Master Fic List

May 23, 2020 01:29

Supernatural Fics

Intoxicated (2parts) - Gen. PG13, violence.  My first ever fanfic.
Summary - Just because you think a hunt is over doesn't mean it is and that could have deadly consequences.
Word Count - 10,693

Never Quite As They Seem - Dean/OFM.  NC17.
Summary - Dean’s antics don’t always work out for the best.
Warning:  Sex, violence and lots of angst.  Set post AHBL2 so vague spoilers for that.
Word Count - 6740

Lyca's Story Verse

Lyca's Story 1 - Gen.  PG13, violence.
Summary -  Set in the Supernatural universe but using none of its characters.  An original story about a girls first encounter with the world of the weird and how it changed her life.
Word Count - 4400

Lyca's Story 2 (4parts) - Laura/OMC. R.
Summary -  Set in the Supernatural universe but using none of its characters.  An original story about a girls first encounter with the world of the weird and how it changed her life.  After Laura's initial encounter see how she's deals with he new found knowledge that the world of the Supernatural truly exists.
Warning -  This story contains scene's of attempted rape and female abuse.
Word Count - 18,595

Riding The Bullet. A Supernatural Choose Your Own Adventure Fic by Lycaness and Jinx - Gen.  PG13, violence. Have you ever been watching Supernatural and been screaming at Sam and Dean to be doing something other than what they're doing?  Well, here's your chance to take control.  Where as, you read the fic, get to the end of the page and chose what Sam does next.  These choices can result in moving onto the next page, it could result in one or more of you being injured and ending the fic or it could end in a really gruesome and horrible death (there are lots of these *evil grin*)

The game was created, written and set at the end of Season Two.  Sam's alive but Dean has a year to live.  This is a journey to save Dean's soul and release him from his deal.  I will note that because this was written without any knowledge of season three things are different and may have been proved incorrect, but we didn't know that at the time and we hope you overlook that and still enjoy the game.

J2 Fics

A Lesson A Day (could kill you) -  NC17.
Pairings - Jensen/Jared, Jared/other, non-explicit Sandy/Chris.
Summary - Jared has an abusive past, and when his boss sends him to learn how to become a flair bartender, that past is brought back in a storm of pain when he falls in love with his teacher, Jensen. But Jensen has his own problems and soon their attraction causes nothing but trouble, especially when Jared tries to face his fears.
Warnings - This fic contains very disturbing imagery including non-con, dub-con, underage sex, sexual abuse, and rape. These topics are approached not to trivialize the experiences, but to help show the transformation and transcendence of the main character in the face of such abuse and adversity.
Word Count - 120,000+

Deadline on Love - NC17.
Pairings - Jensen/Jared.
Summary - When Jared goes on his usual summer vacation with his family to their beach house, he thinks it’s going to be the best summer ever.  In some ways he’s right, in others he’s wrong.  When he meets troubled youth, Jensen, his world is turned upside-down.  I’ve messed with their ages.  Jared is just turned 16 and Jensen is nearly 17.
Warnings - Underage sex.  Some violence.  Some physical abuse.  Angst.  Schmoop (I think, it’s all new to me, lol).
Word Count -

Escape To Where? - NC17.
Pairings - Jensen/Jared, Chris/Steve.  Mentions of Jared/Sandy and Jensen/Tom.
Summary -  Sometimes trying to get away from your life doesn't all make things easier but can often make things better.  Jared runs off for some time alone and the stray he picks up changes his world forever.
Word Count - 45,748 + Interlude

Escape To Somewhere.  WIP - NC17.
Pairings - Jensen/Jared, Chris/Steve, (past) Jared/Sandy.
Summary -  Sequel to Escape To Where?  Jensen has thrown his fears away and risked moving to be with Jared, his friends Steve and Chris have decided to come with him.  But their new beginning is hampered by the malicious Sandy’s revelation that she is pregnant with Jared’s baby.  Can they overcome this and still make a happy life for themselves?

When Light And Dark Collide.  WIP - NC17(eventually)
Pairings - Jensen/Jared.
Summary -  The human race thought that the battle between the Angels of heaven and the Fallen Angels of Hell had long been over, they were very wrong. On Earth, the war still rages, everyday. The Guardians and the Fallen live among them, the Guardians protecting them while the Fallen do their worst, reeking havoc where ever they see fit. Jensen is a Guardian, Jared is a Fallen, this is what happens when their light and dark collide.

In Repair Verse - a series of oneshots

In Repair - NC17.
Pairings - Jensen/Jared.
Summary -  “One day, you know I’m going to kill you, don’t you?”
Warnings -  M/M sex.  Violence.  Dub-con (maybe).  Breath Play (kinda). Dark Themes.
Word Count - 2,905

In Repair - The Myth Of Safe - NC17.
Pairings - Jensen/Jared.
Summary -  “Safe is a myth and I will teach you not to taunt me with it.”   Set before In Repair.
Warnings -  M/M sex.  Violence.  Dub-con. Mentions of non-con. Very dark.
Word Count - 5,344

master fic list

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