Confession [5/?]

Jul 23, 2009 22:06

Title : Confession
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Being with someone who doesn't make your heart beats faster is not love and a love where you are just chasing is painful.
A/N : sorry for the late update minna~ but chap 5 is here now~

my dearly little sister made this fic graph >(^^)<

[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3][Chapter 4]

Chapter 5

That night, after saying yes to Ryo’s invitation for moving in with him, Tegoshi entered the house for the first time. It was really gorgeous. Ryo took Tegoshi to see around the house. He held Tegoshi hands at all time, and the younger boy just follows him.

“That’s the living room.. Well, for now it only has TV and couch, but you can put anything you want later..”

“Hmm well, I’m getting a warm tatami table soon.. Can I??” asked Tegoshi. “Well the answer is yes..”

Ryo chuckles. “Whatever, Tegoshi.. I said, whatever you want..”

Tegoshi clapped his hands, letting Ryo know that he’s thrilled to hear that. And now he’s starting to plan what he will place there. He’s thinking to get a Christmas tree in the middle of the living room, he doesn’t care if its not Chistmas time yet, he just loved the feeling.

They gradually moved slowly to the other room.

“And this is the small kitchen, still empty though.. For now it’s only the kitchen table.. But, we’ll shop soon..” Ryo laughed pointing at the room.

“So, this will be the place where you’re going to cook me a nice breakfast every day?” said Tegoshi while he moves his slender body pushing Ryo near the kitchen table, circled his hands over Ryo’s neck and grew an evil smile on his face.

“Everyday??” asked Ryo shocked, but leisurely placing his hands on Tegoshi’s waist.

“Uhn! Ryo’s homemade burger is the best in the world.. Suki!! ” Tegoshi nodded. “Is that a problem?”

“I’ll cook for you everyday if you kiss me right now..”

Tegoshi held a long pause while staring shyly. They’re just exchanging glare, before Tegoshi leaned forward and touched Ryo’s lips as the older boy wishes. It already the second time they’re kissing even though they’ve just met again after 2 years of separation.

The kiss grew longer, they’re moving their heads a lot on Ryo’s lead. They probably wonder if they would be able to finish looking around the house since they’re caught up intimately already.

The kiss ended when Tegoshi pulled away and smiled. “Oh, Nishikido-sama.. You can’t even get your hands off me already..” teased Tegoshi wiping Ryo’s lips with his hand.

“Well since I don’t relate to your brother’s clan anymore, I’m not breaking any rules..”

“So, you used to be afraid to touch me?”

“ You’re my boss’s little brother.. People don’t date their boss’s little brother, do they?” said Ryo rolling his eyes.

Tegoshi laughed.

“And also, because I don’t really know what I am to you.. Since you always had that guy around you..”

“That guy? Oh, you mean Kame-chan?” asked Tegoshi. “Haahahaha, really? Well, we broke up like a year ago.. I guess, we don’t really match.. Or maybe I’m still such a selfish total ass that he couldn’t bear to be with me..”

Ryo doesn’t know why what Tegoshi just said amused him a lot. It’s just rare to hear people said something like that about themselves, but Tegoshi is clearly fine with it.

“So, you’re really dating him back then? Even with what happened between us?” said Ryo as he pinched Tegoshi’s chubby cheek.

“Well, I thought you knew, Ryo..” said Tegoshi hitting Ryo’s hand with little punches.

“Oh my god, I’m such a fool.. You’re an evil, Tegoshi..” sighed Ryo.

“I’m not an evil, Ryo.. I’m just mean, that’s all..” said Tegoshi cheekily.

“How’s that different????” snapped Ryo, now both of his hand are pinching both of Tegoshi’s cheeks.

“Ittaii yoooo!! Baka!!! I’ll kill you!!”

--- ---

“I really should go..” said Uchi hurridly, he tried to get off the bed and covers himself with the sheets, but clearly getting up after a long passionate sex wasn’t gonna be easy. He didn’t even have the chance to stand up yet, he’s already back on the bed, just sitting there.

After what they did, suddenly Uchi’s cellphone kept ringing and Uchi knew who that is. Somehow they decided to ignore it, but it kept on ringing and reminds Uchi that Jun was still awake and waiting for him. And he’s here being with another man.

“I’m sorry, Yamashita-kun.. But I really don’t know what to do now..” said Uchi sadly, curled himself a bit, touching his face. He knew this was wrong, even though he also drown and enjoyed that they did, but clearly feeling the guilt. He should come back to his boyfriend, but he doesn’t want to leave.

Yamapi was just sitting there, leaning to the bed, staring at him. Looking at the vulnerable Uchi, Yamapi sighed. He slowly grabbed the sheets, Uchi who was wrapped around it also being pulled to him. Then once Uchi closed enough to him, Yamapi placed both of his hand around Uchi, just held him close.

“I’m the one who should say sorry, Hiroki..” said Yamapi.

This is the first time Yamapi calls him that. And it feels so nice to hear it. Hiroki.


“I’m sorry for making you feel like a bad person, cheating on your boyfriend.. I made you do this, I’m the bad person here.. ” said Yamapi suddenly.

“But-…” said Uchi.

“I don’t mind being like this.. With you having boyfriend.. I don’t mind, just don’t leave me..”

“What? What are you saying?” asked Uchi, his tears are so close to falling.

“I know it’s hard for you to choose.. But knowing that you could chose someone else it’s killing me.. So please, just let me stay like this.. Don’t leave me.. I want to be with you, even if it has to be a secret.. I’m already at the point where I close my eyes and you’re there.. Don’t cut me off..”

I want to be with you, even if it has to be a secret..

I want to be with you, even if it has to be a secret..

Yamapi’s honest words kept replaying over and over again inside Uchi’s mind.

“Yamashita-kun.. Don’t say that.. I’m just confused right now, I can’t think.. But please don’t say things like that.. I could never hurt you..”

“You can never hurt people, Uchi..” said Yamapi smiled bitterly. “But both of us wants you.. And one of us going to get hurt no matter what..”

“No, just stop talking! I don’t know, I can’t think!” screamed Uchi suddenly, he swiftly threw away his ringing cellphone and turned his body, just hugged Yamapi close. And just stay there clinging on to him.

--- ---

“You see that?? It’s a lake..” said Ryo pointing at the view. They are now in the 2nd floor’s balcony. Just sitting and talking, sharing one blanket over both of their shoulders.

“Waa that’s so cool! I bet I could swim in there! It doesn’t have alligators in it, does it??”

“Hahahhahaha… No, I can guarantee that! Even if there was, they’re all gonna be scared by you.. Cause you’re such a trouble person.. They probably think you’re the one who is going to bite them..”

“That’s irrelevant! Sooo funny ha-ha..” hissed Tegoshi. “Well, whatever.. I like the view from up here, I can see the moon’s shadow on the water.. That’s cool! Oh, anyway.. Is it only the balcony on the 2nd floor?” asked Tegoshi.

“No, the bed room is also on this floor.. Come on check it out, it’s huge.. You’ll love it..” said Ryo gave an inviting hand to Tegoshi.

Tegoshi hurriedly take Ryo’s hand and follow him again.

“This is your room… Great isn’t it?”

“Wow!! It’s even bigger than my current apartment room… It’s almost as big as my room in the
Okada house!” said Tegoshi entering the room, and take a good look inside it. Tegoshi jumps on the bed and began shaking it.

“For now it only got bed, but we’ll make it look nicer once your stuff is here..”

“Oh my god, I’m so excited! Heehehehe..” cheered Tegoshi.

“Yea, and my bedroom just across the alley.. It’s close..” said Ryo pointing outside.

“What? Your bedroom?” said Tegoshi surprised.

“Umm yea, it’s right over there..” said Ryo again.

Tegoshi stood up from the bed, and walked towards Ryo eagerly like he has something to say in his mind. Ryo knew that look on Tegoshi’s face, looks like he demands an explanation.

“Why do you have your own bedroom???” asked Tegoshi cornered Ryo.

“Eh?” Ryo panic. “I don’t know.. I thought.. You’ll more comfortable having your own bedroom..” said Ryo calmly. “I’m just thinking what’s best for you.. I want you to feel like you’re home..”

“WHAT?” asked Tegoshi again, louder. Its almost sounded like what Ryo just said was too ridiculous for Tegoshi’s ear.

“I don’t know... What did I do wrong?!”

“What’s the point of living together if we have separate bedrooms???? You should just go find some other available ROOM MATE on the friggin’ internet!! Is that what I am to you now? A roommate??”

“No! No! It’s not like that.. I don’t know if you’re comfortable enough if we shared one bedroom..”

“Well see if I’m comfortable enough with this..” Tegoshi pushed Ryo and he fell to the bed. The climbed on top of him and just starts to kiss Ryo’s neck softly. And Ryo thought he’s in heaven now, before his mind came back and realize that Tegoshi was touching him in some dangerous place.

“Tegoshi..” whispered Ryo. “I miss you..”

“I know that..” said Tegoshi.

Just when Ryo thought he would turn the table around and pin Tegoshi bellow him, Tegoshi got off the bed and grab his bag, Looks like he’s so ready to go.

“Okay then, I’ll come once in a while until the day I move in and have my OWN ROOM.. Come on, take me home now..” said Tegoshi as he began walking to the door.

“Wait!! Wait!!” screamed Ryo. “I’m sorry okay.. I’m sorry!! “ he grabbed Tegoshi’s hand before he leaves, ignoring the fact that he’s already got a lazy tent down there.


“We’ll share the same room.. You’re not, you’re not just a roommate… We’re.. We’re…”

“A couple?”

“Yes.. Yes, Tegoshi..”

“So we share one bedroom?”


--- ---

“Gosh.. I can’t believe I had to throw myself on you first to get what I want…”

“Fine.. Get all you want.. Just don’t scare me like that…” said Ryo, hugging his troublesome lover.

“Thank you..”

Ryo was stunned suddenly.

“Wait, you didn’t just say that?!” said Ryo shocked.

“Say what?”

“Thank you..” said Ryo again.

“Stop teasing me!! I’m not that mean you know!! I would appreciate if someone do something
for me!”

“Okay…” said Ryo sarcastically.

“BAKA!!!” screamed Tegoshi right on Ryo’s face.

Ryo was laughing, he really does enjoying his time with Tegoshi. Its not even feel like a burden, he felt relieved to have Tegoshi by his side. He chose to be with him in every condition, and Tegoshi will always be the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

“Say, Tegoshi.. You kind of get what you want right.. What about what I want?”

“What about what you want?” asked Tegoshi as if he doesn’t care.
It happened so fast when suddenly Tegoshi body was lifted up by Ryo, and he was carried back to the room . Tegoshi didn’t even have the chance to protest, he was already fell to the same bed with Ryo.

“Ouch, you’re hurting me!!” snapped Tegoshi when he was pinned down on the bed, with both hands were held by Ryo near his head. He finally understands the meaning of being trapped with somebody that is a lot stronger than you.

“You hurt me a lot more in the past..” said Ryo with his husky voice.

“So? Who ask you to fall in love with me?” said Tegoshi.
Ryo’s eyebrow’s twitched in an stiff way and let his lips sealed Tegoshi’s lips, and just kiss him deeper and deeper. It wasn’t quite expected but Tegoshi did seem to break it off before replying Ryo’s kiss with more intense and passionate kisses. Ryo released Tegoshi’s hands and giving it a free way to touch his belt and unbuckle it.

“You are really a good kisser, Ryo..” said Tegoshi slowly, then he captured Ryo’s lips again. Slipping his hand down on Ryo’s undo pants. Touching the hard thing under it. Giving it a little massage and pleased to hear the older boy growl.

Searching for the older boy’s face but no where to be found. Suddenly he felt something was taking on his hard thing gently, weak, but wet and soft. He finally realized that Ryo was taking him down his throat. Licking his lazy tent, nip it with his tongue. Both of Ryo’s palm were on Tegoshi’s thighs to keep the space for him to keep on sucking.

“Uuuhh.. “ moans Tegoshi.

Tegoshi tried to give a sign to stop because he knew he was already dripping wet down there, but his both ankle was tightly gripped by Ryo’s hand now, that it was impossible to even moved them . So what it’s left for Tegoshi to do was just to scream, and crying until it reach Ryo’s ear.

“It’s so good Ryo-kun…” cried Tegoshi.

“I like that.. The name you just call me..”

“I was just an impulse..”

“I take that as a way of you to express that you’re feeling good..” said Ryo.

“Shut up!” said Tegoshi breathless but stubborn voice. “You stop when I tell you to!”

“Oh yea? You think you could still order me around at time like this.. Don’t you realize it, Tegoshi? Right now, you’re mine.. Everything is not about you anymore…”

Tegoshi gave Ryo an hatred look, he’s ready to punch Ryo’s face. But still so turn on by the
way the older boy staring at him. Burning with desires to touch his body.

“Fine..” said Tegoshi.


“Fine, Ryo.. I’ll let you be.. Mmhhnn.. Oh.. the boss.. Hhh…”

Ryo smiled a bit, caressing Tegoshi’s head softly.

“I’ll listen to you.. I’ll do anything you want me to.. Everytime we have sex..”

“Mmhh.. I like that..”

“Everytime we make love in the future.. I’ll never say no.. I’ll satisfy you..”

“Talk more, Tegoshi..”

“ Hmm.. Ryo-kun..” moans Tegoshi as he felt Ryo’s kisses travelling on his neck. Sucking it
to very point it hurts a bit.

“Then I’m going to ask you to do something..” Ryo got something on his mind.
Ryo pushed himself back until he felt the wall behind him. He gave a sign for Tegoshi to come near him and telling him to sit on his lap. Tegoshi was curious but he waited for Ryo to say something.


“We’re gonna do it like this.. Ride me..”

“Oh, Ryo-kun..” said Tegoshi smiling.

--- ---

soooooo how was it?
lol. as always comments are LOVE <33

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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