Ownership - Part Three

Aug 21, 2010 02:34

One second Jensen was standing in the nude, his entire body on shameless display, and then he was changing.  It all happened quickly, but Jared saw it as if in slow motion.

Jensen’s hands and feet shrank back while his fingers and toes curled into claws.  His back hunched over as his face elongated into a snout and his teeth grew sharp and dangerous looking.  Ears grew through hair that was changing into soft grey-and-white fur that spread all over his body to the tail wagging in the air.

Jensen didn’t make a sound, it didn’t appear to hurt him, and then he was a wolf, a fucking wolf, gazing up at Jared, head tipped slightly to one side as though saying, “Well, what do you think?”

Jared’s head was spinning as he met soft green eyes.  He felt like he should be freaking out, Jensen had just turned into a wolf right in front of him but in his mind’s eye he was seeing swiping claws, snapping jaws and flashes of fur.  His hands flew to his ears as if he could block out the sound of pained screams and fierce snarls but it was all in his head and nothing could dampen it.  Then a grey-and-white wolf with startling green eyes howling at the moon swam into his vision.


“It was you,” Jared gasped, struggling to his feet.  “I’ve seen you before.”

Jensen padded over, the same comforting whine as in his dream, but Jared wasn’t fooled.  It all made sense now.  How else could the wolf Jared saw in his dream be an exact match for Jensen, all that violence, it had been his subconscious telling him that it had been Jensen that attacked him.

Suddenly Jensen was holding on to his shoulders, his human face talking to him, but Jared couldn’t hear him over the noise in his head.  When had Jensen shifted back?  How had Jared not noticed?  He had to pay more attention and not get caught by surprise again.

“Jared, it’s okay; don’t freak out,” Jensen was urging him, but Jared caught one of his hands, swung his fist and punched Jensen hard in the face.

“Do you think I’m stupid?  Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out?  It was you all along… your wolf… exactly the same.”  Jared clutched his head again as images from his dream flooded him repeatedly, Jensen howling, claws attacking, tearing skin.

The hairs rose on the back of his neck and a rage unlike he had ever known coursed through him, making his hands curl into fists with the desire to attack.  Attack before Jensen attacked him.

Jensen was speaking again, but although Jared heard the words, he couldn’t make sense of them.

“I wasn’t the one that attacked you, I swear.  I was a wolf when I found you, that’s probably when you saw me.”  He moved closer again, a hand raised, and all Jared saw was a claw coming to strike him.  Dodging to the side and using expert moves that were engrained into him, Jared was behind Jensen with his arm around his neck.

“You won’t get the drop on me again,” Jared hissed, forcing Jensen forward and over the counter full of medical supplies, Jensen’s arms sending a few things spilling onto the floor.

Jensen kept struggling, pulling on Jared’s arm in a bid to free himself.  He was amazingly strong, a lot stronger than he looked, and Jared was struggling to keep hold of him.  It was clear that if he lost the upper hand Jared might never get it back again.

A flash of silver caught his eye, and Jared didn’t think about reaching out, grasping his knife by the ivory handle and holding it to Jensen’s neck before he had already done it.  There was a hissing sound, the scent of burning flesh, and the tang of blood that sent Jared wild.

Jensen’s froze in Jared’s hold, his head leaning back away from the knife at his throat, so it was almost on Jared’s shoulder.  Their naked bodies were pressed tightly together where Jared was pushing Jensen into the counter.

“Jared,” Jensen said, sounding pained.  “Your head’s all messed up, I know how it feels, but please, I’m not a threat to you.  Please let me go?”

Jared shook his head and tightened his grip.  He could almost believe the sincerity in Jensen’s voice, the shake of fear, but he reasoned that Jensen would say anything to get himself out of trouble.  Most people would.

“No, I’m not falling for your crap.  Now I don’t know what your game is, and I don’t care because I’m not waiting to find out.”  A plan was starting to form in his head, and Jensen was the key.  “We are going to go over to that door, and you’re going to call off your guard dog.  Then you’re going to show me the way back to civilisation.  You got that?”

His palms were soaked in sweat making it increasingly hard to keep hold of the knife but he gripped it tighter, causing Jensen to hiss when it touched his skin.

“I can’t do that,” Jensen choked, blood running down his neck and filling Jared’s senses.  The smell was so strong he could almost taste it, and it made his mouth water.  God, he had to get out of this nut house.

“Yes… can,” he spat out.  Words were starting to become difficult, he couldn’t make the words from his head form in his mouth.

“You know I can’t.  You’re changing.  I know you can feel it.  There’s no way I can let you out like this when you’re a danger to yourself and anyone you come across,” Jensen said, his voice deceptively calm although Jared could smell the adrenaline making his heart pulse fast.  “You could kill someone; you don’t want that, do you?”

No, Jared didn’t want that, he never wanted to hurt anyone, but had been forced to deal out plenty of hurt in his life.  Didn’t Jensen understand that he needed to get out?  More so with every passing minute.  He was like a caged animal and only becoming more and more dangerous the longer he was confined.

So many thoughts, but Jared’s mind only skimmed over each one, never settling, never letting him think.  He needed… he needed something… what was it again?  All he knew was that Jensen was in his way and that was a dangerous place to be.

“Kill… you,” he forced out, his mouth feeling foreign to him.

“You could, maybe you will,” Jensen admitted, looking over his shoulder at Jared, Jensen’s eyes were glassy, yet filled with a strong determination, a spark that Jared found distracting.  “But it doesn’t make any difference.  I can’t let you out until morning.”

Jensen’s jaw clenched, his body tensed, and that was the only warning Jared had before an elbow was slammed into his-now fully healed-chest, and Jensen’s head snapped back, catching Jared’s jaw.  Pain echoed distantly through Jared, but it seemed so far away, it was nothing more than a little annoyance.

With a small huff, Jared pulled Jensen flush against him.  His hand flexed to get a better grip, but his mind had forgotten about the knife, acting mostly by some kind of animalistic instinct.  The ivory handle slipped in the sweat coating Jared’s palm and the blade slid onto Jared’s skin.

A searing pain shot through the fog surrounding Jared’s body and mind, his hand suddenly feeling as though he’d placed it on a fully heated iron.

It was such a shock that as Jared cried out, he lost his hold on his prisoner, who wasted no time in slipping away.

Staring dumbfounded at his hand, Jared grunted out, “Hurts,” turning his hand first one way then another.  He frowned at his fingers, seeing that his nails were longer than they should be, as sharp as razors and almost black in colour.

“That’s because it’s silver, you’re allergic to it now.  If you’re not careful, it can kill you.”

At Jensen’s voice, Jared’s head snapped towards him, having momentarily forgotten about Jensen.  He watched with interest as Jensen touched a hand to his bleeding neck, smearing the blood as he scratched the back of his head and eyed Jared with wary speculation.

Nostrils flaring, Jared took in the scent of blood that floated through the air to him.  Pulling his lips back, Jared snarled through teeth that were sharper than he’d had before, and somewhere in his memory he remembered that Jensen was his enemy.

As his prey-yes, that’s what he was, prey, and Jared was the hunter.  The idea exhilarated him-Jensen opened his mouth to speak; Jared lunged at him, his hands curled as he swiped his deadly claws, slicing Jensen’s stomach.

Jensen let out what Jared vaguely recognised as a curse before growling deeply and attacking.

Chris raced through the trees, hot on the heels of a dark brown wolf.  They zigzagged through trunks, leapt over plants and bushes, but Chris couldn’t manage to close the distance between them.

Finally, Chris hit a scent he knew well and pulled himself to a stop, paws skidding slightly in the soft earth.  The other wolf also stopped, turning and giving Chris a toothy grin from the other side of the territory mark.

Chris growled a warning that clearly said, “Stay away,” but the other just snapped a bark at him and loped away.

The temptation to follow, to cross over into Sterling’s territory, was great, but Chris had been away too long and worry niggled at him.  He had the trespasser’s scent and would be sure to keep his nose on alert for it, but now it was time to return home and check on his friend.

He kept a good steady pace, glad he was so fit.  He was halfway there when he heard paws beating the ground in front of him.  Slowing, he peered through the trees cautiously, waiting to see if he was going to be met with friend or foe.

Jensen didn’t think twice about pouncing on Jared.  He knew the werewolf cub was being controlled by his baser instincts and that no amount of talking would get through to him now.

This wasn’t supposed to be how the night went, and it frustrated the hell out of Jensen.  He was supposed to have kept Jared calm, to talk him through the change, and make it easier on him.  Now he wasn’t sure if they would both make it through the night alive.

He allowed his teeth and nails to grow, matching Jared’s.  It wouldn’t be long until the change, and it was a little disconcerting that Jensen had no clue what would happen then.

Jared was amazingly strong, the muscles he had before being changed were enhanced tenfold by his werewolf blood, and the animal side of him ensured he wasn’t holding back.

When Jensen leapt at him and was thrown clear across the room, Jared jumping right after him, it was clear who was the strongest and it wasn’t Jensen.

Catching Jared by the jaw when he tried to sink his teeth into Jensen’s neck, Jensen prayed that the skills he’d obtained over the years would be enough to get him through.  He was a good fighter and trained often with Chris to improve and keep himself sharp.

While Jensen was distracted by Jared’s teeth, Jared caught him in the side with his claws.  Jensen simply gritted his teeth and glared into Jared’s feral eyes.  He didn’t want to hurt the cub, but feared he had little choice.

Using all the strength he could muster, Jensen pushed Jared’s face away from his and shoved it down, bringing his knee up to meet it.  The blow forced what sounded like a yelp from Jared, but it was short-lived as Jared spun, backhanding Jensen across the face and sending him sprawling into the bed, knocking the whole thing over and tangling him in the sheets.

Recovering quickly, Jensen kicked up his foot before Jared could get to him, hitting him right in the gut.  With a neat little flip Jensen was on his feet again and going at Jared with fists flying.  He wasn’t sure why. but he kept his claws back, only hitting Jared with normal punches.  Perhaps it was fear of antagonising Jared’s ire by drawing blood, or maybe he just couldn’t find it in himself to hurt the cub.

He used every trick he knew, feigning and blocking, ducking and coming back with twice the speed.  What he hadn’t expected was Jared to be such a formidable opponent, especially in his current state, but it seemed that fighting was something so ingrained into him that even his new instincts couldn’t override it.

Jared was growling and snarling and whenever he was close enough, his jaws were snapping to take a bite out of Jensen.

Jensen’s body was aching.  He bled from more places than he could count, the thick red substance spilling over his torn, naked flesh.  Yet still, the blows kept coming, and Jared didn’t even appear to be tiring.

It was a sloppy move on Jensen’s part that had Jared’s claws scraping down his back, followed by a foot to his spine.  He staggered under the blow for a second, but managed to keep his footing.  That didn’t matter though because Jared was on him, using his body to force Jensen face first into the floor and pin him there.

Jensen couldn’t move.  He bucked and struggled, but Jared had him stuck fast and any blows he managed to hit on target were worth less than blowing him a kiss.

Jensen lashed out again, swinging his elbow back, but Jared just used the opportunity to catch his arms and pin them to the floor by Jensen’s head, clawed hands around his wrists digging into the flesh, while using his legs to keep Jensen restrained against the cool wood beneath them.

Jensen was overtaken by a surge of claustrophobia and a real fear clawed at him, one he hadn’t felt for years.  He struggled hard against the tight hold, making Jared’s naked body rub against his, but nothing he did could free him.

Above him, Jared was remarkably still and Jensen froze, wondering if maybe he was managing to get some of his senses back.

Jared felt powerful, alert.  Every movement he made was fluid and easy.  His sight was sharp and even though it was slightly impaired in his left eye, it was amazingly better than it had ever been before.

He wondered fleetingly if he should be concerned about the tangle his mind had become, but the thought was gone sooner than it had time to form.  There was something stronger guiding him, something primal.  The scent of blood filled the air around him, consuming his senses; it caused Jared’s heart to race in his chest and saliva to form in his mouth.

A deep hunger gnawed at his belly, and as he flew at his prey, pinning him to the floor, he was so close to that blood, he could almost taste it, wanted to taste it.

He growled in irritation as Jensen continued to fight him, and barely thought about it as he restrained Jensen, forcing him into the floor with his body, using muscles that shifted under his skin, empowering him.

Yes, he was powerful, and victorious.  He had captured his prey and stilled a moment to bask in the rapture it gave him.

“Jared?” he called cautiously, trying to look over his shoulder at the wolf cub.  “Please, Jared.  I don’t want to fight.  I’m not your enemy.  I just want to help you.”

His prayers that he might be getting through were dashed when he felt Jared’s hot face at his neck, breathing deeply.  When Jared’s tongue reached out to lap up some of the blood still smeared over Jensen’s skin and a soft growl came from deep in Jared’s throat, Jensen started fighting again, knowing how the taste of blood could send a new wolf crazy.

Jared snarled and slammed Jensen’s hands down hard enough to rattle the bones, but his tongue licked repeatedly, and Jared’s breaths turned into pants the more he took.

When Jared began to move against him, sweaty, naked flesh sliding against each other, Jensen knew what was coming, and it only made him fight harder.

“No,” he snapped, fists clenched tight. Jensen managed to donkey kick from his position on the floor, striking Jared's lower back with his heels.  “Jared.  Don’t.  You don’t want this.  You don’t know what you’re doing.”  His pleas were near sobs as he knew he didn’t have the strength to fight Jared off, and what was to come would change both of their lives forever.

Jared hissed at Jensen’s renewed fight, he pressed his weight further into him and Jensen could feel his arousal pressing between the cheeks of his ass.  As Jared began to gyrate against him, still eagerly licking Jensen’s blood from his skin, Jensen knew he had no other choice.

With one last ditch attempt, Jensen begged, “Please, please.  Don’t do this to me?  Anything but this.  Jared, kill me if you need to, but not this?”

Then Jared’s mouth was at his ear, breathing heavily as his body continued to writhe against him, instinct controlling everything he did.  There was one intelligible word that came from Jared’s lips that had Jensen screaming Chris’ name, begging him to come help him, not knowing if he was close enough to hear or not.


Jensen was making sounds; he distantly recognised them as words, but couldn’t properly discern their meaning.

His tongue snaked over his lips as his enhanced eyes ran over the intoxicating red substance sticking to Jensen’s skin, filling the air with its sweet potency.  Saliva dripped through Jared’s sharp teeth when he leaned in to scent the blood, and the need to taste jolted through him anew.  He could taste, it was there, waiting for him, his prize for being better, his reward for his victory.  His.

It was a tentative lick at first, but as soon as the taste exploded over his sensitive taste buds, Jared dipped in for a deeper helping, licking long, salivating swipes that pushed hungry growls past his lips.

Beneath him, his prey started fighting again, trying to get free, and it angered Jared.  Using his superior strength, Jared smashed Jensen’s hands back into the ground and renewed his hungry tasting of the delicious blood.

Pleasure swam though Jared’s system like a drug, and he let it fill his head and control his body as it pulsed through his veins, hard strong pulses that had a new need pawing at him.  His body gyrated against Jensen’s as Jensen’s life essence filled Jared’s mouth, coating his tongue.

Jared tried to figure out what it was his body was crying out for, but was distracted by Jensen kicking at him, trying to buck him off as he spurted more of those unintelligible words.  Jared hissed at him, a message he couldn’t remember how to voice.

Jared didn’t appreciate that Jensen was trying to take his prize away, trying to deprive him of what he’d earned, what was rightfully his.  Jensen needed to learn that wasn’t right, he needed to learn his place.  He was Jared’s now.  Jensen belonged to Jared.

As soon as the realisation hit him, Jared was flushed with an overwhelming wave of arousal.  His member suddenly throbbed, and he understood the need that had been nagging at him.  Then things became urgent.  Jared’s body was burning.  He licked messily at Jensen’s skin even though he had cleared most of the blood away, but now he could taste Jensen himself, his sweat, his scent, and Jared wanted.

But still Jensen fought against him, spouting jumbled words as though they meant a damn thing.  Jared wished he would just stay still and shut up because Jared needed.

Half-remembered words sped through Jared’s consciousness.  Won.  Stronger.  Best.  Prey.  Own.  Mine.

As the last word slipped past his blood-slicked lips, Jensen started screaming and struggling so hard Jared growled, even as his breath came out in harsh pants, while Jensen’s ass rubbed against Jared’s painfully hard erection.

The instinct to dominate roared in Jared’s head.  Jensen would learn who he belonged to.  Opening his mouth wide, Jared latched onto the back of Jensen’s neck to show him who was the strongest, who was the boss.

Blood flooded his mouth as his sharpened teeth pierced the skin, making Jared bite harder.  The blood spoke to the primal part of him, and Jared just let go.  His claws dug into Jensen’s wrists as he pushed himself against the writhing body beneath him, and his cock was suddenly surrounded by scorching, tight heat.  He would have gasped if he wasn’t so busy lapping at Jensen’s neck, all the while his teeth keeping their dominating hold in Jensen’s flesh.

As soon as Jensen screamed and started fighting with renewed vigour, Jared growled behind him, and the next thing Jensen felt was Jared’s teeth digging into the flesh on the back of his neck.  Jensen’s mouth fell open in a soundless cry, his teeth retracting back to normal as tears dripped from his eyes onto the wooden floor.

A second later, Jensen’s screams resumed, turning into agonised wails as Jared’s cock pushed into him, tearing him open and splitting him in two.

That’s when Jensen’s will fell away.  He was left with nothing but pained whimpers as Jared thrust inside him, his teeth still firmly placed in Jensen’s neck, demanding submission, and as Jared claimed him, Jensen had no choice but to obey.

His will and freedom was ripped from him, and Jensen knew it was his own fault.  He wasn’t strong enough, good enough.  His arrogance that he could handle it, handle Jared, had landed him in this position, but he was just a stupid, weak wolf, who should have known better.

He couldn’t really blame Jared; his mind was so far gone, taken over by the new animal in him that he didn’t know what he was doing, what he was taking from Jensen.  He likely wouldn’t even remember it after the shift.

As he became more and more docile, Jensen just thought of how disappointed Jeff was going to be in him, how the trust his alpha, adopted father and friend had placed in him and his abilities had been betrayed, how all his hard work was now ruined by Jensen’s frailty.  And not just Jeff, but the rest of the pack, too.  Samantha, Chris, everyone.  How could Jensen ever face them again after this?

His body moved without thought, instinct in complete control.  It became easier as Jensen slowly stilled beneath him, accepting his place.  There was the vague scent of salt, and Jensen’s chest heaved as each thrust forced another sob from him, but Jared was too caught up in his lust, his need, and Jensen’s blood, to really comprehend what it meant.

Somewhere in the distance, there was banging and shouting, but the fire coursing through Jared was much too important and couldn’t be ignored as it spread through every vein, liquefying his mind, powering his muscles and exploding from him into Jensen’s body.

Mine.  Own.  Mine, chanted in Jared’s head as he roared to completion, Jensen still and docile below him, just as he should be.

I’m sorry, Jensen thought as the moon rose, and Jared came inside him, the claiming complete.  He could feel Jared shift over him, but even as he slipped from inside Jensen’s abused body, his teeth tightened their grip, and it was almost against his will that Jensen shifted with him, a small whimper of pain as Jensen thought about fighting it.

It was only seconds later that the locked door burst open and Chris tumbled into the room, eyes wide and alert, but full of fear for his friend.

Jared growled around his hold on Jensen’s neck, keeping him pinned to the floor.  The sound caused Chris’ searching eyes to locate them in the disaster the room had become and Chris froze in shock.

As soon as Chris’ eyes fell on Jensen, Jared growled again, and Jensen immediately averted his eyes, looking at the ground, powerless, but also grateful, as he didn’t want to see whatever expression was flitting over his friend’s face.  Whether it be disgust, disappointment, anger, or sympathy, Jensen knew it would break his heart if he had to bear witness.

Suddenly, Jared’s body was seized by another pull; one that had been forced to the background, one Jared had been fighting so hard against.  But now, in his euphoria, Jared didn’t fight it; he simply tightened his hold with his elongating mouth while his body changed and he forced Jensen to change with him, whimpering as he did.

Jared was standing on four strong legs over Jensen, who lay on his belly, his body trembling, when there was a loud bang accompanied by the sound of tearing wood.

Jared growled at the sound, making sure Jensen was safely pressed into the ground, a strange desire to protect what belonged to him making his eyes search for the source of the noise, seeking out danger.

There was a naked man standing in an open doorway, but one whiff of his strong, masculine scent told Jared he was no mere human.

Wolf.  Threat.

When the man’s gaze fell on Jensen, Jared felt a flare of anger.  Jensen was his, and everyone was to know it.  A harsh growl passed through Jared’s throat, his teeth bared in display of his power, and Jared was satisfied by Jensen’s response when Jensen didn’t try to move away, pressing lower into the ground even.

Confident Jensen would remain; Jared released him and stood over him protectively, guarding against this man who would try to take what didn’t belong to him.

Chris had stopped, poised, ready for attack as the wolf approached at rapid speed.  He caught the scent just as the blond wolf burst through the trees and skidded to a halt with a surprised yelp, almost colliding with Chris.

The blond wolf’s tongue lolled out, and he gave Chris a facsimile of a smile, but when Chris snarled at him, he shrank back and lowered his head.

Chris huffed, shaking his head and allowed himself to shift.  The blond did the same, and soon Chris was faced with a sheepish look that longed to be a smirk on the man’s face. He appeared to be no more than a boy, despite the fact he stood a couple of inches taller than Chris himself.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Chad?” Chris demanded, he so didn’t have time for this kid.

Now Chad grinned as he moved closer so he could bump shoulders with Chris.  Neither man was bothered about their nudity as it was commonplace around the den when members of the pack shifted.

“Aw, come on, Kane, you know you can’t get enough of me,” he said casually, waggling his eyebrows.  Chris just glared at him, stony faced.

“What are you doing here?” he repeated his voice heated and impatient.

“Geez, feel the love.”  Chris started striding back towards the cabin, and Chad chased after him.  “Alright.  So I was on my way to join the hunt, caught your scent, and figured I’d come see what’s up.  I thought you were on babysitting duty.”

“One of Sterling’s was sniffing around the cabin, I tried to chase him down, but he made it over the border,” Chris explained tightly, not liking having to admit his failure.

Luckily, Chad didn’t choose to make a big deal of it; he simply cursed softly, his face suddenly serious.

Chris quickened his pace as he continued to speak.  “So now Jensen is at the cabin alone with that whelp that is most likely who that wolf was looking for, and although I didn’t notice any other trespassers, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any, and I really don’t trust that Jared kid.”

Chris was almost running by the time he finished his rant, Chad keeping easy pace beside him.

“So, I guess you need to get back there pretty quick, huh?” Chad voiced even though it was obvious.

“You think?” Chris snarled causing Chad to slow down.

“Okay,” he said gently, letting Chris move further away.

Chris paused and looked back, eyeing Chad’s dropped shoulders.  “You coming?”

A small smile spread across Chad’s face, and he nodded.

Chris turned away, hiding his own smile with his shift and taking off on all fours, focusing on the situation, and letting the urgency fill him, though he prayed that when he got there nothing would be amiss.


Chris and Chad were closing in on the cabin when their sensitive ears picked up on shouted calls for help.  Chris recognised immediately that it was Jensen’s voice, long before he could make out his own name being screamed in fear.

Chris and Chad exchanged alarmed glances before pushing harder and ploughing through the trees.  The cries got louder and more desperate the closer they got, but as they burst into the small clearing surrounding the cabin the screams cut off, and that was enough to send cold, hard fear slicing through Chris’ heart.

As one, the two wolves ran up the steps to the cabin only to be met with a shut door.  Chris barely even thought about shifting, and he was already in his human form and pounding on the door, yelling for Jensen to let him in.

“Why is it locked?” Chad questioned beside him, also shifted, and helping Chris to ram into the door as they attempted to break it down.

“I told him to lock it while I chased down that wolf,” Chris admitted.  His mind was working a mile a minute, but it was Chad that voiced the conclusion.

“So it’s probably Jared that’s the danger.  The moon is right on the verge, man, what if he’s gone crazy?”

“FUCK!” Chris swore, slamming his shoulder into the solid wooden door.  “Jensen,” he bellowed and attacked the door again and again.  It felt like forever before they heard the wood start to give way, and Chris’ whole side was protesting the pain.

“Back up,” Chad urged, and Chris took a second to catch his breath as Chad did a running charge at the door.  The wood screeched and almost gave.

Sending a grateful look Chad’s way, Chris lifted his bare foot and drove it into the door.  His forward momentum had him staggering inside as the door slammed open, but Chris righted himself quickly and scanned the room.

He barely noticed the far off howls of the rest of the pack as they welcomed the full moon, so focused on the disarray in what was once their medical cabin.

There was blood everywhere, and it only took one breath to know it was Jensen’s.  The bed was tipped on its side, the sheets stained red in patches where they lay in a tangled mess.  The instruments and medical supplies that had been neatly laid out on the counter were scattered, and the chair Jensen had so diligently used to sit by Jared’s bedside was a pile of shattered wooden sticks.

It was a deep growl that drew Chris’ attention to the far side of the room.  At first the sight of his friend’s blood-matted fur and terrified green eyes shocked him, but when the brown wolf that held Jensen down by the scruff of the neck using bloodied teeth snarled, and Jensen’s eyes fell away as he shrank back in on himself, that shock turned quickly to rage.

That’s when his senses picked up what he should have noticed straight away, what Chad obviously did as he came in behind Chris and spoke in a low, serious voice.

“It stinks of sex in here, Chris.”

“Call Jeff, right now,” Chris ordered in a deadly tone, and Chad immediately shifted and loped a few steps away to tip his head back and howl to the alpha.  There was an answering cry a second later, and then Chad was by Chris’ side, a hot pressure against his leg as he stayed as a wolf and glared at Jared, teeth bared like a faithful attack dog.

Chad may get a lot of shit sometimes for being a joker at inappropriate times, but Chris knew he was loyal to a fault and as brave as any wolf Chris had ever known.  Placing a hand so it just rested on Chad’s head between his ears, Chris ensured the blond wolf wasn’t going to attack and turned his attention fully to Jared, who now stood over Jensen like a prison warden.

“Get the fuck away from him,” Chris told the brown wolf, a hundred percent sure it was Jared by the scar over his left eye.  Jared just pulled his lips back and growled.  Chris wasn’t known for his patience, and right now it was on a knife’s edge.  “You hear me, Jared?” he yelled.  “Get away from him.”

The rumble in Jared’s throat was near constant now, but he didn’t make a move to attack, nor did he back away as though intimidated, the only hint of movement was closer to Jensen.

Chris prayed in his head that what he suspected hadn’t actually happened, that he was wrong, and there was something else going on here.

“Jensen,” Chris tried another approach, at least knowing Jensen could understand what he was saying whereas it was likely Jared couldn’t.  “What are you doing?  It’s okay now; we’re here.  You’re safe.”

Waiting in anticipation almost killed Chris, but Jensen didn’t move, didn’t even look up, and God, did Chris want to break something.  The only thing that held him back from attacking were the multitude of pawed feet rapidly approaching the cabin and Chris felt relieved that Jeff would be here soon.  He’d know what to do.

Part Two | Part Four | Master Post

ownership, big bang, j2

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