This day has felt like two days. z_z I had my last exam today: introduction to logic, philosophy. The teacher overslept or something and the exam started almost an hour late. I took this course two years ago but didn't do the final exam, so I did it now to get the credits as I need those. It was the most awful course that I've had at Uni and I still feel that that form of logic is an utter waste of my time. I don't see any purpose in it. Anyway, I spent my morning with equivalent
formulas and drawing truth tables and Venn diagrams. Hopefully I at least passed, can't be sure yet.
Hard to believe that it's finally over and I can relax. No more studying for a while. This last period just killed me dead.
I didn't get much sleep last night so I took a nap when I got home and then I watched Star Wars II on DVD. I haven't seen that since it was in the theaters.
The Joulukalenteri, 12. luukku
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I don't understand German. What is he saying?