We just returned from a family trip to Point Reyes Station, near the coast north of San Francisco, where I:
* Sprained my foot on the first night. Doh! There was a
power outage, and I was attempting to go outside to admire the stars in complete darkness during a brief period of cloudlessness, but I was foiled by a wet front step. As a result, I spent most of the next two days sitting on the couch. Which is not the worst way to spend a rainy vacation.
* Appreciated the return of both my mobility and the sun on Christmas Day. We celebrated the holiday with the traditional flat seasonal foods of crepes for breakfast and
latkes (along with probably-now-traditional bacon and eggs) for dinner.
* Ate well and practically constantly, natch. (And discussed the word "natch".) There were many flavors of ice cream, with the most unusual two being butternut squash and clove buttermilk, both very tasty.
* Played games, including Guitar Hero World Tour (inferior to Rock Band, in my opinion), Blokus,
Take Two, Boggle, Taboo, and Pictionary. Note: It's really hard to draw the phrase "cave drawings", especially if you get off to a pathetic start.
* Read one novel, didn't write any.
* Once again left the taking of
photos in the hands of my more capable companion photographer.