Confession [1/?]

Jun 10, 2009 13:35

Title : Confession
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Being with someone who doesn't make your heart beats faster is not love and a love where you are just chasing is painful.
A/N : YEAY FOR ME FOR NEW FIC *kicked*, i hope you'll like it minna~

my dearly little sister made this fic graph >(^^)<

Chapter 1

Uchi was sitting on his desk, at the bookstore he owns, starring at the book in front of him. He wasn’t really reading, he was just flipping the pages randomly. There’s not much customer in the middle of the day, usually people visit the bookstore on their way home from work.

Uchi was thinking what he would make for dinner tonight, because today was Ryutaro’s birthday.

Uchi planned to buy a strawberry cake, and also cook Ryutaro’s favorite food, Tempura Udon. Uchi needs to go shopping for the ingredients, but he has to wait until Kota comes back from the school and help to watch the store.

When Kota arrived back at home, Uchi leaves for supermarket. On the way there he was having a call with his boyfriend. Jun called him asking what present should he buy for Ryutaro. This will be the second time Jun celebrate Ryutaro’s birthday, last year he was there too.
Uchi and Jun had already become a couple.

“Nii-chan!!” greets Ryutaro when Uchi came back from the supermarket.

“Hello, birthday boy!” smiled Uchi. While Ryutaro took the groceries bag from Uchi’s hand and help him to bring it inside the house. “I bought the stuff to make your favorite food! I’m going to make it now, you want to help?”

“Yes!” said Ryutaro happily. “Oh, thank you for the new pants, Nii-chan..”

“Heehehe..” Uchi made a peace sign with his finger. “Okay, lets begin the cooking, Jun will be here for dinner too..” said Uchi grabbing and putting on his apron. He tied up his hair, folds his sleeves and began cooking.

--- ---

“Hello?” said Uchi answering his cellphone. The number was private so Uchi had no idea who's calling. Uchi stopped cooking for a bit and walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

“Hi, Ucchan..”

“Nish-.. Nishikido-kun??!! It’s Nishikido-kun?? Waaaa.. So good to finally hear from you!” screamed Uchi surprised. He really wasn’t expecting Ryo to call out of no where. He knew that Ryo was in town now, but he was expecting a mail from him.

“Ucchan, I just arrived in Tokyo..” said Ryo.

“We should meet then! Oh my god, it’s been 2 years, Nishikido-kun.. What are you doing tonight? Please come to my house, it’s my brother’s birthday.. We’re having a small party.. You remember Ryutaro, right?”

“Yes, I remember him.. Hahaaa.. I would love to come, Uchan.. But I’m a little tired from the trip.. Maybe I should sleep early tonight.. I don’t feel very well..” said Ryo weakly.

“Oh, that’s too bad.. But I guess you’re tired, ne.. Well, how about tomorrow? I got two movie ticket from a friend, let’s go watch a movie with me.. Okay?” invited Uchi.

“Two ticket? How come you get two tickets?” asked Ryo, confused.

“Well, it was supposed to be for me and.. Umm, my boyfriend.. But he can’t go because of work, so I have one ticket free.. You should come with me then, it’s a promise, okay!”

“A boyfriend, huh..? I think I have a lot to catch up..” Ryo laughed a little teasing Uchi.

“Heehe.. Well, that’s why you should definitely come tomorrow..” said Uchi again.

“Haahahaha.. I’ll come tomorrow, don’t worry.. This is my new number, just call me tomorrow..” said Ryo telling his new number. After that, they say good-bye. They agreed to meet in a café first, then straight to the movie.

Uchi bit his own lip, it’s not actually a movie.

It was a ticket to Tegoshi’s theater show.

Uchi has given a lot of thoughts about it, he knew once Ryo was in town, he’ll contact Uchi. And his prediction was right, Ryo called just a day before the show. Uchi decides to let Ryo and Tegoshi meet. Uchi believes that it was only a mistake that Ryo and Tegoshi aren’t able to work it out 2 years ago.

And he also believes that, Ryo wasn’t the type that forgets about love easily.

Ryo still loves Tegoshi, even after these 2 years.

--- ---

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RYU!” said Jun as he hand out a present for Ryutaro.

“Arigato, Jun-kun!!! Whoaaaaa, the box is huge!” smiled Ryutaro cheerfully. Everybody was laughing seeing Ryutaro’s expression. Uchi mouthed a thank you at Jun, Jun nodded, smiled back.

The food was served perfectly on the table. Kota and Yuto was sitting at the table, staring delightfully at their little brother who excitedly open the presents. While Uchi was preparing the cake from the refrigerator and light the candles.

“Okay.. Let’s blow the candles!!” said Uchi bringing the cakes to the table.

Everybody started singing the songs for Ryutaro, it was wonderful. Just a small family dinner like they always had. Nothing thrills Uchi more than to see his brother’s happiness.

Then suddenly, when Ryutaro was about to cut the cake, there was a knocking at his door.

Everyone staring at each other, and were looking confused. Counting everybody who presents there. They were already complete and weren’t expecting anyone.

But maybe one of them was.

“Who that might be..?” asked Uchi slowly.

“Ah!! Nii-chan.. I invited my friend to come over! I told him we’re having Tempura tonight! Is that okay?” said Ryutaro suddenly. “I thought he can’t come, but maybe he’s just late…”

“Oh, sure! We’ll be happy to have your friend comes over..” said Uchi excitedly. “Well, let’s get the door, don’t let your friend wait up..”

Uchi and Ryutaro was the one who came to the front door. Uchi grabbed the doorknob and hurriedly opened it.

There’s not a single word Uchi could say that moment. That moment when he opens the door and saw him there. Who might have guess, that Ryutaro’s friend was..

“Chinen-kun! You came!” greets Ryutaro at the door.

“Ryuu-kun, happy birthday!” said Chinen, he gave a present for Ryutaro. Seems like they’ve became close friends now. Ryutaro hurriedly invite Chinen inside the house. “Come on, we’re about to cut the cake!”

“Hai!” said Chinen, he entered the house, passing Uchi at the door. He bends down to take off his shoes. And after putting his shoes perfectly at its place, suddenly he realized that there was Ryutaro’s older brother standing at the door. Looking at him strangely.

“Konbanwa..” said Chinen politely bowed. But when he look up at the face, he starting to realize the familiar person in front of him.

“Pi.. Pikachu..?” asked Chinen.

“Chinen-kun..” said Uchi. He doesn’t know how to react, happy or nervous. But meeting Chinen again after more than 2 years was absolutely lovely. It felt really nice that Chinen still remembers him, and remembers the nickname he used to call Uchi.

“You’re friends with my brother.. That’s .. wonderful.. but..Unexpected..” said Uchi tried to smile.

“Yes, I’m not afraid of going to school anymore, Pikachu! Ryutaro is a good friend, we’re classmates now!”

“That’s great…” said Uchi again. Trying to think clearly, better yet trying to calm himself

“Are you here alone?” Uchi asked Chinen.

“No, I’m here with Papa, he’s parking the car.. He’ll be here soon!”

--- ---

Uchi watched Ryutaro and Chinen get inside the house and running to the living room. While he was still shocked, still standing and leaning on to the door. He touched his chest, his heartbeat are going faster. He still can’t believe that it’s happening.

“Uchi?” said a voice from behind.

Uchi turn his body right away, that deep voice who just called his name, was very recognizable for Uchi’s ear.

“Why are you..?” said the man confusedly.

“Oh.. Mm.. Hi, Yamashita-kun…” said Uchi nervously.

“Hi..” said Yamapi back. “Where’s Chinen..?”

“He’s already inside.. It was my brother the one who’s celebrating his birthday..” explained Uchi fastly. He moved a bit from the door, letting Yamapi enter the house. “You should come in.. Umm, they’re about to blow the cake.. I mean, cut the candles.. Umm, eat the cake.. Come in..”

“Thanks..” said Yamapi quietly.

--- ---

It was really strange to have met again, in such unexpected way. They walked soundlessly side by side through the alley to the living room. It’s one of those times that when it feels like time seems longer to pass away.

“Wait..” said Yamapi breaking the silence between them.

They haven’t reached the living room yet, Uchi stopped his step and turn his face to Yamapi.

“I don’t know what to say..” said Yamapi.

“Me too..” replied Uchi slowly, staring at Yamapi.

“You looked different, Uchi.. Umm, in a good way..”

“Thanks.. It’s been a while,ne.. Yamashita-kun.. How are you?” said Uchi. He couldn’t think of anything to say to Yamapi other than some basic conversation. He’s really trying hard to seem normal now, there surely a lot of stories they could chat about, but now it’s all blank inside Uchi’s head.

Yamapi just smiled. As if he also thought that this kind of conversation was just a formality. “I’m fine.. We can skip that..”

Uchi laughed a little.

“You were gone.. You moved out from your apartment..” said Yamapi suddenly.

“Yes, I moved here in this house..”

“You also stopped working at the supermarket and the care center..”

“I opened a bookstore.. I’m starting my own business…” said Uchi.

“Is it going well?”

“Umm.. So far, there’s no problem..”

“Good..” smiled Yamapi, his voice was still felt a little shy.

There’s a bit of pause for a moment. Uchi realized that Yamapi has been only gazing at him, not saying any other word again after that. Uchi closed his eyes before hurriedly throwing his glare at the floor.

“Yamashita-kun, you also stopped going to the care center.. There’s always just the driver picking Chinen back then..”

“That’s because.. I’m afraid to see you.. I know you don’t want to see me at that time..”

There’s another long pause. Uchi knew they’ve brought up what’s better left in the past. Now it feels more awkward and it’s starts killing Uchi inside. Uchi said it many times to himself that he’s already moved on, and forgets about Yamapi.

But right now, all he has in his heart was hesitation.

He shouldn’t be this way. Everything has changed in these 2 years, so did his heart.

Yamapi slowly took Uchi’s hand, Uchi was confused but didn’t do anything. He just waits for Yamapi to say something. They’re getting closer in some way, but the closer Yamapi gets it just feels more like they’re further away from each other.

Uchi saw Yamapi’s lips parted like he was about to say something , but that’s when suddenly Jun jump from the living room and appeared in front of them.

“Uchi, what took you so-.. Oh, hi..” said Jun, a bit shocked seeing the two of them.

Uchi hurriedly took his hand from Yamapi, and make sure to be in a proper distance. “Jun! This.. This is Chinen’s brother.. Yamashita Tomohisa.. Umm, and this is..” Uchi points at Jun, but his mouth stopped talking.

“Matsumoto Jun, I’m a close friend of Uchi..” said Jun, shaking hands with Yamapi.

“Nice to meet you.. Um, Close friend?” asked Yamapi slowly.

“Jun is my boyfriend..” said Uchi, preventing himself to get any doubts on his feelings right now.

“Oh..” Yamapi nodded slowly after that. “Umm, so where’s the birthday boy?”
Ofcourse things have changed in these 2 years.

What hasn’t maybe just the feelings?

--- ---
sooooooo, please tell me what you think minna~
as always comment are LOVE

i hate it! im sick again!
these past few days i spent most of my times on bed ;_;
maybe i was too tired ne?
wish me good luck ne~ <333

ILU all

confession, uchi hiroki, ryotego, fanfic

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