Title: Went to Love
Fandom: The Sentinel
Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Prompt: Dogma
Rating: PG
Notes: Set post series
Summary: Blair reflects on the changes in his life
Rules were not something that Blair was used to obeying. He'd been raised to believe that "The Man" was something to fight against, and that rules were just a way to try and suppress a person's true self. Rules were something to be fought against, worked around, or downright ignored. That had all changed when Blair had gone beyond being some weirdo seeking Detective Ellison's attention and had turned into what his mom had warned him about. In his own way Blair had become "The Man".
That didn't mean that obeying the rules were any easier, even when he wanted to; if only for Jim's sake.
The rules now had little to do with the law. They were two different things, but he had to work with them both. The law said he waited in the car when Jim was persuing a suspect. The rules said that as Jim's guide, Blair did what he had to so that his Sentinel was alive and well and not distracted. The law said that a civilian had no place on a case and in a police vehicle but Blair, Simon and Jim knew better. The law might saw it was a danger but the rules said it was a bigger danger if Blair wasn't there.
His life had changed since the legends of the sentinels had become the reality of Blair's Sentinel.
Life and death before Jim had been keeping a condom at him at all times. Now it was guns fired and bombs to be disabled and facing down people that wanted Blair dead for no other reason than he was there and in the way. Life and death were both realities since he'd died and Blair was willing to accept that both were possible. It was another rule in his life. No pretending. No believing that great adventures only meant steamy jungles and distant tribes that avoided the civilized world at all costs. Blair had found true adventure, and everything else he'd ever wanted, right in his own backyard.
True adventure that had come with truly opening his eyes. He wasn't just a guide or a keeper. Blair was now Jim's shaman. He was the wise man whose knowledge would keep his sentinel alive and well, protecting their land and keeping it safe. As a man raised to the ideals of another time and place, Blair had cared for the Earth and her people. Now as a shaman he was connected to it all in ways he had never imagined. He wasn't merely an observer anymore, he was part of all that was and would be.
Watching Jim hunt and peck type so that he could fill out his reports, Blair couldn't help but think about how many rules dictated his life now. Don't eat pizza you haven't made yourself. Don't munch ice you didn't make yourself. Never believe what you see, even when you know it's real. Never doubt what you feel, even when you think it might be wrong. Life had changed the day Blair donned a lab coat to meet a detective. Blair had changed.
Jim's voice cut through Blair's thought and he jerked. "What? Huh?"
"You were staring, Chief. You okay?"
Blair nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... thinking."
"You could think about typing this report,' he said with a chuckle. Blair didn't hesitate, moving to push Jim aside and take his seat. It wasn't his job, wasn't in the rules. It went beyond that to the one thing that was greater than the rules and the ideals. It went to love.