Ownership - Part Two

Aug 21, 2010 02:15

As the afternoon crept on, Jensen was awoken by heavy breathing coming from the bed.  He leapt from his chair, ignoring the aches and pains that sleeping in such a cramped way caused, and watched Jared anxiously.

The man appeared to be trapped in a nightmare, one that was causing him pain.  His head thrashed from side to side, his teeth were gritted together so tightly Jensen feared they would break, and his muscles were taught and tense under the thin sheet that was now soaked in sweat.

It was with a trembling hand that Jensen reached out to shake Jared awake, worried that he would scare him more.

“Jared.  Come on, buddy, wake up,” he urged, his hand on Jared’s shoulder.

With a huge gasp of air, Jared’s upper body rose from the bed until he was sitting up, hunched over his legs.

“It wasn’t a wolf,” he choked, his voice hoarse as though the air he’d sucked in had dried his throat of all moisture.
Jensen quickly retrieved a glass of water for him, holding it to his lips, and was satisfied when Jared gulped it down, coughing a little afterwards.

“It wasn’t a wolf,” Jared repeated, his hand shooting out to grab hold of Jensen’s wrist, showing surprising strength as he almost made Jensen cry out in pain.  Wide and confused hazel eyes turned to Jensen, begging him to understand.  “But I’m not sure it was a man either.”

Jensen looked down at Jared, carefully peeling his fingers from their painful grip on Jensen’s wrist and asked, “What do you remember?”

“I don’t understand,” Jared growled, getting frustrated.  “I thought it was a wolf; you said it was a wolf,” he accused, then to Jensen’s alarm he started ripping at his bandages.  “These damn well look like they were done by…”

Both Jensen and Jared gasped when Jared’s torso was revealed.  Part shock and part elation went through Jensen when he saw that the long slashes were mostly healed.  Jensen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, cheer or commiserate.  On the one hand, he knew Jared wouldn’t be dying, on the other; he might never die and would be forced to live a life he didn’t understand and hadn’t asked for.

“You’re changing,” Jensen whispered, unconsciously reaching out to run his fingertips over the partially closed wounds.  He was sure that by the time the moon was full that night, there would be barely a mark left behind.

“What the fuck?” Jared expressed before he noticed Jensen’s roaming hands and slapped them away.  “Get the hell off me.  What’s happening to me?”

Jensen had expected fear, but all he saw in Jared’s expression was confusion mixed with a lot of anger.  He might not be afraid yet, but would that come once Jensen explained what was going to happen to him in just a few short hours?

“Jared?  Jared.  It’s okay,” Jensen called softly, holding out his hands to show he wasn’t a threat.  “I know there’s a lot going on, and I’m sorry to say there’s a hell of a lot more to come, but trust me, you’re going to be okay.”

“That didn’t answer my question, Jensen.  What the fuck is happening to me?” Jared shouted, grabbing onto Jensen’s outstretched hand and pulling him in close, so he could glare into Jensen’s eyes; the rage Jensen saw there scared him.
Before he could answer, Chris burst through the door, eyes, as ever, alert and ready for anything.

“Jen, you okay?  What’s going on?” he demanded, and Jared let out a humourless laugh, releasing Jensen and throwing his hands up.

“That’s exactly what I want to know.”

Giving Chris a wary look, Jensen told him, “He’s going to change, his healing has accelerated.”  Chris pursed his lips and nodded, but the way he looked at Jared now was more calculating, and Jensen knew he was factoring in this new information.  “It’s okay; I’ll explain it to him, but you might want to tell Jeff.”

“He’ll want to come see for himself,” Chris warned and nodded.

“I know, and he should,” Jensen agreed, but he wondered with trepidation how Jeff was going to take the news.

Chris grunted in reply, but turned and left; Jensen could hear him running towards the den.

Then Jensen faced Jared once again.  Jared was still sitting up with his thickly muscled arms crossed over his chest.  “I get that this is really confusing, but I promise I’m going to explain everything.  Just do me a favour and try to stay calm, okay?”

Smiling hopefully, Jensen watched for Jared’s reaction.  Strangely, Jared just rolled his eyes.

“I keep hearing you say you’re going to explain, but I’ve heard very little in the way of an actual explanation,” Jared said pointedly and glared at Jensen expectantly.

Rubbing the back of his neck nervously, Jensen bit his lip and nodded before pulling his chair over and perching on its edge.

“Okay, um, I guess the place to start would be that you were attacked by a wolf, I didn’t lie about that, but it was also a man.”

“So what, some guy’s trained a wolf to be some sort of attack dog?” Jared questioned, leaning forward and paying complete attention now he was finally getting answers.

Jensen frowned and shook his head.  God, how was he supposed to explain this?  “No, I mean that the wolf and the man are the same.”  Jared just looked even more confused, so Jensen decided to just bite the bullet and come out with it.  “He was a werewolf.”

He waited expectantly, not sure what reaction he was going to get, mostly he was sure Jared was going to laugh at him.  Jared shot a hand out and caught Jensen’s shirt, pulling him so they were face to face, Jensen yelped at the surprise move and had to put a hand on Jared’s healing chest to steady himself.

“I may be hurt, but I’m not insane, so don’t take me for a fucking fool,” Jared growled, his eyes dancing with danger.  “Now tell me what’s going on and don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying; I swear.  Jared, just calm down and listen, please?”  Jensen stayed very still, not wanting to aggravate Jared more.  “I know how it sounds, I had a tough time believing it myself, but it’s the truth.  You were attacked by a werewolf; I’m sorry.”

Jared’s face screwed up in anger, and he forcefully pushed Jensen away from him, causing Jensen to stumble before he could steady himself.  Then Jared swung his legs over the side of the bed and threw off the sheet.

“That’s it; I’m out of here,” he snapped as he launched himself to his feet.

Jensen only had a second to catch him as Jared’s legs gave way, crumbling beneath him like he’d never used them before.
“Whoa, you’re in no shape to be going anywhere,” Jensen pointed out, wrapping his arms around Jared’s naked form, Jared sagging against him.

“I’ll be fine,” Jared gritted out even as he rested his head on Jensen’s shoulder for a second.  “I just got a little dizzy; been lying down too long.”  Jared’s voice was slurred, and Jensen feared he might pass out at any second.

“Just sit down for a second, okay?  Think about this.”  Guiding Jared back to the bed, he made him sit, draping the sheet over his lap in a bid to give him a bit of dignity.  He was just in time as Jeff walked in a second later.

“Get me some clothes,” Jared ordered, pushing Jensen away but making no more attempts to stand up.  “And them I’m gone.”

“I’m afraid I can’t allow that.”  Jeff’s deep voice had Jared’s head snapping up.  Jensen watched it take a moment for Jared’s un-patched eye to focus, but then he zeroed in on Jensen’s alpha through a slitted glare.

“Really?” Jared said in a flat tone, and Jensen winced, knowing what Jeff meant and a hundred percent sure Jared wouldn’t like it.  “And how do you expect to stop me?”

“I’m sure I’d find a way,” Jeff threatened, and Jared’s back went stiff.

“Jeff,” Jensen said softly, desperate to ease the tension.

When Jeff turned to Jensen his eyes softened, and he sent him a sad smile.

“Chris said you think he’s going to change,” he said, eyeing Jared again speculatively.  “From the looks of him I’d say you were right.”

Jensen nodded and rubbed the back of his head.  “His wounds are nearly healed; by moon-up I expect he’ll be fine.”

“What about his eye?” Jeff questioned, waving a hand at Jared’s still patched left eye.

“I haven’t looked yet,” Jensen admitted.

“Hello, I’m right here, you know?” Jared snapped, waving his hand at them irritably.  “Talk to me, not about me.”

“He’s angry,” Jeff commented, watching as Jared huffed at being ignored again.

“I thought he’d be scared,” Jensen admitted quietly, thinking back to his first shift, feeling the change happening inside him as the full moon approached.  He’d been petrified, not understanding what was happening to him even though it had been explained by Jeff and Samantha.

Jeff’s hand on his shoulder brought Jensen out of his revere, and the smile told him his alpha understood what was going through his mind.

“Everyone’s different, Jen,” he said kindly, his hand squeezing once before letting go.

Jensen remembered asking Jeff if he’d been scared when he first changed, and Jeff had told him that he’d been the opposite, that he’d had a lot of difficulty reining in his rage as the wolf in him started to emerge.  That story had been repeated through most of the pack; it seemed it was normal to edge to more of the wild side rather than shrink in fear as Jensen had done.

While it was true that everyone was slightly different, Jensen hadn’t heard of anyone who had been as emotionally weak as he had been.  Jeff had told him it wasn’t a weakness to be afraid but Jensen knew differently, he’d been like a child seeing the world for the first time, and he’d just wanted to shy away from it.  It was something he had fought against ever since, determined to grow into a strong member of the pack, someone independent, who didn’t need looking after and was a force to be reckoned with when need be.

Although he had succeeded in those goals, his soft heart still had the rest of the pack treating him like a cub sometimes.

“I’m not some little bitch,” Jared hissed, obviously taking offence to Jensen thinking he’d be scared, but his comment only proved to cut Jensen deeply, like a personal attack.  “And you can’t keep me here.”

While Jensen was still licking his internal wounds, Jeff whirled on Jared, his hand on Jared’s chest as he forced Jared onto his back, pinning him to the bed.  His face was fierce as he snarled at the stranger in their midst.

“You listen to me, you ungrateful bastard.  You’ve been infected, and you will shift into a wolf whether you like it or not, and I’m sorry, but you’re too dangerous to be let loose on your own the first time.  Who knows what damage you’ll do, and I can’t allow that risk.”

Jared was pulling on Jeff’s hand trying to get him off, but Jeff was strong, and no matter how hard he tried, Jared couldn’t pry him loose.

“Get your hands off me; let me up you crazy son of a bitch.  There’s not a chance in hell I’m staying here with you basket cases talking about fucking werewolves.  There’s no such thing, you hear me?”

“You’ll be singing a whole different tune in a few hours,” Jeff said a little calmer, and Jensen was grateful.  It wasn’t Jared’s fault; it was a lot to ask that he believe in fairytale creatures even after everything Jared had been through.

“Look, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I don’t want any part of it.”  He continued to fight against Jeff’s restraining hand to no avail.

Jensen wished there was something he could do or say to calm Jared down.

“Don’t make me regret bringing you to my den,” Jeff growled at Jared, the authority in his voice making Jensen duck his head, staying out of it and letting his alpha take the lead.

Jared was obviously not intimidated, glaring up at Jeff.

“I never asked to be brought here, and I don’t want to stay or be anywhere near you freaks.”  Jared glared defiantly, his body stiff, as if waiting for his chance to attack, or run.

“You should show some appreciation.  If it wasn’t for Jensen here, you would probably be a corpse in the forest by now; even the change couldn’t have saved you.  He saved your life, so I’d watch who you’re calling freak,” Jeff growled lowly and Jensen cringed at being brought into the argument.

Jared’s movements stopped; he tipped his head so he could see Jensen, who tried to smile reassuringly.

“Jared,” Jensen spoke tentatively, glancing at Jeff for permission to continue.  “I get that you don’t understand, but I swear to you, we aren’t going to hurt you.  Just please, give me tonight?  Just tonight.  I’ll answer all your questions, and if tomorrow you still want to go, we won’t stop you.”

Looking from Jeff to Jensen and back again, Jared seemed to be thinking about it.  His gaze finally landed on Jeff, the question clear in his eye as he obviously realised Jeff was the leader, and they would need his say-so for this to be a vow.
When Jeff glanced at Jensen, the younger wolf pleaded with his bright green eyes for him to agree.  He prayed that once Jared changed, he would be more willing to stick around; at least until he understood what was happening to him and what it meant for his future.

Jeff didn’t look too happy, but he sighed and said, “Alright, but he’s not to be left on his own, and he stays in here for his first shift.  I don’t want the pack spending the full moon chasing him down because he freaks out.”

“Yes, thank you,” Jensen agreed eagerly.

“I’ll keep you company,” Chris said from where he leaned against the doorway, and Jensen sent him a brilliant smile; Chris really was the best of friends.

“So, now I’m back to being a prisoner, complete with guards,” Jared complained, glaring at Chris.  Jensen wondered about the animosity between then and if it would settle down once Chris knew Jared wasn’t a threat.

“You shouldn’t be on your own,” Jensen said gently.  “And trust me, you won’t want to be.”

“Fine, you stay, but I’m not having your guard dog growling at me all night.”

“Not on your life,” Chris protested, stepping further into the room.  Jared was immediately on his feet, towering over all of them.

A low growl came from Jeff and Chris stepped back, just as Jared’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he toppled backwards.  Jensen and Jeff darted forward to catch him, settling him back on the bed.

“Careful, you’re still not fully healed,” Jensen murmured, taking in the sheen of sweat forming over Jared’s brow.

“Don’t need a babysitter,” Jared slurred, his head settling back on the pillow as Jensen wiped a damp cloth over his face.

“If it’s going to wind him up, maybe it’s best if Chris wasn’t here.  I don’t really want to be reffing a wresting match all night,” Jensen said, grinning at his friend, who simply rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

“Maybe you’re right, but with Jared’s temper flaring the way it has been, I don’t want you here alone.”  Holding his hand up to stop Jensen’s protest that he wasn’t a cub and could handle himself, Jeff continued.  “Chris, I want you to stand outside and keep an ear on things, just in case.”

Chris folded his arms and nodded with a self-satisfied smirk.

“That okay with you, Jared?” Jensen asked, wanting the man to think he had some say in what was going on, even if he really didn’t.  Jeff had made up his mind and nothing was going to change it now.

“Mmm,” Jared hummed in what Jensen took as agreement and turned his head towards where Jensen was brushing the cloth over his clammy cheek.  Jared’s mouth opened and he let out a couple of panted breaths.  “S’hot.”

Jeff leaned over him and put the back of his hand to Jared’s forehead.  “He’s got a fever.”  Jensen looked at him in alarm.  “It can happen on a first change; just try and keep him cool, and don’t be surprised if he gets a little confused.  Don’t worry; he’ll be fine, it’s just the changes taking effect in his body when he’s already used up a lot of his energy to heal.”

Jensen sighed in relief and licked his lips.  “I wish Doc. Beaver was here.”  At Jeff’s raised eyebrow, he quickly added, “No offence.”

“Don’t worry, son, I know what you mean.  I would feel better with him being around too.”

Jim Beaver just had a way with people; his bedside manner always managed to reassure and comfort the patient, and Jensen had no doubt that if Jim were here, Jared would be a lot calmer.

“I wish I could stick around,” Jeff said, clasping Jensen on the shoulder.  “But the moon is getting close, and I’ve got to get back to the den to organize the pack for the hunt.”

Looking over his shoulder, Jensen smiled gratefully.  “I know; it’s okay.  Probably best you’re not here anyway; we don’t want to antagonize him any more.”  With one last squeeze, Jeff went to go, but Jensen caught his arm.  “And Jeff… thanks.”

“For what?”

“You know, trusting me with this, with Jared.  Letting me pay back a little of what you and Sam gave me, to give that to someone else who needs it,” Jensen explained, his face open and honest, shining with pure appreciation.

Taking a step forward, Jeff took each side of Jensen’s head in his hands.

“I know how much this means to you, Jen.  You’re not a cub anymore, and I trust you can handle it.  Just promise me you’ll be careful and call Chris if you need to.”

Jensen’s heart filled with pride at Jeff’s words, and he vowed to himself that he wouldn’t let his alpha down.
“I will,” he promised sincerely.

“Alright, take care of him, and we’ll bring you back something to eat after the hunt.”

“That’d be great, thanks.”  They all laughed when Jensen’s stomach growled on cue, then Jeff and Chris left Jensen alone with a feverish Jared.

Jensen took a deep breath, psyching himself up for the long night ahead.  It would be the build up to the change that would be the hardest, but he would be there to ease the way as best he could.

Jared could feel his blood burning in his veins; it raced through his system, scorching him as it went, like it had been turned to lava.

Opening his eyes, Jared took in the tall trees reaching for the stars that shone brighter than he’d ever seen before.  Everything was sharper, clearer than normal, even in the darkness that surrounded him, and he could hear all the activity happening in the forest around him, from the animals shifting in their sleep in their burrows to the soft padding of paws on the ground.

A smell crossed his nose and Jared instinctively turned towards it, just as he did a clawed hand swept across his face.  Throwing himself away from the attack, Jared was surprised when he felt no pain, but was too grateful to have escaped injury to think too much about it.

He looked around frantically, his keen eyes searching the trees at a speed that made him dizzy.  He saw flashes of movement trough the leaves and bushes. Sharp teeth glowing white in the moonlight, glistening with saliva.  Eyes that glowed out from an unseen face.

As his ears were filled with growling and snarling that seemed to come from every direction, his heart was seized with a terrible fear, it surrounded and enveloped him.  It was so strong that it knocked him off his feet and took his breath away.  But the terror was not his own; it was borrowed, shared and older than he was.

A pained shriek shot through the forest and the scent of blood filled the air.  Before his eyes, Jared witnessed a tangle of fur and flesh, snapping jaws and tearing skin.  Agonised screams sounded louder than the animal’s snarls and the whole thing was horrifyingly familiar.

Was Jared reliving his attack?  Was this even real?

Through the fear clogging up his airways, Jared felt something else.  Strength.  Determination.  A certainty that he wouldn’t be beaten down, the need to fight to the end.  Admiration bubbled up in Jared, and he forced himself to his feet, determined to help in the battle against this creature.  But as soon as Jared was standing, the scene before him was quiet, the scent of blood was gone, replaced by fresh air and the bark of trees, and the violence that had once dominated the area had vanished, leaving behind a refreshing serenity.  Jared breathed deeply, feeling his body relaxing and the danger becoming a distant memory.

The itch beneath his skin started small, barely noticeable, but it fast became distracting, and once again Jared found himself disorientated as he stumbled through the undergrowth.

A howl shot through the night and had Jared’s feet moving faster, but no matter where he turned, he only appeared to be getting closer.  The faster he moved, the more his veins began to burn again, searing at top speed through him, reaching out to the tips of his fingers through his bones, expanding his heart and lungs, boiling the acid in his stomach and liquefying his brain.  Sweat dripped from his skin, blurring his vision as he stumbled and fell to his knees.

The howling started again.  Jared looked up and right in front of him was a wolf.  Its fur was grey-and-white; its head was tipped back as it called to the full moon glowing brightly above it.

When Jared gazed up, too, he felt a strong pull on the heat in his body, and he cried out as something moved inside him.  His skin prickled and itched, his bones ached, and he felt a hunger gnawing at his belly that he didn’t understand.  There was strength in him waiting to break free, to have control, and now Jared knew the fear he felt was his own.

He hated it, fought against it; Jared didn’t do fear, he was a fighter.  A low growl tore from his throat, turning into an angry howl that pierced the night and echoed in the distance.

Bringing the sound back, cutting it off, Jared gasped for air and looked back to the grey-and-white wolf.  The startling bright green of the wolf eyes met Jared’s and moved closer, as the wolf padded carefully over, a comforting whine greeting Jared’s ears.

Jared could barely breathe; he was burning up.  Then wetness was brushing over his face, wiping away his sweat, and cooling the fire in his skin.  The wolf was licking him, soft green eyes boring into his own.


Jared gasped as his eyes flew open, but something was different.  He could only see through his right eye.  Automatically his hands came up to claw at the padding covering his left eye.

“Hey, hey, careful,” a familiar voice called, and then hands were stopping him, and a face appeared over him.  Startling green eyes looking down worriedly at him.  Jared froze as he stared into the eyes from his dream.  That couldn’t be right; his feverish mind was playing tricks on him, confusing the dream world and reality.

“Jensen?”  The name came to him, and when he spoke it Jensen smiled at him.  “My eye.”

“Okay, we’ll take a look at it,” Jensen promised as he wiped a cool damp cloth over Jared’s face, feeling just like the tongue of the wolf from his dream.  “But you’ve got to take it easy, you’ve got a fever, and the moon is getting close, can you feel it?”
Jared stayed Jensen’s hand, moving it away from his face.  He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, trying to clear it.  Everything was muddled; he couldn’t remember what was a dream and what was reality.

The moon Jensen had said.  Jared glanced at the window and saw it was still light, but the shadows of dusk were closing in.  A sudden image of a grey-and-white wolf howling at the moon flashed before his eyes and Jared shook his head again.
“Alright, let’s take a look and see how your eye’s healing.”  Jensen spoke softly and his hands moved with caution, but Jared allowed him to remove the covering from his injured eye.  As it was slowly peeled away, the light that assaulted him shot straight through Jared’s head, and he instinctively closed his eyes for protection.

“Take it slow,” Jensen advised.

Jared started blinking his eye until the light wasn’t so bad, and he could test his vision.

“Wow, I can’t believe how much it’s healed,” Jensen breathed, moving to face Jared and looking awed at his eye.  “Can you see through it?”

Closing his right eye, Jared tried to focus on Jensen, but his vision was blurry, and he could only make out Jensen’s rough outline.  Huffing in frustration, Jared blinked and tried again.

“No, not really, everything’s all wonky.”  Tentatively he ran his fingertips over the long mark ranging from his hairline to his cheekbone, running right over his eye.  “Can I see it?”

Jensen looked apprehensive, but nodded reaching over to the counter and bringing back a small mirror, handing it to Jared.  Pursing his lips, Jared forced his hand to remain steady as he raised the mirror in front of his face and surveyed the damage.
“Do you think it will scar?” he asked.  The mark was red and angry in the fading light.  His eyelid was puckered and ugly, falling grotesquely over his eye when he blinked, and the eye itself was bloodshot and watery and the iris had a milky white line going through it.

“I don’t know,” Jensen admitted quietly.  “But a lot of healing will happen during the shift so you never know.”

Dropping the mirror into his lap Jared stared at Jensen in exasperation.

“Will you just stop with the werewolf shit?” he exclaimed.  “It wasn’t funny before, and the joke hasn’t gotten any better in time.”

“It’s no joke, Jared.  I’m sorry.  I wish it was but it’s not,” Jensen said sadly he seemed as sincere as ever, but Jared didn’t know him or his freakish friends, who seemed to live deep in the forest, who knew how many people they tried to con like this, and who knew what they were trying to get out of him.

The memory of his dream came back in a flood, but Jared pushed it away violently when it caused that itching to develop under his skin.

“So you say I’m going to change into a werewolf tonight?” he questioned sceptically, and Jensen simply nodded, watching him with wary eyes.  “And I’m going to become some mindless monster that preys on people?”

“What?  No,” Jensen blurted in alarm.  “The wolf is still you, I admit that it’s a little hard to control at first, but with time you’ll find that it’s just another extension of yourself.”  He was so empathic it was hard not to be drawn in even though it didn’t make sense.

“Tonight’s the full moon?” he asked, and even as he said it, he knew it was so, deep down to the very depths of his soul, he knew it.


“Ah, but you see, I was only attacked a few days ago and everyone knows that werewolves only come out on a full moon, so how could it be a werewolf that attacked me?” Jared asked triumphantly, sure he had punched a huge hole in their ruse, but Jensen was shaking his head.

“An older wolf can shift at anytime, even partially shift.  We all feel the pull of the moon, but it’s only newborns or the newly turned that can’t help but shift through it,” Jensen explained calmly and with complete confidence in what he was saying.
Jared could feel the itch back again, working its way up his spine to niggle at the back of his neck.  Sweat dripped into his eyes as another wave of heat surged through him, and he pushed the sheet off his legs so that only his groin was covered.

“Wait,” he said as his ever increasingly muddled brain caught onto something Jensen had said.  “You said ‘we’, we all feel the pull?  Jesus, you think you’re a fucking werewolf?  I thought you were nuts before, but now I know you are.”  Jared laughed even as hurt flashed across Jensen’s eyes.

“Yes, I’m a wolf, everyone here is,” Jensen said harshly.  “I was turned much like you were, against my will, attacked in the darkness…”  He stopped as though there was something important he was leaving out.  “But most of us chose it or were born this way.  Jeff forbids anyone to turn another without consent.”

“Prove it,” Jared hissed, his anger at being lied to, manipulated becoming harder and harder to keep a hold on.


“I said prove it,” Jared repeated, leaning towards Jensen and looking him right in those bright green eyes, ready to detect any lie.  “You said you can shift anytime you like, so show me?”  He sat back smugly and waited for Jensen to start in on excuses why he couldn’t.

To his surprise, Jensen set his jaw and stood up, pulling at the hem of his t-shirt.

“Whoa, what are you doing?” Jared protested as more heat flushed through him and his body shuddered with a phantom chill that belied his fever.  God, what was happening to him?  He didn’t recognise his own body.

“I can’t shift in clothes… well I can, but it’s not too comfortable when they rip, and it’s not worth wasting a set over,” Jensen said with a chuckle and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a muscled physique, toned stomach, and smooth chest.
Just as he started on the buttons of his fly an urgent rap sounded at the door.  Jared’s head snapped in that direction, an irrational anger pulling his lips back from his teeth.

Jensen, on the other hand, looked concerned and started for the door, a quiet “Stay here” sent in Jared’s direction. 
He was tempted to ignore the order, but his body started to shake, his skin felt too tight and his blood rushed into his ears, drowning out all other sound as it pulsed as loud as drums.  He gripped the edge of the bed and gritted his teeth, trying to keep his mind intact as it seemed to be flying off in different directions.

Chris watched the sun slowly disappearing behind the trees.  His entire body ached to join the rest of the pack, to run and hunt under the full moon, but he had a job to do and wouldn’t abandon Jensen with that man.

Sometimes he thought Jensen was too soft-hearted for his own good, he loved the kid like a brother, hell the whole pack adored him but despite the brave front he put on Jensen had vulnerability hidden beneath the surface.  That’s not to say he hadn’t come a long way from the trembling, petrified cub they’d spent months coaxing from the cabin, who for a long time after, shied away from the other wolves like they wanted to take a bite out of him, because he had.  But even after fifty years, that protectiveness over him hadn’t faded.

Still, despite the friends he’d made and the skills in hunting he’d developed, Jensen was still very much a loner.  He liked to sit by himself sometimes as though contemplating the mysteries of the universe, or he would sit with the others at the campfire and just watch, a small smile on his face.  And yet when the fancy took him, he could have Chris in fits of laughter with his quick wit and good humour, he knew how to take a joke and played them with the best of them.

He was strong, independent, and Chris held a hell of a lot of respect for him.  His will was a force to be reckoned with, and no one but Jeff could force Jensen to do anything he didn’t want to, and Jeff rarely used that power over any of them.

Still, Chris wished Jensen would maybe settle down with someone, had even toyed with the idea of trying to court Jensen himself once upon a time.  But Jensen had always politely turned down any attempts to win his favour, by males and females, keeping that part of himself cut off. Not that Chris could blame him after what happened, and he knew that was why he hadn’t left Jared’s bedside, because the situation was too similar, but it had been a long time ago and…

Chris was snapped out of his thoughts by an unfamiliar scent crossing his nose.  It was a wolf, male, and fully shifted, but he wasn’t a member of Jeff’s pack.  That only left one other option.  A member of Sterling’s pack had crossed over into their territory and was coming way too close to their den.

Focusing, Chris tracked the movements of the trespasser.  He was moving slowly, cautiously, far enough away that Chris couldn’t see him, but steadily getting closer.  Chris growled at the audacity.  Sterling’s pack always stayed out of their territory, and Jeff’s pack returned the favour.  The two packs did not get along and lived very different lives, by very different rules.
Glancing at the door of the cabin, Chris weighed his options.  The pack would be on the hunt already, and if he called to them and startled the invading wolf, who knew what it would do.

Sterling’s pack were known for being violent, reckless, and unpredictable, they worked for their own agenda, not caring for anyone caught in the way.  Just look at Jared.


What if this was the wolf that attacked Jared?  He could have followed Jared’s scent and might be waiting to see if the boy would turn.  In all likelihood, the wolf was looking to finish his claim.

There was no way Chris was going to let that happen; not against Jared’s will.  He might not overly like the boy so far, but no one deserved that fate, and in Sterling’s pack it was likely that Jared would end up a slave rather than a mate, used for someone to beat, to dominate, to abuse mentally and sexually until he broke.

There was nothing for it, this wolf needed to be run off their land and not allowed anywhere near Jared until Jared had come to terms with the change and would be able to defend himself and choose his own path.  It was the way things should be.
Moving swiftly, Chris gave a quiet, but urgent, knock on the cabin door, but his eyes stayed trained to the surrounding trees, alert to any change.

When Jensen answered, his expression was sharp, immediately focused on Chris and ready for anything.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his own eyes following Chris’ to the forest.

“Do you smell that?”  Chris watched as Jensen scented the air, as his eyes went wide and shudder ran over his exposed skin.

“He’s not one of ours.  Must be one of Sterling’s,” Jensen said through gritted teeth, and then his eyes flashed to Chris’.  “You think he’s here for Jared?”

“That would be my guess,” Chris confirmed his thoughts, and Jensen growled deep and angry, but his hands shook from fear, hinting at that vulnerable side he tried to fight and hide.

“What do you propose?” Jensen asked, even as Chris could see his mind working, coming up with a backup plan of his own.
“I’m going to try and chase him off; if I run into any trouble, I’ll call the pack home,” Chris relayed his idea.  “You stay here with Jared, but stay alert, and if anyone comes too close that’s not one of us, howl.”

Jensen nodded in agreement and glanced to where the sun was almost gone.

“The moon is almost here, Jared will shift soon.  I can already see him trying to fight it.”

“He’ll be fine,” Chris assured, reading Jensen’s worry.  “Lock the door just in case.  We don’t want him running around out here when one of Sterling’s is about, especially not if it’s the one that tried to…”  He left the rest unsaid, knowing it wasn’t necessary to voice it out loud.

“Be careful,” Jensen impressed and leaned in to nuzzle at Chris’ jaw, something Chris knew he only ever did when he was anxious.

Nudging him with his nose, Chris murmured, “You too,” and breathed in his scent, then Jensen was backing into the cabin, and Chris waited until he heard the lock click.

Chris quickly stripped his clothes, and seconds later there was a dark brown wolf with a white underbelly in his place, the fur on his back almost black where it moved as Chris scented the air before stalking off into the trees.

Jensen locked the door and turned back to Jared, expecting half a dozen questions about what was happening, what Chris wanted, but what met him was the sight of the other man doubled over, gritting his teeth, his hands clenching on the edge of the bed holding on for dear life.  He was dripping with sweat, but his body was trembling violently.

All thoughts of the possible danger outside forgotten, Jensen raced to Jared’s side and placed his hands on the man’s shoulders.

“Jared?  It’s okay, don’t fight it,” he called, wondering if he was getting through; knowing how clouded one’s mind got during the first few shifts.

“Something’s wrong,” Jared gritted out, lifting fevered eyes to Jensen’s.  “I feel… wrong.”

“No, Jared.  It’s not wrong; it’s just the change coming, let it happen.”  Wiping Jared’s dripping hair back from his face, Jensen watched his eyes turn darker as his pupils dilated, and right before him Jared’s injured eye gained more colour, turning closer to the hazel of his other eye.

“Enough with that bullshit,” he snapped, he started to glare at Jensen, but it was broken by a gasp and a tremor shook through him.  “What have you done to me?  You’ve given me something, drugged me.”

“I haven’t.  Jared you just have to trust me.”

Jared barked out a harsh, disbelieving laugh that ended in more of a growl.  He was fighting hard, and Jensen knew that would only make the shift harder, possibly even painful, where it should be effortless if he’d just accept it.

“Fine, you wanted to know if I was telling the truth, you wanted me to show you?  I will.”

Taking a few steps away, Jensen continued to strip his clothes off until he was standing fully, and unashamedly naked.  He didn’t wait around, shifting immediately and sitting back on his hind legs and staring up at Jared with wide green eyes.

Part 1 | Part 3 | Master Post

bigbang, ownership, j2

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