Title: Keeping your wits Fandom: The Sentinel Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg Prompt: Curse Rating: PG-17 Summary: Blair contemplates what it would mean to have a sentinel's senses.
Title: Went to Love Fandom: The Sentinel Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg Prompt: Dogma Rating: PG Notes: Set post series Summary: Blair reflects on the changes in his life
Title: Focus Fandom: The Sentinel Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg Prompt: #19 Writer's Choice: Crusade Rating: PG Notes: Set post series Summary: Jim finds himself without a focus with his guide away
Title: Priorities Fandom: The Sentinel Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg Prompt: #3 Sinner Rating: PG Summary: Blair has a moment of conscience and remembers where his heart lies
Title: 3 a.m. Fandom: The Sentinel Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg Prompt: #13 Sanctuary Rating: R. Smutty type artistic things Word Count: 710 Summary: Jim wakes in the dark and can't resist the seduction of the man in his arms.