weather, script frenzy, health, falling apart, writing

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  • a happy birthday

    lunacow Apr 17, 2008 12:47

    The calendar has rolled around again, and now it's once more my birthday. Perusing my previous birthday entries, we can detect a certain theme involving food, and also note that every year I'm required to say, "It's good to be the birthday girl." Well, it is. Today I am 33 years old, the weather is beautiful, my brother is visiting, I'm drinking ( Read more... )

    family, weather, birthday, food

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  • a beautiful day for a rejection

    lunacow Apr 11, 2008 19:47

    I'm not going to be giving a play-by-play of my agent search here, but it has begun, and today I marked an important milestone: I received my first rejection letter! Hooray, I'm a real author on the road to publication!

    My Script Frenzy screenplay is coming along nicely. I'm up to page 40, which is great in terms of the 100-page goal for the ( Read more... )

    weather, script frenzy, falling apart, agents, writing

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  • on a clear day in San Francisco, you can see for miles

    lunacow Mar 23, 2008 16:37

    We have quite a few relatives coming to visit this spring and summer, and the first set is here now. The weather has been wonderfully cooperative, and we've been doing a lot of fun tourism. Last weekend we went to Berkeley and to Santa Cruz. Yesterday we visited San Francisco and a series of spots worth mentioning.

    Ocean Beach is lovely in ( Read more... )

    weather, san francisco, sightseeing, bay area

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