looking forward to your first full moon hunt with Chris,” Jared pointed out, but Chad shrugged.

“Chris’ll understand,” he said although he didn’t sound a hundred percent certain. “I think he’ll be happy that someone is here to watch over Jensen. He’d probably do it himself if Jensen would let him.”

Just then Chris and Tom burst through the trees, both of them dragging huge lumps of meat, and Jared had to look away, not quite used to seeing raw meat still on the bone with ripped pieces of skin covering it.

Jensen came bounding over, tackling Jared to the ground and licking his face happily. Jared laughed, burying his face in Jensen’s fur and scratching through it with his fingers, rubbing at Jensen’s skin. Then Jensen settled beside him, low to the ground and looking up at him with glittering, jade eyes, shining with delight.

“You’re adorable,” Jared told him, laughing and petting his head. Jensen licked at his hand with a quiet bark before shuffling forward and resting his head on Jared’s thigh. Jared smiled fondly, continuing to scratch behind Jensen’s ear.

Then a lump of meat hit the ground beside him, and Chris was there, his predatory eyes focused completely on Chad.

“Is that for me?” Chad asked, beaming. He crouched beside Chris and let him lick his face, and Jared focused on the adorable sight rather than the dripping meat beside him. But then Chris pounced on Chad, knocking him onto his back causing Chad to gasp. As he moved, Chris shifted, and in no time, he was looming naked over Chad and kissing him deeply.

“O-kay,” Jared muttered, turning away and raising his eyebrows at Jensen. Jared didn’t think he was ever going to get used to the way none of the werewolves had any shame about being naked in front of the others, often not bothering to don clothes at all.

Jared almost put his hands over his ears when he heard Chad moan and gasp, a low growl coming from Chris’ throat. “Get your tight little ass to my den, now,” Chris ordered, and a quiet whimper came from Chad.

Risking a glance over, Jared saw Chris shifting back into a wolf and taking the meat between his sharp teeth. Chad grinned at Jared, excitement illuminating his face and Jared rolled his eyes. His friends had insatiable appetites, it was a wonder they ever left Chris’ den at all. Then they were gone, Chad practically running to get home.

“Come talk to me?” Jared requested, looking back down at Jensen. There was no hesitation in Jensen, and he shifted immediately, sitting naked on the ground and looking at Jared expectantly. “Um, do you think you could get dressed?” Jared asked, trying his best not to ogle at Jensen exposed flesh.

“Oh,” Jensen murmured, looking down at himself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.” Jensen wrapped his arms around himself, like he could hide his body from Jared’s view.

“Believe me; it’s not that I mind… at all. I just don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off you if you stay like that,” Jared admitted, averting his gaze even more.

“You don’t have to, you know?” Jensen said softly, and this had Jared staring back at him. Jensen’s cheeks were flushed, and he bit his lip nervously.

“Jensen… I…” Jared didn’t know what to say. Heat pooled in his belly at the thought of touching Jensen, but his fear was still very real, and his brain reminded him of his plan to wait until after his next shift to try anything.

It broke Jared’s heart to see Jensen’s face fall, his blush more humiliation that embarrassment. Jensen didn’t say another word, shifting back to a wolf. The process still amazing Jared, how effortless it seemed, how painless even though bones were reshaping, flesh was stretching and moving and fur was growing. But this time he didn’t have the mind to marvel at it as Jensen was trotting away, heading back to their den, most likely to dress as Jared had requested.

“Shit,” Jared cursed, knowing he had hurt Jensen’s feeling. His mate probably thought that Jared rejection was because Jared didn’t want him, and he had to make sure Jensen knew that wasn’t the case. Getting to his feet he jogged after the grey-and-white wolf.

He passed Chris’ den and heard the sounds he and Chad were making beneath the ground. Those two had no shame. Jared shook his head and hurried on, making it to the den right after Jensen disappeared inside.

Jared made it into the den just in time to see Jensen standing, having shifted back to human. He moved over to where he kept his clothes, his face like stone, keeping any emotions he was feeling hidden from Jared. But that didn’t help as Jared could feel the rejection stabbing him, coming in clear as a bell from Jensen. Jared moved quickly, stepping up behind Jensen and looping his arms around his waist, stilling him.

“I love you,” Jared whispered into Jensen’s ear, feeling Jensen shiver against him. “I’m just so scared of hurting you.”

Jensen’s hands settled over Jared’s, squeezing gently. “I love you, too,” Jensen admitted. It was the first time they’d said the words aloud to each other, though their eyes had been saying it for days.

Jared turned his nose into Jensen’s skin, breathing him in. His lips trailed over his ear as he spoke. “It’s not that I don’t want you, Jen, please don’t ever think that because I do, so much.”

Jensen’s head tipped to the side and back, resting against Jared’s shoulder. Dipping his head, Jared pressed his lips into Jensen’s neck, kissing softly with an open mouth, tongue flicking out to taste.

Jensen trembled, a small whimpered sound coming from his, and Jared could see his cock growing hard, curling up against his belly. “I don’t believe you’ll ever hurt me,” Jensen whispered, his breath a little harder.

Kissing over Jensen’s shoulder, Jared let one hand rub over his mate’s stomach, trailing through the light hairs trailing down to his erection. “So gorgeous,” Jared whispered, his hand sliding down to touch lightly over Jensen’s cock, feeling it jerk at his touch. “How could I not want you?” he asked, just the idea of anyone not wanting Jensen sounding ridiculous and impossible. Jensen was perfect, in every way.

A shaky breath exhaled passed Jensen’s lips, and he pushed back against Jared slightly. “Jay, please?”

There was nothing in the world that could prevent Jared from answering Jensen’s plea. He curled his hand around Jensen’s cock, squeezing firmly and pulling up, stroking over the silky skin to the head, rubbing his thumb through the pearl of pre-cum there. Jensen gasped, turning his head towards Jared’s.

As Jared stroked him, their lips met, and Jared’s arm tightened around Jensen’s waist, holding him as close as he could, wishing he didn’t have clothes in the way of Jensen’s hot skin. Still kissing him, Jared turned Jensen around, cupping his face and deepening the kiss, pushing his tongue into Jensen’s willing mouth.

Jensen moaned into his mouth, his hips thrusting into Jared’s fist, and Jared pulled back, looking deep into Jensen’s half-lidded eyes. “Do you want this, Jen?” he asked, wanting to be certain.

“Please?” Jensen murmured, leaning back towards Jared and catching his lips again.

Knowing he couldn’t hold back any longer, Jared released his hold on Jensen, while still kissing him deeply and started pulling at his clothes, quickly ridding himself of them until he was fully naked. Then he circled Jensen in his arms, pressing their naked flesh together and started walking them back towards the bed.

As one, they lay down, Jared moving to lie over Jensen. He gazed into his eyes for along moment, seeing no fear or hesitation there. Then he lowered his head, kissing along Jensen’s jaw line, to his neck and down his throat. His own cock was already hard and throbbing between his legs, but he ignored it for the time being, running his hands over Jensen’s skin, down his stomach to his hips, following with open-mouthed kisses.

He quickly reached Jensen’s cock, slipping his lips over it and sucking it into his mouth. Above him, Jensen cried out, his hips lifting, and Jared held them down, keeping Jensen still as he worked his tongue around him, sucking him harder. He allowed some saliva to slip free, coating his finger with it and moving it back to circle around Jensen’s hole.

Lifting his eyes, Jared met Jensen’s, seeing the lust and love shining in them. He kept eye contact, suckling at the head of Jensen’s cock as he gently pushed a finger inside him. Jensen’s eyes fluttered, but he kept them open, staring at Jared.

Working quickly, urgency rising in him, Jared added a second finger, scissoring them inside Jensen’s body. Jensen was trembling, but he relaxed to Jared’s ministrations, and it didn’t take long before Jared could fit three fingers deep inside him, fucking them in and out gently. When he crooked his finger, Jensen’s hips rose sharply from the bed, forcing his cock deep into Jared’s throat, and Jared had to work hard not to gag on him.

“Jay, please? I’m ready,” Jensen begged breathlessly, hands scrambling to find purchase in Jared’s hair, tugging impatiently.

Jared pressed one more time on Jensen’s prostate, sucking him harder, making Jensen cry out again. Then he released him, spitting on his hand and slicking himself up as much as he could. He crawled up Jensen’s body, kissing as he went, pausing for a moment to suckle on his left nipple. Jensen writhed beneath him, and Jared had never seen a more beautiful sight.

“Shit, Jen. I want you so badly,” Jared breathed, kissing his way to Jensen’s mouth and pulling his lips between his teeth. “So fucking gorgeous.”

“Please, Jared, I need you,” Jensen panted, spreading his legs around Jared, staring at him with open want. The way Jensen begged for him rose the speed of Jared’s blood tenfold, and he caught Jensen’s mouth in a passionate kiss, positioning himself at Jensen’s entrance.

When Jared pushed, it was slow, pausing several times to ensure Jensen was adjusting to him alright. Jensen’s hands held him around the chest, arms looped under Jared’s shoulders, leaving Jared to lean heavily with his elbows either side of Jensen’s head. As he felt Jensen relax, making the way easier, Jared pushed in further, hissing at the tight heat that sucked him in. “God you’re so tight,” Jared said through gritted teeth, forcing himself not to plunge all the way in one go.

Jensen groaned, his eyes squeezed closed, but his face a picture of bliss. Finally, Jared was settled as far into Jensen’s body as he could go, and he held still, shaking at the feel of Jensen clenching around him, the walls of his ass fluttering rapidly.

“Move, Jay. Oh God, please move?” Jensen cried, his voice almost a sob of need.

Jared pulled out slowly, leaving just the thick head stretching Jensen’s opening. He watched Jensen’s face carefully as he pushed back inside, a slow steady slide that had them both moaning.

Jensen didn’t think he had ever felt anything so good as Jared deep inside him, moving steadily and peppering his face with kisses. Jensen pulled his legs up slightly, allowing Jared easier access and gasped as the new position had Jared striking his prostate. He clung to Jared’s back, pushing down against him as Jared thrust into him again, moving a little firmer every time.

Jared was whispering praises, telling Jensen how good he felt, how amazing he was, how beautiful, but it was all noise in Jensen’s ears as his pulse throbbed there, drowning out Jared’s words.

“Harder,” Jensen heard himself beg, his teeth biting into Jared’s shoulder when Jared complied, fucking into him with more force that biting was the only way to stop himself from screaming with pleasure.

“Fuck, Jen. Oh fuck, so good,” Jared babbled, catching Jensen by the hair, pulling his teeth off him and turning his head to kiss him hard. Jensen accepted the kiss, feeling Jared’s muscles rippling beneath his hands.

Jensen’s cock was trapped between them, being stimulated by Jared’s firm stomach as he moved rapidly, and Jensen could feel his orgasm building, stirring quickly in his belly.

“Jay,” he cried, having to pull away from the kiss in order to breathe. “Close,” he gasped, sucking in air. “Oh God, so close, Jay.”

He heard Jared growl and glanced at him, seeing his eyes were black with lust, his face flushed with arousal. This almost had Jensen tipping over the edge, but it wasn’t enough. He knew what he needed, but he wasn’t sure Jared would do it or not, not with his fear of hurting Jensen.

“Bite me,” Jensen begged, tipping his head back, displaying his throat. The submissive side of him needed Jared to dominate him, to mark him.

To his surprised, he almost immediately felt Jared’s teeth on the delicate skin of his neck, pressing firmly. Jared growled again, his hips pumping rapidly, hitting Jensen’s prostate every single time, and Jensen realised he was shouting with every hit.

Then Jared’s teeth broke the skin, only just, but enough that Jensen felt it, a sharp stab of pain that had him screaming Jared’s name and pulsing his come all over their bodies. Wave after wave of his orgasm hit, and he barely noticed Jared stilling, groaning loudly against his throat as he came deep inside him.

Jared collapsed after that, panting heavily into Jensen’s neck, his teeth releasing him. Jensen used the time to let his head stop spinning and his body stop tingling and by the time Jared was pulling out and sliding to lie against Jensen’s side, he was almost back to normal.

Turning his head he gazed at Jared, a small smile on his face. Jared was looking at him anxiously, and it tugged at Jensen’s heart that he was still concerned about it, but then he figured it was in his nature now to ensure Jensen’s security at all times.

Wanting to wipe the look from Jared’s face, Jensen leaned over and kissed his lips softly, pulling back with a shy smile. Jared’s face relaxed, and he smiled back, lifting one hand to brush it against Jensen’s cheek.

“I love you,” Jared told him softly, kissing his shoulder.

Jensen beamed, just those words bringing elation to his heart. “I love you, too,” he whispered and turned to snuggle into Jared’s arms, which immediately encased him, holding him protectively. A yawn took Jensen by surprise and he felt Jared chuckle. Jensen simply smiled against his chest, closing his eyes and letting sleep take him away.

Chad flopped onto his back from where he had climaxed on Chris’ lap, their bodies pressed close together. He laughed happily and hummed as Chris began to lick him clean, his tongue rough against his sensitive skin.

“You know, I’m really glad I’m a werewolf, otherwise I think you would have killed me by now,” Chad commented, eyes closed as he enjoyed Chris’ attention.

“You complaining?” Chris asked against the skin of his belly, but his voice was smug, and he nipped at Chad gently.

Chad’s hand went to his neck, fingering the new wound there and shivering at the tinge of pain. “Not in the slightest,” he said honestly. Chris rose over him, still licking at his skin even though it was clean.

“What can I say? Just the scent of you drives me insane,” Chris said huskily, licking over Chad’s lips, asking for entrance which Chad granted immediately. Chris groaned and deepened the kiss, pressing Chad down into the mattress.

Chad chuckled into the kiss and gently pushed Chris back. “As much as I love you, want you and need you,” he said with a smile. “I don’t think I’m ready to go again just yet.”

Chris hummed and continued to kiss over Chad’s face. Chad still marvelled at the difference in Chris, from the reserved, stern wolf he used to be, to the affectionate, sex-driven one that couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

“I could fuck you all day,” Chris told him heatedly, and Chad moaned, shivering at the idea. “I just want you, all the time.” Chris began to lick at Chad’s neck, lapping up the blood there while the wound began to close.

“God, Chris,” Chad gasped, fingers digging deep into his thick hair. It was then that Chad’s sharp hearing caught the sound of Jensen crying out in pleasure in his den not far away, and Chad laughed. “Sounds like we weren’t the only ones going at it. About time Jensen and Jared got it on.”

Chris lifted his head, his mouth vaguely bloodstained. Chad could see the worry in his eyes and sighed. “Jared’s not going to hurt him you know,” Chad told him, and Chris nodded, but he didn’t look convinced.

“I know, but…” Chris trailed off, and Chad sighed. He took a breath before telling Chris his plans.

“I told Jay that I’d stick around during his change. You’re not the only one that’s worried you know? It would make him feel better if he knew someone was there just in case.”

Chris looked at him with wide eyes. “What about the hunt?” he asked, sounding slightly hurt.

“There will be other hunts,” Chad said softly, brushing back Chris’ hair. “And honestly I’m bushed. You’ve worn me out. But I won’t stay if you don’t want me to.”

Chris seemed to deliberate this for a moment, then he deflated, settling beside Chad. “No, you’re right; it’ll be good to have someone there.”

“Let me guess, you’d be there too if Jensen wouldn’t kick your ass for it?” Chad said knowingly, and Chris looked slightly affronted.

“Jensen couldn’t kick my ass if his life depended on it, which in this case it could. But yeah, I’ve already mentioned it to him, but he just isn’t worried, he has complete trust that Jared will be fine. I just hope he’s right.” Chris sulked a little, and Chad just had to kiss him.

“So you’re okay with me staying?” Chad asked watching Chris for any sign of a lie.

“I think it’s amazing of you to offer, and yes, I’m okay with it, but…” Chris paused, his gorgeous blue eyes serious. “Promise me that you’ll be careful? I would hate to have to kill Jared if he hurt you.”

Chad chuckled, but stifled it as he realised that Chris was deadly serious, and this was no time for jokes. “I promise,” Chad said softly. His heart ached knowing that Chris would kill for him, that he really truly loved him and wanted him safe. The hair on the back of Chad’s neck tingled. “The moon’s nearly here. We’d better get ready.”

Chris agreed, and after one last, long lingering kiss, they separated to dressed in loose sweats, knowing they would be removing them again shortly. Chad noticed Chris’ eyes lingering on his body as he covered it up, and he smirked to himself privately.

Chris went with him to Jensen and Jared’s den, not bothering to call inside before entering. Chad followed after him, stopping by his side when he saw the sight of Jensen fast asleep with Jared smiling down at him, fingers carding through his hair.

“It’s time, isn’t it?” Jared asked softly without look up. “I can feel it.”

“Yeah, it’s time,” Chad confirmed, feeling slightly awkward watching their intimate moment. He glanced at Chris, noticing his eyes taking everything in, scrutinising the scene.

“Jen?” Jared whispered, shaking Jensen lightly. “It’s time to wake up, baby.”

Jensen stirred slowly, turning his head into Jared. As his eyes blinked open he smiled, snuggling into Jared further. Chad smiled as Jensen hummed happily, obviously not noticing that they had company just yet. Jensen lifted his head, eyes closed, searching for Jared’s mouth, and Jared didn’t deny him the kiss he was after, taking his lips slowly, lovingly.

“Chris and Chad are here,” Jared whispered against Jensen’s lips and Jensen smiled.

“I know,” he replied, kissing Jared again before turning his head and blushing up at his friends. “Hi,” he said shyly, biting his lip.

“We’ll uh, leave you two to get ready,” Chris said abruptly, but when Chad looked at him, he could see that Chris was satisfied that Jensen was fine, happy. With a cursory nod to Jensen and Jared, Chad followed Chris outside again.

It didn’t take long for Jensen and Jared to emerge, dressed similarly to Chris and Chad. Chad noticed Jared giving the sky a nervous glance, but was distracted by Chris stepping in front of him.

“Be careful,” Chris told him sternly and Chad nodded. “I’ve got to go join the others for the hunt, but I’ll see you as soon as I get back, okay?”

Chad smiled and stepped into Chris, nuzzling against his neck. “Kill something for me?” he said by way of a goodbye, and he heard Chris mumble that he already had, and it was waiting for them outside their den. Chad already had ideas about how he was going to cook it for them, or they could just shift and eat it raw. He’d have to ask Chris which he’d prefer when he got back from the hunt.

Chris stripped off his sweats, handing them to Chad before yanking him close and devouring his mouth hungrily. Chad sank into the kiss, closing his eyes in bliss. He would never get tired of this, he was sure. Then Chris was gone, shifting quickly and loping into the trees to join the rest of the pack.

Chad watched him for a long moment, fingers linger over the wounds in his neck, knowing regrettably that when he shifted they would heal quickly, but he looked forward to Chris replacing them later. Then he turned to see Jensen and Jared talking quietly. He approached them, and Jensen smiled at him.

“There’s no reason for you to be here, Chad,” Jensen said, but he didn’t appear to mind. “But thank you, for making Jared feel safer.”

“No problem. You ready, Jay?” Chad asked, taking in Jared’s nervous face and the way his body was trembling.

“Does it really matter if I’m ready or not?” Jared asked, slightly tersely.

“I guess not,” Chad conceded. “Just remember, don’t fight it or it’ll hurt, okay? If you just let it happen it’ll be easy, just like you see us do all the time.”

Jared laughed quietly. “Yeah, that’s what Jensen keeps telling me,” he said, giving the dark sky another look before staring at his shaking hands. The change was coming, and Chad hoped that Jared took their advice.

Chad stepped back, slipping out of his sweats and touching his hand to his neck again. With a sigh he shifted, ready for anything that could go wrong, but praying it wouldn’t.

The pull from the moon was getting so intense Jared could barely stand it. He moved closer to Jensen for a second, gazing into his green eyes, showing him all the love he felt for him.

“You’re not going to hurt anyone, least of all me,” Jensen promised, kissing him softly. “Just try to relax, okay? I’m going to be right here. You’ll be fine.”

“Okay, okay,” Jared said shakily. He stepped back, moving further away from Jensen, seeing the understanding in his eyes.

It felt like a fire was burning in him, getting hotter and hotter. His hairs stood on end, and his bones felt like they were being crushed. He gasped as he felt his hand contract, squeezing his eyes closed and gritting his teeth. As he did that he felt his teeth ache, splitting his gums, and he cried out in pain.

“Relax, Jared. You’re fighting it,” Jensen's desperate voice sounded close to him, too close.

Yet, Jared tried to do as he was told, blowing out a deep breath, feeling it whistle passed new, longer, sharper teeth. He kept his eyes closed; not wanting to see himself changing, and he attempted to centre himself, like he would before a fight. He let his mind go blank, only the feel of the moon calling to him got through.

Jared barely felt it, he could tell his body was changing, sense things were different, but there was not more pain, and when it all stopped, Jared opened his eyes. He was on all fours, the ground close to his face, and the smells in the air so much stronger now.

He could see his pawed feet, covered in brown fur with sharp, dangerous claws digging into the ground. Then he looked up and warmth flooded through him. Jensen was standing there, still in human form watching him apprehensively.

In a moment of happiness, Jared launched himself at Jensen, knocking him over, and he proceeded to cover his face in delighted licks, taking in the taste of his mate. He could feel his tail wagging, and he rubbed his snout against Jensen’s neck, smelling the lingering scent of blood from where he’d bitten him earlier.

He was elated to discover that he remembered everything, there were no black spots, and he could think clearly, hear perfectly and see better than he had in his life. Then he heard the low growl coming from behind him and turned, seeing Chad there with his teeth bared. He realised what it must have looked like to Chad when he’d pounced on Jensen like that, and he barked happily, his tongue lolling out of his mouth in the least threatening way. Chad barked back, his growl ceasing, and he approached Jared cautiously.

Jared bound over to him, sniffing him and nuzzling against him. Chad responded in kind and then licked his face, conveying how happy he was for him. Jared felt fingers in his fur and shivered, knowing it was Jensen. It was odd that it didn’t feel strange to be a wolf, nothing felt unfamiliar; it felt as if he had always been this way, and that was a huge relief.

“Hey you big lug,” Jensen said, crouching before him and ruffling his fur. Jared licked his face again, barking happily. “You did so good, Jay. I’m so proud of you.”

Jared realised that he could understand Jensen’s words. From what he'd been told, he was sure when he’d first shifted that hadn’t been the case. Then more scents flowed passed his nose, and Jared turned towards the trees, sniffing excitedly. He wanted to explore everything, take in every smell there was, see everything through his new eyes.

Jensen laughed, noticing where his attention was. “Do you wanna go join the hunt?” he asked, pulling his sweats off and heading towards the trees.

Hunt. The idea was exhilarating. The thought of running through the trees, chasing down some prey. He barked again and ran into the trees, turning to make sure Jensen was following. He watched Jensen shift with ease and run over to him. They nuzzled against each other for a moment before they raced together, following the unique scent of the rest of the pack.

Watching them go, Chad was happy for them. He thought about going with them, but he really didn’t want to encroach on their time together. His stomach growled, and he made his way back to Chris’ den where the meat still sat and began to eat, enjoying the food his mate had hunted for him.

Once he was done he yawned widely and settled down, head on his paws. Sleep was almost upon him when his fur bristled. Something was wrong. Chad was on his feet in an instant, alert, his sharp eyes scanning the camp, but finding nothing amiss. He began to stalk through the den, sniffing at everything, searching for what was wrong. That’s when he smelled them.

Just then, several wolves emerged from the trees, there must have been about ten of them at first count and none of them belonged to Jeff’s pack. Chad picked up a familiar scent, and his eyes quickly found the source. Leading the way were the two wolves Chad had saved Chris from, and fear gripped tightly at Chad’s throat.

With a quick glance around the camp, Chad saw that there weren’t enough wolves to fight them off, and not far away from him was Jamie, her cubs feeding from her as she lay on her side. Most of the other wolves were female, too, and although Chad knew they could hold their own in a hunt, he also knew they were no match for the wolves in Sterling’s pack.

Desperately, Chad tipped his head back and howled, sending up the alert signal as loudly as he could. Unfortunately, this drew attention to himself and several wolves charged at him. Chad stood his ground, teeth bared. He glance quickly at Jamie, terrified for her cubs and knowing that a rival pack would go for them first, not liking when other packs grew stronger by breeding. He was right, Jamie stood protectively before her three cubs who cowered behind her, terrified, while three wolves stalked closer, low growls filling the air.

Chris was surprised, but pleased, when Jensen and Jared burst through the trees, running close together and radiating joy. The whole pack surrounded them, sniffing at Jared and welcoming him like a long-lost brother. Chris gazed into the trees, disappointed, but not surprised, that Chad hadn’t joined them.

His mate had said he was tired, and Chris hoped that he would eat some of the meat he’d brought him and get some rest. The idea had Chris’ skin tingling, knowing that Chad’s stamina and strength would be fully restored by the time he got back.

Chris greeted Jared, just like the others, nuzzling him a little. It was his way of apologising for being to hard on him. He felt Jensen by his side, brushing against him in thanks. Then Jeff barked at them, Samantha by his side, and the pack refocused their attentions, ready to hunt.

Jensen and Jared hung back a little, giving Jared the chance to get into the swing of things and Chris fully approved. They’d just caught the scent of a herd of deer, moving more quietly through the forest when Chris’ ears pricked.

The sound of an urgent howl split through the night and every muscle in Chris’ body tensed. He would know the sound of Chad’s howl anywhere, and this was a warning, the alarm call. Chris was sprinting through the trees before Jeff could bark a single order. All he knew was Chad was in trouble, and Chris would rip anything that hurt his mate to shreds.

Pulled up short by Chad’s howl, Jensen glanced at Jared, noticing his ears pricked and teeth bared. He obviously knew something was wrong. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chris racing off into the trees and went to follow, but Jeff’s sharp bark stopped him, turning back to his alpha.

The pack gathered around him, but Jeff didn’t waste anytime, he took point and barked again, leading his pack back home, running at a fast pace. Jensen ensured that Jared was with him and followed Jeff, terror in his heart at what could be wrong that Chad would sound the alarm.

After a couple of minutes, Jensen noticed that Jared had stopped a little way back, growling into the trees. He barked at him, but Jared ignored him, glaring with alert eyes at whatever had caught his attention. Jensen rushed over to him, muscles tense as he followed Jared’s gaze. What he saw had his heart stopping.

Sterling strode confidently out of the trees, flanked by a blond wolf who bared his teeth at them. Jared immediately stepped protectively in front of Jensen, growling at him to stay back. The order was clear, and there was nothing Jensen could do but comply.

To Jensen’s surprised, Sterling shifted, standing tall and proud and smiling nastily at Jared. Sterling’s companion stayed slightly in front of his alpha, in the way in case they pounced at him while he was in his vulnerable form.

“Jared, Jared,” Sterling said with feigned sadness, shaking his head. “We had a deal. I was going to set you free, and you stopped me. That wasn’t very nice.”

Without thinking, Jensen shifted, standing behind Jared who growled at him, but didn’t stop him from speaking to Sterling.

“You bastard. What are you doing?” Jensen demanded, thinking about Chad’s alarm.

“Oh, you mean the rest of my pack who are at this very moment destroying your helpless den?” Sterling asked, his voice blasé.

Jared took a step forward, snarling angrily, but he stopped when Sterling defender shadowed his move. Fear gripped Jensen’s heart, his first thoughts going to Jamie and the cubs. They would be helpless against an attack, and he just prayed Jeff could get there in time.

“Why?” Jensen asked, bewildered. “What reason could you possibly have for attacking us? We stay out of your way, you do the same. We’ve lived like that for so long now, what changed?”

“Well for one thing I got stabbed with a silver fucking blade,” Sterling snarled, eyes resting on Jared again. “I was prepared to keep it between us. All I wanted was what was mine, nothing more.”

“Jared’s isn’t yours,” Jensen snapped, his hand going into Jared’s fur, holding on tight. “It wasn’t your blood that sired Jared.” He raised his head defiantly, even proudly. “It was mine.”

Sterling looked taken aback by this statement, but narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Either way, he was mine to claim, but now? He’s mine to destroy.”

Sterling shifted quickly, and Jensen only had enough time to do the same before the two enemy wolves were on them. Sterling went directly for Jared while the blond wolf leapt at Jensen.

Chad was relieved that his call had alerted those that had not already noticed the wolves encroaching on their Den, and many ran right to Jamie’s aid. There were bodies clashing everywhere, every wolf getting into the fray, but before Chad were still the two wolves he’d met before, the wolves that had nearly killed him.

Bearing his teeth, Chad snarled at them, but he stood his ground, prepared for when they attacked. They leapt as one, and Chad only had time to dart to one side, avoiding their collision. He immediately snapped his powerful jaws at the closest one, a shaggy, but large, grey. He caught the grey’s hind leg, sinking his teeth in before being forced to release him as the other wolf, a heavily muscled red, went for his neck.

Chad swiped his claws at the red, forcing him to back off slightly, but while his attention was diverted, the grey caught him along the back with a long scratch. Chad yelped, spinning to catch him in the snout with his claws, drawing blood. It was not an even fight, every time Chad was focused on one wolf the other would use his distraction to wound him.

He received a vicious bite to his hind quarters, more scratches down his sides, and soon his blood was dripping into the dirt beneath him, and his strength was failing. But still he fought hard. The red circled behind him, splitting his attention between the two, while the grey stayed in front. Chad didn’t know where to look, darting from the grey to the red and back again.

When the grey charged at him, teeth bared, Chad dropped to the ground, forcing the wolf to go above him, and as soon as he was close enough, Chad rose up, clamping his jaw tightly around his throat. He bit as hard as he could, blood filling his mouth but when the teeth of the red fastened to the back of his neck, forcing him into the ground, Chad couldn’t help but release him.

Out of his peripheral vision, Chad could see the wolves surrounding and protecting Jamie were outnumbered, and two wolves were preparing to charge at the new mother. Chad pushed up against the red holding him down, forcing his teeth deeper into Chad’s neck, but he couldn’t escape the hold. In front of him, the grey was getting to his feet, shaking off the bite Chad had inflicted. Not deep enough to kill, Chad thought miserably.

Chad growled, trying to rip himself free, needing to get to Jamie, to help her and the cubs, who had yet to even be named. The grey stalked towards him, a simile of a smile of his wolf face, lips pulled back, it opened its jaws. Chad glanced yet again to Jamie as she stood protectively before her cubs, ready to die to protect them. Chad closed his eyes, not willing to see the brave wolf die, to see the cubs destroyed.

Barging into the den, Chris’ teeth were already prepared to tear something apart, but the scene before him had him pulling up short. Where was he supposed to start? All around, members of his pack were fighting off members of Sterling’s pack, mostly the she-wolves they’d left behind to go hunt.

Then Chris’ eyes fell on Jamie, and he began to charge, determined to get there before the wolves surrounding her and her cubs pounced. They appeared to be enjoying tormenting and teasing her, lunging and then pulling back.

Somehow, through the chaos happening around him, Chris picked out a whimper. It was a sound he knew well, one he had caused, but this whimper was not pleasured, it was defeated. Whipping his head round quickly, Chris’ keen eyes found the source of the sound and found Chad, pinned down and bleeding with two wolves standing over him-Chris would never forget the look of those wolves.

Chris was torn. Every instinct told him to go to Chad, to save his mate, but then there was Jamie. Chad would never forgive Chris if he didn’t help the she-wolf and her cubs. Snarling angrily, Chris continued his original course, while at the same time his heart slit open, bleeding inside him at leaving Chad to his fate.

Then Tom was there, barrelling into the wolves taunting his mate, and Chris didn’t hesitate to charge at the wolves about to kill his own. He would not let them succeed where they failed before.

Meeting Sterling head on, Jared barged into him. It was surprising that he wasn’t sent flying, instead he and Sterling locked together, as though deer locking antlers. Jared’s growl was furious, and he swiped at Sterling, catching his face with a hard hit, claws drawing blood. Sterling backed off, shaking his snout in disbelief.

Jared didn’t give him time to recover. He leapt at him, knocking him to the ground and sank his teeth into his back, biting as hard as he could. Sterling howled in pain, twisting beneath Jared’s grasp and somehow managing to get free. Claws streaked down Jared’s left front leg, all the way to his paw, the pain startling Jared, but he shook it off quickly.

Behind him he could hear the sounds of Jensen battling with the other wolf, he wanted so desperately to help him, but he knew that if he looked away from Sterling, even for a second, he wouldn’t be any help to anyone.

Jared and Sterling circled each other slowly, Jared’s jaws dripping with Sterling’s blood as he limped slightly from his own wound. As soon as Sterling moved, Jared met his action, and they clashed again, dangerous paws flying, catching, scratching. Jared took a hit to his snout while Sterling suffered a laceration to his back.

They were evenly matched, and this seemed to enrage Sterling. He pounced on Jared, using the entire weight of his body, but it seemed that Jared’s training as a human followed through even to his wolf form. He rolled with Sterling's attack, using his weight against him so they ended up with Sterling on his back, Jared standing over him.

Jared didn’t waste a second of his advantage. He clamped his jaws tightly over Sterling throat, shaking his head viciously as his teeth cut through the flesh. Jared yanked his head away, ripping Sterling’s throat from his body, then he went back for more, his rage taking over. This wolf had tried to kill his mate, had nearly succeeded, and Jared wasn’t going to stand for it.

He tore into Sterling’s throat again, pulling more flesh free, as Sterling’s blood pulsed, spraying his face. Sterling’s body was still beneath him, and Jared let the meat fall from his mouth. He could tell Sterling was dead, unable to hear his heart beat or his breath. Jared turned, prepared to defend Jensen with his life, but was impressed to see his mate with a tight grip on his enemy’s throat.

Jared barked at Jensen, and Jensen met his eyes. Slowly, Jensen released his grip, letting the wolf free. The lone wolf took in the sight of his fallen alpha and then stared at Jared with alarmed eyes. He back away slowly, waiting to see if Jensen or Jared would attack him, but when they didn’t, the wolf turned and ran, sending a howl into the air as he went.

Jared raced to Jensen’s side, sniffing at him, nuzzling him, checking every part of him he could find, but seeing that he’d escaped the fight mostly unscathed. Jared whined against Jensen’s jaw, rubbing against him. Jensen returned the attention in kind before backing off and edging towards the den.

Jared got the message clearly and together they raced to where the rest of their pack was still fighting.

The weight above him was suddenly gone, and Chad was looking up at Chris ripping violently at the throat of the red wolf, tearing it to shreds. Chad tried to get to his feet, but staggered, falling back down again, having lost too much blood.

The grey, momentarily startled by Chris’ attack, resumed his advance. Chad tried to lash out, to keep him at bay, but his moves were sloppy and weak, his paw dropping ineffectually to the ground.

A howl pierced the air, and all of Sterling’s pack stopped dead, backing away from the numbers of Jeff’s pack that now overpowered them. The grey however, charged towards Chad, and Chad shrank to the ground, trying to make himself a smaller target. Before the grey could get to him, Chris was there, knocking the wolf aside and lunging at him, his skill and strength allowing him the upper hand, and Chris didn’t waste it, biting into the grey viciously.

The grey didn’t last long, the wound Chad had already inflicted making him weaker than the red, and Chris finished him off within seconds. Chad glanced over in alarm to where Jamie had been, seeing Tom standing triumphantly over one dead wolf while the other were racing away, retreating back into the forest.

Chad closed his eyes, exhaustion pulling him under, but then Chris was there, nudging him with his snout, a worried whine rumbling in his throat. Chad looked up, managing to lift his head slightly, and he licked at Chris’ mouth, tasting the blood of their enemies there.

Chris shifted, kneeling beside Chad’s wolf form and used his hands to examine his wounds.

“You’re alright,” Chris said gently, burying his face in Chad’s bloodied fur. “You’re alright.” Chris’ voice was filled with relief, and Chad managed to shuffle closer to him, whining softly.

“Chris?” Jeff was there, Samantha by his side as always. They both had blood smeared on their naked skin, but their faces were fraught with worry.

“He’s going to be okay,” Chris told them, and Samantha smiled, though she still looked worried. “What is it?” Chris asked, and Chad was on alert as much as he could be.

“Where are Jensen and Jared?” Jeff asked, his eyes scanning the den frantically.

Chris was on his feet in a second, and Chad let his own eyes scan their surroundings, finding no sign of the two wolves in question.

“I don’t know,” Chris said honestly, his muscled body tight. “I didn’t see them.”

“There,” Samantha said in relief, pointing to the far end of the den where Jensen and Jared crashed into view, both slightly bloody, and Jared limping a little bit.

It was over. Chad let himself relax back onto the ground, tiredness overwhelming him. He barely noticed Chris lifting him and carrying him back to his den, or was it their den now? Chad was asleep before they even got there.

Rushing over to Jensen and Jared, Jeff watched Jensen shift, meeting him and launching himself into his arms, hugging his adopted father tightly.

“Oh, thank God,” Jensen breathed, nuzzling into Jeff’s neck affectionately.

“I could say the same thing,” Jeff told him, holding him close for a second before pushing him back. “What happened to you two?”

“Sterling,” Jensen replied grimly, and Jeff’s body tensed. “Jared killed him.”

Surprise coloured Jeff’s features, and he looked down at the limping wolf. Jared collapsed onto the ground, licking at his injured paw.

“Jared killed an alpha?” Jeff asked, needing to be sure he heard it correctly. Jensen nodded and gazed proudly at his mate. “Well, that’s…” He crouched in front of Jared, petting his head gently. “Thank you, Jared,” he said kindly, his voice full of respect and admiration. Jared licked at his hand, and Jeff laughed.

“Everyone else?” Jensen questioned, his eyes roaming the den, taking in the injured, but Jeff knew he was looking out for Jamie and her cubs.

“They’re fine, Jensen,” Jeff assured him, nodding his head in the direction of Tom and Jamie, their three cubs uninjured though they stayed close to their parents. Jensen visibly relaxed. “Chad took quite a beating, but it looks like he’s going to be fine,” Jeff continued to tell them, noticing how Jared looked up sharply at the mention of Chad’s name. “Chris took him home, he’s sleeping right now,” Jeff told Jared, and Jared snorted in understanding.

“So,” Samantha said, snuggling under Jeff’s arm. “Looks like Sterling’s pack is alpha-less for the time being. I wonder who will step up to the plate next.”

“Let’s hope it’s someone with a bit more compassion than their last leader,” Jensen said bitterly.

“Yes,” Jeff agreed, troubled. “Let’s hope.  Come on, I think we could all do with some rest.”

No one could disagree. Jeff could see Jim flitting about the den, checking on the wounded and went to meet him, leaving Samantha with Jensen and Jared.

“Jim?” he said in greeting, but it was also a question.

“No fatalities,” Jim launched right into his report. “Not on our side at least. Quite a few scrapes and bites, but nothing that shouldn’t be healed with a day. We got off lightly, Jeff.”

“I know,” Jeff conceded, eyes gazing around at his pack with pride. “But it does go to show how strong we are when we stick together.”

Jim nodded his agreement, patting Jeff on the shoulder before going back to his work.

Part Ten | Part Twelve | Master Post

bigbang, ownership, j2

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