Fic Adoption

Jan 19, 2014 03:33

Hello to all faithful readers and fellow writers,

It is with great sadness that I announce that although I have hoped for a long time that my muse will reunite with me, it seems that it isn't going to happen anytime soon.  And so with a heavy heart I now give my unfinished fics up for adoption to those who feel they can give it credit, creativity and most of all the love that I originally gave into them.

Also, if any of my fics have inspired someone the will to give them a sequel, then I am willing to also give them away if that person gives me a decent follow up to what has already been written.

I have been thinking of this for a very long time, wishing and wishing that my muse would return and that I would be able to continue my writing myself, but it seems that unfortunately that doesn't appear to be likely to happen any time soon.

Now, these stories are things that I have given my heart, mind and soul to so I will not give them away lightly.  Anyone who wishes to take up the mantle will have to give me good reason to assign then the duty of giving my stories a brilliant conclusion.  So, anyone who wishes to take up this responsibility, I ask that you send me a message here at LJ or email me at with your ideas and reasons why I should trust you to give my work the diligence that I originally put into them.  I will also share my original designs as to where I planned to take each story and their characters.  I would very much hope that if anyone wishes to take on the role that they will respect said plans as much as they are able with their own creative ideas.

To those who were hoping I would finish these stories myself, I give my heartfelt apologies and beg your forgiveness.  As you can see from the timeline, this is not something I have done on a whim but something I have battled with for years.  I am close to tears as I write this as I had sincerely wished that I would be able to finish what I started and have done for a long time, but there comes a point where everyone has to admit defeat.

And so, again, anyone who wishes to take up where I left of and thinks that they can do my stories justice, please contact me by PM here at LJ or at with the story you wish to take on or make a sequel to and your ideas as to where you wish to take it.  All responses will be answered and any final decisions will be posted here before said author is allowed to post anything.  With that said, I will ask that if anyone sees anything posted by anyone who doesn't have permission in my journal, please do let me know either in comments, PM or by email, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you all so very much for your dedication to my stories, I love you all and again I apologies for not being able to be the one to finish what I started as I had to desperately hoped.

Lyca xxx
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