Ownership - Part Ten

Aug 21, 2010 01:09

For the last week, Jared had been sleeping on a pile of blankets next to Jensen’s bed. Jensen had tried to insist that he could share the bed, but Jared had seen the uncertainty in his eyes as he’d said it. So, Jared had told Jensen that Doc. Beaver had ordered Jensen to rest, to get better, and so Jensen should have his bed and Jared was just fine on the floor. When Jensen had protested yet again, Jared had pointed out that it was hardly the worst place he’d ever had to sleep, and Jensen had stopped arguing.

It was a few days after Jared had revealed everything about his past to Jensen and things had been going well. Jared liked to think Jensen had a better understanding of him now, and although it had been hard to dredge all that stuff up, he didn’t regret doing it.

“Jared, can I ask you something?” Jensen asked that night, and Jared stopped setting up his blankets. Jensen was fine now, but neither of them had brought up the issue of sharing a bed again.

“Sure, what do you want to know?” Jared asked, stepping closer to Jensen in the darkness of the den.

“Um, how did your dad die?” Jensen asked quietly, his nerves showing through as he looked up at Jared. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but you never said what he had, why he was sick, and I…”

“It was leukaemia,” Jared said quickly, saving Jensen from his nervous babbling. “He suffered for a long time before his body gave out. They kept changing his medication, but nothing seemed to work for long.”

“Oh. I’m sorry; it must have been really hard.” Jared smiled at Jensen, taking in the tenderness of his eyes. “My dad died, too, when I was just a kid. I don’t really remember him all that much.”

“What happened to him?” Jared questioned, watching Jensen’s sad eyes as they gleamed in the light from the lamp.

“He was in Korea, he never made it back,” Jensen told him, face grim. “My mom couldn’t live without him, killed herself the same month we found out he’d been killed. I grew up with my Grandpa until he passed; he was pretty much the only person I had left. Patrick found me not long after that, and I was born into this life. God, it’s strange to think that was fifty years ago.”

“I’m sorry you had to lose them like that,” Jared whispered. He could feel a deep loneliness in his gut, and although it could have been his feelings, somehow he knew it was Jensen who they belonged to. Stepping closer, Jared gently touched Jensen’s cheek, and for once, Jensen didn’t flinch away from him. “But I’ll tell you one thing. You look fucking good for your age.”

Ever so slowly, a smile broke over Jensen’s face, lighting up the darkness. There was a deep rumble that rose from Jensen’s chest until he was laughing freely.

Jared had never seen a more breathtaking sight. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered in awe, and Jensen stopped short, blinking up at him as though he wasn’t sure he’d actually heard the words. Jared stepped in closer, dipping his head a little. “You’re beautiful,” he said clearly, and this time he felt Jensen’s skin warm under his palm.

“No, I’m not,” Jensen disagreed, and Jared smiled fondly, liking the shyness Jensen portrayed sometimes.

“I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one,” he suggested, and Jensen smiled again. “Jen? If you don’t want to, please say so, I don’t want to push you but… God, can I kiss you?”

A small sound squeaked from Jensen, and if the moment wasn’t so intense Jared might have laughed, but as it was, he just stared at Jensen, his heart racing as he waited for his answer. Time dragged on, and Jared’s nerves tripled. Hundreds of emotions flitted over Jensen’s face, and Jared was just about to pull away, to apologise for asking, when Jensen whispered,

Elation soared through Jared, his skin feeling warmer, but he had to be sure so he asked, “Are you sure? You’re not just saying that because I want to? I want you to want it, too.”

“Jared? Please kiss me?” Jensen asked quietly, looking at him with nervous, but sure, eyes.

That was all Jared could take. He lowered his head slowly, keeping contact with Jensen’s eyes as he gently brushed their lips together. Jensen’s lips were so soft, a little dry, so Jared sneaked in his tongue, just barely wetting them, before going back to just using his own lips, moving them slowly.

Jensen stepped into him a little, bending his back even more, and Jared hummed happily, his body tingling through to his toes. Carefully, he slipped his free hand around Jensen’s waist, guiding him closer so their bodies pressed together. Jensen was breathing a little harder, his hands grasping lightly at Jared’s shirt as they kissed for a long minute, lips sliding together.

It took all Jared’s strength to pull back, separating their mouths just enough so Jared could see Jensen’s face. His heart jumped a little when Jensen swayed into him for a second, eyes closed, lips parted. Then Jensen was looking up at him, emerald eyes gleaming.

“Okay?” Jared asked, watching Jensen carefully. He stroked the backs of his fingers over Jensen’s cheek, the skin silky against the roughness of his digits. Jensen closed his eyes again and leaned into the touch.

“Yeah,” Jensen murmured, a tiny smile picking at the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, okay.” When he looked back at Jared, Jensen’s cheeks flushed, and he bit his bottom lip shyly.

Jared grinned, leaning forward to place a small peck on the corner of Jensen’s mouth. “I really like you,” Jared admitted, pressing his forehead against Jensen’s. “I mean really like you, and it’s not the claim talking. It’s me.”

Jensen tipped his head to the side, considering Jared. There was a lightness to his eyes that Jared hadn’t seen before, and it made his breath hitch. “How can you be so sure?” Jensen questioned, his expression thoughtful, not accusatory.

Jared thought about that for a moment, until he was sure he had the right answer. “Sometimes I feel things, like, if I’m apart from you for too long, it starts to tug at me, and I have to at least look at you. If I don’t touch you for too long, even just bumping into your shoulder, my fingers start to twitch, and I’ll admit that sometimes when I look at you, I just wanna jump on you.” He laughed quietly to take the intensity out of that statement. “Sometimes I swear I can feel what you’re feeling, too. All those things I’m pretty sure are the claim, the bond between us? But then there are other things.”

“What other things?” Jensen asked softly, his cheeks flushing cutely.

“Well, there’s the way I love to see you smile, want to make you smile and laugh. You’re gorgeous when you laugh, and the sound always makes me feel good. I want to know everything about you, the good and the bad. I want to know everything that happened in the time before I got here, things you’ve thought, people you know. I want that light that’s in your eyes right now to never go out, and I wanna be the one who puts it there. Those things? They’re me; I can tell because they don’t feel the same.”

Jared held his breath, waiting to see Jensen’s reaction to his words. He feared he might have gone too far, said too much, and Jensen was going to pull away from him, and he’d just ruined the moment they’d shared. Jensen’s lips parted, and Jared readied himself for the rejection.

“Jared, will you kiss me again?” Jensen asked, and Jared launched, catching Jensen’s lips in a firmer kiss than the one they’d just shared.  Jensen gasped against his lips, but Jared looped his arms around him, sinking into the kiss as Jensen opened up for him, letting Jared delve his tongue into his mouth.

When Jensen’s tongue met his own, Jared felt like his legs would give way, as need coursed through him. It took a lot of effort to hold himself back while his hands roamed Jensen’s body.

“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” Jared asked, praying the answer would be ‘yes.’

“I’d like that,” Jensen replied, and Jared beamed, pulling Jensen closer.

He lowered his head, brushing his lips against Jensen’s. “Are you sure though? I don’t want to pressure you.”

Jensen blushed, and Jared though he’d never get used to seeing that. “I think I’d just like you to hold me, let me know that you’re there?” Jensen phrased it like a question, so Jared nodded.

“I can do that,” he said softly, catching Jensen’s lips again in a tender kiss, not pushing for more. Jared knew that the moment was delicate, that this wasn’t the time to ask for too much, and he was happy with that. The idea of having Jensen in his arms while he slept was extremely appealing, and there was no way Jared was going to pass that up.

Jensen smiled the sweetest smile and moved to the bed, stripping off his t-shirt and jeans, leaving himself in just boxers before sliding under the covers.

Jared groaned quietly and wondered how he was supposed to keep his hands off the hottest sight he’d ever seen. Regardless, he mimicked Jensen’s actions, stripping down to his underwear and climbing in beside his mate.

Leaning up on his elbow, Jared looked down into Jensen’s nervous eyes where he lay on his back, hands clenched in the covers. Brushing an imaginary lock of hair from Jensen’s face, Jared smiled.

“Thank you for trusting me to do this,” Jared said, and Jensen nodded, biting his lip again. Jared’s gaze was drawn to Jensen’s lip, taking in the slight puffiness where Jensen had gnawed on it. Jared lowered his head, licking the soreness away from Jensen’s lip. When he pulled away, he saw that Jensen’s eyes were closed, long lashes swept over freckled cheeks, and it took some effort not to claim Jensen’s lips again. “Night, Jen,” Jared whispered, settling down beside him and draping an arm over Jensen’s waist.

With his eyes closed, Jared could hear Jensen turning his head on the pillow, feel his breath against his face. Then Jensen shifted, turning on his side to face Jared and burrowed into Jared’s arms, pressing his face into Jared’s neck.

“Night, Jared.”

And Jared smiled.

“Hey, Tom. How’s Jamie doing?” Jensen called, stepping up beside Tom, beer in hand and feeling more relaxed than he had in weeks. It was a warm night, and people were milling around their own fires, talking and laughing, the atmosphere calm and peaceful. Tom grinned at him, toasting him with his own beer.

“She’s about ready to drop,” Tom told him. “Luckily she’s sleeping right now. I swear, man, I don’t know if I’m going to come out of this with all my fingers intact. The longer this goes on the snappier she’s getting, literately.”

Adopting a sympathetic look, Jensen patted Tom on the back. “She’s as big as a buffalo, she probably feels very uncomfortable. Besides, she’s been in wolf form for months now; she hasn’t spoken a word or had the use of her hands since you got her pregnant. That’s gotta take its toll.”

Tom laughed in agreement.

Jensen really did feel bad for them. Although one advantage of going through pregnancy in wolf form was that it didn’t last as long as in human form, it still lasted a good four months, longer than a normal wolf. Yet, Jensen knew that it would all be worth it in the end, Tom and Jamie would make brilliant parents.

Jensen’s eyes were drawn to Jared where he was sitting talking to Chad. The two of them had become really close friends over the last week, and it made Jensen glad that Jared had someone to talk to that wasn’t him. It was also nice to see Chad actually smiling for a change, his face had more colour, and he appeared to have his strength back-finally.

As if knowing Jensen was watching, Jared turned to look back at him, a small smile gracing his features, and Jensen had to smile back. Things had been really good between them, and Jensen could feel himself falling fast. It was as though the first week had never happened. Jensen spent every night warm in Jared’s embrace, listening to Jared’s heart beating steadily in his chest until he fell asleep, often waking to see Jared gazing at him. They shared soft, slow kisses that curled Jensen’s toes, but Jared never overstepped that mark, his hands never wandered even when there was obvious heat in his eyes.

“It’s good to see you and Jared getting along,” Tom said, breaking Jensen out of his thoughts. With one last shy smile at Jared, Jensen looked back at Tom, seeing a fond look on his face.

“Yeah, things are good between us,” Jensen confirmed, feeling his cheeks blush.

“As long as he’s treating you right, and I don’t have to kick his ass,” Chris muttered, joining them at the fire, guitar in hand. He dropped himself to the ground, settling the guitar over his thigh, and began strumming quietly.

“Well, if it isn’t old sour-balls himself,” Tom grouched, but handed Chris a beer, doing the same to Jason when he approached. Jason sat one side of Chris and humming along to his tune.

Smiling, Jensen settled on the other side of Chris and nuzzled into Chris’ neck affectionately. “You don’t have to worry, Chris,” Jensen said quietly to him. “Jared’s been amazing. I’m actually happy, and… I like him.”

Regarding Jensen with serious blue eyes, Chris stopped his strumming. Then he sighed, pushing his face into Jensen’s hair and breathing him in, smelling Jared all over him. “I am glad you’re happy, Jen, but I don’t think I’ll ever stop worrying about you.”

“Aw, like the big brother I never had,” Jensen teased gently, and Chris shoved him in the shoulder, but the older wolf did at least break a grin.

“Pain in the ass little brother,” Chris returned, and Jensen stuck his tongue out at him, making Chris laugh.

“Play me a song?” Jensen requested, sitting crossed legged on the ground and looking at Chris and Jason expectantly. It was just like things used to be, the group of them hanging around the fire, drinking beer, singing songs and generally just having a good time.

Chris rolled his eyes, but nevertheless began plucking at his guitar, a song he’d written that Jensen knew well and loved. Jensen smiled, humming quietly as Jason began to sing along with Chris, their voices mixing perfectly in the night air.

It was Jared’s scent that alerted Jensen to his approach, but Jensen didn’t turn around. He just smiled when Jared sat behind him, looping his arms around his waist and pulling him back. Jensen let himself sink into Jared’s firm body, closing his eyes with a contented sigh. Jared’s lips brushed his cheek as he whispered “Hi,” into Jensen’s ear.

With a happy smile, Jensen turned his head, gazing up at Jared. “Hi,” he replied, letting his eyes slip closed when Jared leaned down to kiss him, a large, strong hand moving to cup his face.

As usual, Jared didn’t push for more, he simply ended the kiss and tightened his arms, keeping Jensen close to him as they both went back to listening to the music. Jensen caught Chris watching them and blushed, biting his lip. but he was smiling and didn’t look away from his friend.

Chris’ eyes darted up to Jared and Jensen tensed, wondering if Chris was going to start something. Then Chris nodded, and Jensen felt Jared do the same. The relief that rushed through him was dizzying, but when Chris sent him an accepting smile, nodding slowly to himself, Jensen let himself get washed away with it, snuggling back into Jared and humming along with the music.

Chris usually enjoyed jamming with Jason, but tonight. he felt very alone surrounded by his friends. He was happy for Jensen, he really was, and he promised himself that he would give Jared a chance.

All through the night, Chris’ eyes kept roaming to Chad, sitting alone outside his tent, scribbling in his book.  Occasionally Chad would glance up, looking right at Chris, but Chad always looked away again quickly, going back to what he was doing. Curiosity was driving Chris insane, he wanted to know what was so fascinating that had Chad’s focus like that, and he found himself staring more and more openly.

The song they were singing finished, and Chris took the chance to sip at his beer, not really tasting it or savouring it like he normally did. He looked at Chad again, catching his eyes, and again Chad averted his gaze.

Over the last week, Chris hadn’t been able to stop thinking about when he had kissed Chad, the way the younger wolf had just melted against him, letting Chris in without hesitation. It had been thrilling, but it had also scared the shit out of Chris, not knowing how to deal with it.

“You’re an idiot.” It was Jared’s voice that spoke, sounding sad but a little annoyed. Chris looked over to him, seeing him linking his fingers with Jensen’s, but the cub’s eyes were on Chris.

“What?” Chris asked stupidly, blinking at Jared.

“I said you’re an idiot. Can you really not see what’s right in front of you?” Jared’s gaze flicked over to Chad, and Chris’ followed, his heartbeat picking up as he took in the lone figure illuminated by the firelight.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Chris said in a low growl, and he heard Jared scoff. Chris’ grip on his guitar tightened with one hand, while the other tipped his beer up, downing the rest of it in one go. “Not every one can be like you two.”

Jared started speaking again, but was cut off my Jensen’s soft, “Jay.” Jared glanced down at Jensen, and Jensen shook his head minutely. Jared huffed, shoulders slumping, and he pressed his lips to Jensen’s hair, kissing him softly.

“I still think he’s an idiot,” Jared muttered, and Jensen’s lips lifted in amusement.

Chris couldn’t watch them anymore, jealous of their happiness, of the way they were so comfortable with each other, despite everything that had happened between them. Chris didn’t think he would ever find that for himself. With that thought, his eyes drifted involuntarily back to Chad, who was still drawing away, his face a picture of concentration.

Chris took the time to study him, something he had been doing with more and more frequency. Chad looked very young, his face boyish, and his blue eyes squinted. Chris swallowed as he watched Chad’s tongue come out to wet his lips in an unconscious action that had the hairs on the back of Chris’ neck tingling.

Chad glanced at him again, holding his gaze for a little longer this time, and Chris was taken aback by the sadness in his eyes. It tore at Chris, made his heart ache, and he wanted nothing more than to make the kid smile. Chad had a great smile; it made his eyes shine and his face light up.

“Screw it,” Chris snapped, more to himself than anyone else. He shoved his guitar aside, not noticing Jason grab it quickly before it fell to the ground. He didn’t notice his all friend’s eyes on him, as he jumped to his feet, stalking across the den in a direct path to Chad. When he got there, he noticed Chad tense, though he didn’t look at Chris.

“What are you drawing?” Chris questioned; it was the only thing he could think of to say.

Chad immediately closed his pad, holding it against his chest. “Nothing,” he mumbled, staring unseeingly into the fire.
“Show me,” Chris ordered, and this time Chad did look at him, his eyes wide and shocked. Chad’s mouth worked, but he didn’t seem to be able to find any words, so Chris just held out his hand. “Let me see?” he asked, making his voice a little softer.

Reluctantly, Chad slowly handed over the pad, his face turning a deep red. As soon as the pad was in Chris’ hand, Chad was standing, moving away quickly, his head down, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.

Frowning, Chris flipped open the pad, and his breath caught. They were drawings, just as Chris had expected, but what he hadn’t been prepared for was the fact that a lot, in fact most, of the drawings were of himself. He flipped from one picture to another, his heart pounding. When he settled on the last one in the book, the one Chad had been working on that night, he stopped breathing.

This was how Chad saw him? It was a picture of him with his guitar, eyes closed and looking serene. The light from the fire almost danced across his features, highlighting them in the still picture. He was beautiful.

Wildly, Chris looked up to see Chad already half way across the den. He slammed the book shut and ran after him, not caring that he was catching the attention of nearly the entire pack. He grabbed Chad by the arm, halting his movements, and Chad stared at him in alarm, stark fear in his eyes.

A low rumble of murmured voices picked at Chris’ ears, and he glanced around at the curious faces watching them.  Frustrated, Chris dragged Chad over to his own den, which, like most, had a tent as an opening before leading down into a burrow in the ground.

Chad squeaked in surprise, but didn’t try to fight Chris off, allowing him to take Chad deep into the earth and shove him against the wall.

“What is this?” Chris demanded, waving the pad in Chad’s face, noticing how it paled significantly.

“It’s private,” Chad said quietly, but made no move to take the book from Chris. Chad lowered his eyes, and this frustrated Chris. He caught Chad by the hair, dragging his face up to meet him and slammed their mouths together, kissing Chad hard.

Chad’s hands flew up to grasp at Chris’ muscled biceps, gripping tightly, but he didn’t fight Chris off, opening his mouth when Chris pushed his tongue forward, licking passt Chad’s lips. The pad fell to the ground, and Chris used his free hand to hold Chad’s slim waist, fingers kneading into the flesh.

He pushed his body into Chad’s, trapping him against the wall as he ravaged his mouth, biting his lips and making Chad gasp and whimper. Instead of scaring him off like last time, those sounds drove Chris on. His fingers gripped at Chad’s t-shirt, pulling it roughly, and the sound of it tearing filled the air as Chris ripped it from the younger wolf’s body.

Releasing Chad’s mouth, Chris panted as he stared at him. Chad’s body was trembling beneath his touch, his lips swollen from the brutal kiss, and his eyes were wide as they stared back, fear still evident in them.

“This crush of yours has to stop. It’s gone on long enough,” Chris told him, and Chad’s eyes went wider still.

“You knew?” Chad whispered, looking devastated.

“Of course I knew,” Chris snapped. “I’ve always known. I just always figured you’d grow out of it.”

A humourless laugh spilled from Chad’s lips, sharp and self-depreciating. “I’m seventy-four years old, Chris. When am I supposed to grow out of it?”

Chris growled, yanking on Chad, spinning him round and shoving him onto the bed. He pulled his own shirt off, flinging it on the ground before moving to work his jeans open. Chad crawled backwards on the bed, watching Chris warily. When Chris was fully naked, he crawled up Chad’s body, taking Chad’s hands and pinning them above his head, holding him down with his superior body mass.

“This what you want?” he asked lowly, licking up the side of Chad’s neck and feeling him shiver. The taste of Chad’s skin exploded on his tongue, and Chris couldn’t help but lick him again, slower this time, savouring it.

“Yes,” Chad answered breathlessly, without hesitation, and Chris squeezed his eyes closed.

Chad’s fingers moved against Chris’ hands, twitching, and Chris forced himself to look at Chad’s face, taking in the pure innocence of him, but what floored him was the complete trust in Chad’s eyes, hopeful yet nervous.

“I would have taken you years ago,” Chris said quietly, and Chad gasped at the admission. “I almost did. The way you were always looking at me, following me around. But you were so young, I figured it was a phase-that you would get over it, find someone else.”

“No,” Chad breathed, head shaking slightly, and Chris chuckled.

“Obviously not.” He moved both of Chad’s wrists into one of his hands, pressing into the skin to hold him down, not that Chad was struggling, but he wanted the younger wolf to feel his power. Running his thumb over Chad’s bottom lip, Chris muttered,

“So fucking gorgeous, so ready to just give into me.”

“I’m ready,” Chad promised, and Chris felt his flesh heat up, his cock already hard and dripping against the material of Chad’s jeans. He dipped his head, claiming Chad’s lips again and moaned as Chad opened up for him, moving his head so Chris could kiss him deeply.

Then Chris was pulling away, sitting back so he wasn’t touching Chad at all. “Prove it.”

Chad gulped, wishing Chris would come back, his skin cold without Chris pressing into him. The older wolf watched him expectantly, and Chad’s mind scrambled to figure out what it was Chris wanted him to do, how he was supposed to prove it. He hesitated, but only for a second, then he was climbing to his feet, standing before Chris with a blush on his cheeks, but meeting his eyes defiantly.

His hands dropped to the button on his jeans, popping it open. He dragged the zipper down slowly, enjoying the way Chris’ eyes darkened as he watched, focusing on the pale skin as Chad revealed it. Biting his lips, Chad let his jeans fall down his legs, stepping out of them and falling to his knees, clad only in his boxers.

Lowering his head, Chad kept eye contact with Chris for as long as he could, and when he couldn’t, he stared at the muscles twitching under the skin of Chris’ thigh as he dipped to lick it, feeling fine hairs drag over his tongue.

Above him, Chris groaned, and a hand fell on Chad’s head, fingers dragging through his short, blond hair. Chris’ legs parted slightly, and Chad took the invitation, kissing and licking his way over the flesh, gradually moving towards the masculine, musky scent between Chris’ legs. He glanced up at Chris, mouth hovering over Chris’ groin.

Chris’ eyes were black, his plump lips parted while heavy breaths panted through them. There was a little pressure on Chad’s head, Chris pushing with his hand, and Chad took the hint, looking down again and dragging his tongue up the long, hard shaft of Chris’ cock.

Chris moaned, his fingers gripping almost painfully in Chad’s hair, but Chad didn’t let that deter him. He opened his mouth, sucking the bulbous head of Chris’ cock before sliding down as far as he could go, tongue working around the silky skin as he moaned around his mouthful.

Chris’ hips stuttered, and Chad sucked hard, bobbing his head. He’d never done this before, never had it done to him, but he did his best to give Chris as much pleasure as he could. When he flicked his tongue into the slit of Chris’ cock, his head was suddenly pulled roughly up, and Chris hauled him into his lap so Chad was straddling him.

Chad barely had enough time to take a much needed breath before Chris was kissing him desperately, thrusting his tongue into Chad’s mouth. Kissing him back, trying to keep up, Chad worked his fingers into Chris’ long hair, twirling the ends. His skin prickled as Chris ran his hands down Chad’s back, lower and lower until they slipped inside his boxers to cup his ass.

Through the material of his underwear, Chad could feel Chris’ erection straining against his. Chris pushed on Chad’s ass, urging him to move, and Chad complied, rolling his hips and rubbing their cocks together. They both moaned, and Chris’ fingers gripped harder, guiding Chad in his movements.

Chad was gasping and shuddering by the time Chris released his mouth, moving to nip at his neck, pulling the skin between his teeth and sucking. God, Chad thought to himself, holding onto Chris’ hair. He’s marking me. And wasn’t that just the hottest thing ever?

Suddenly, Chad was thrown onto his back, his boxers were being yanked down his legs, and Chris’ gorgeous body was covering him again, leaning over him with a predatory expression, one that made Chad shiver with want. He lifted his head, fully expecting Chris to kiss the life from him again, but Chris didn’t move, he just gazed down at Chad, casually rolling his hips against him, but not enough to give any actual friction.

“What?” Chad asked, self-consciousness seeping into him. Was this the part when Chris turned him down? Destroyed all his dreams yet again despite the expression on his face?

“I’ve been in love with you for years.” The words were such a shock that Chad didn’t know what to say. How could that be true? Chris had never shown any interest in Chad, not once in the decades they’d known each other.

“Then why…?” Chad finally spoke, but he was unable to complete his question, confusion dominating over elation. Chris was in love with him?

“Because I always thought you deserved better,” Chris replied, honesty shining in his deep blue eyes.

Chad was shaking his head almost immediately, so scared Chris was going to walk away from him again. “There is no better, not for me,” Chad said, his voice pleading. Chris stroked Chad’s face, his eyes going soft, and for the first time ever, Chad saw love shining in them. He pressed one hand over Chris heart, feeling the strong beat against his palm.

“Do you have any idea how hard it was to stay away from you?” Chris asked, eyes roaming over Chad’s face as though he saw something wonderful. and Chad felt himself blush under the scrutiny.

“I wish you hadn’t,” he said honestly, wondering what his life would have been like if Chris had admitted this sooner.

“I had to be sure,” Chris told him, and Chad wanted to ask him if he was sure now, but he kept quiet, letting Chris speak. “There’s no taking this back.”

Chad’s breath hitched. Was this really going to happen? Finally? Was Chris really going to claim him, become his mate, take his virginity. and make love to him?

“I love you,” Chad said with intensity, marvelling that he finally was able to tell Chris that, to have him hear to words. “I’d do anything for you.”

“Even walk away?” Chris whispered, his lips so close to Chad’s. Chad felt tears prick behind his eyes, and he swallowed hard.

“If that’s what you wanted,” he said, his voice cracking. “But I think it would kill me.” Chad felt a tear slip traitorously from his eyes, and Chris seemed to track it as it ran over his temple and soaked into his hair. Leaning on one arm, Chris placed his hand over the one Chad had over his heart, staring deeply into his eyes.

“Will you be mine, Chad?” Chris whispered, and Chad felt his heart quicken beneath their hands. He barely dared hope this was real and not some really amazing dream.

“Forever,” Chad vowed, his eyes full of love for the wolf above him. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Chris was swooping down and pressing their lips together, one hand holding Chad’s head steady.

Chris’ kiss was punishing, desperate, but Chad submitted to it willingly, moaning into Chris’ mouth and pushing up against him with his body. Chris pushed right back, rolling his hips, and Chad let his legs fall open, allowing Chris to fit into the v they made.

When Chris broke the kiss, he went immediately to kiss down Chad’s neck, biting viciously at the skin and making Chad gasp, tipping his head to the side to give Chris more access. Two fingers found their way into Chad’s open mouth, and Chad got the message quickly, sucking on the digits and licking them wet.

Part 9 | Part Ten B | Master Post

bigbang, ownership, j2

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