Exhausting concerts

Dec 15, 2008 00:39

I was too tired to update last night when I realised that I had forgotten about it, so you'll get two episodes of The Joulukalenteri at once. I spent yesterday relaxing. I could've gone to a party, but I just needed a break. I've been under a lot of stress lately and I couldn't remember the last time that I had had the opportunity for a good night's rest. So I slept something like 13 hours. xp

I watched Star Wars III and some random agent comedy with Swarzenegger (or how ever you spell his name). I have to say that I see Star Wars 1-3 as kind of sequels to the older movies even though they take place earlier in the timeline. Star Wars II and III were better this second time that I saw them. It was the same thing with Matrix II and III. They also got better on the second time that I saw them. Which really doesn't say much since my expectations were pretty low after seeing them the first time. :p R2 was by far my favorite character in these "newer" SW movies. He was starring in some awesome scenes like the one where he torched those two fighter droids.Today was pretty tiresome. We had orchestra practise and two concerts where we played Christmas carols. By the second concert I was really tired and I played wrong notes because I couldn't concetrate as I was too bored. These are always the most taxing concerts of the whole year. My upper body is really stiff now. During the first concert I at one point noticed that there were some paramedics at the back of the audience and they carried an elderly woman out of there. I don't know what was wrong with her, but I hope that she's all right. The concert wasn't aborted and I think that the majority of the audience didn't even notice that anything had happened. The show must go on, I guess. :/

I was so exhausted when I got home that I nodded off sitting on an armchair. I'd just better head off to bed soon.Current music is one my favorite Muse songs.Is it weird that there are no subtitles in The Joulukalenteri all though they're using a mixture of English and Finnish? And these couple of last episodes have had German in them and that hasn't been subtitled either. I understand just enough German to know that what they're saying wouldn't make much sense even if I fully understood it.

The Joulukalenteri, 13. luukku

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"Isäni oli kuuluisa saksalainen vainukoira Dusseldorfista." Haha, muistan tuon repliikin viime vuodelta. xp

The Joulukalenteri, 14. luukku!

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"Isäni oli kuuluisa vainukoira... I mean veistäjä." And the Näsä is starting to go nuts with the kirja.

youtube, music, sleeping, concert, orchestra, scifi, movie, christmas

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