Bittersweet [16/16]

May 31, 2009 16:07

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Tegoshi Yuya, a wealthy boy who always gets what he wants, suddenly decides to have a part time job just for fun
A/N : im back! with the LAST CHAPTER! *runs* sorry i'm late again, life still a bit bitchy! and sorry i haven't reply any of your comments in chap 15! i'm just so busy with RL and stuff ;_;! i missed you guys~
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9][Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15]

Last Chapter

--- ---
To :
From :

Dear Tegoshi,

How are you, little guy?

I’m so happy when I received your email… I was just thinking about you, thinking how you’ve been doing. Because it’s been more than 2 year since the last time we saw each other, ne?

I still remember all those time working with you in the supermarket. I’m not working in the supermarket anymore, but sometimes I still go there to greet Sakurai-san. He asked about you sometimes. I wish I could say something, but I’ve lost contact with you too.

So, how is it going in there? Are you having fun?

Are you studying properly in Art University of Kyoto? Make sure to be a brilliant actor, ne?
Thank you for the ticket to see your theater performance, I can’t wait to come! And the show is in here, in Tokyo!

I’ve been just fine. I’ve moved out of my small apartment and rented a small house. I opened a little bookstore in my house. My brothers Yuto and Ryutaro helped me a lot with the store. And Kota is in his last year of high school, he’s been studying hard to get into Tokyo University. I knew he’s a smart boy after all. And our relationship is getting better, we talked and open up more to each other.

Tego-chan, we should meet soon! I missed you so much..

Right now, I’m happy. Thank you for asking.

I’ve let go everything in the past, I’ve moved on.

I’m with somebody right now, he’s a really nice man. I spent most of my best moment with him, he cares about me a lot. I met him because of you anyway. He’s Matsumoto Jun, your
former senpai. He told me to say hi to you.

Thank you, Tegoshi.

Reply soon!
Uchi Hiroki.

--- ---

Uchi stared at his computer screen. Looking at the page of his inbox. Thinking how weird it has become now. All the names from the past suddenly appear again in his life. After these 2 years of some quality time for being away from each other.

“Tegoshi…” said Uchi looking at the first mail in his inbox. “Nishikido-kun…” the mail before the first one.

Just yesterday, Uchi also received a message from Ryo. Uchi thought this one was already the most surprising thing ever.

Ryo send mail sometimes to Uchi, just letting now what he’s been up to and how he’s doing and all that. He works in a normal company now. Uchi doesn’t understand but it seems like it was related to criminal cases, sort of a spy agent or detective thing. Ryo didn’t tell Uchi the detail. Ryo also never calls , he just give news about him through mails, but it’s been months since the last time Uchi received one from Ryo.

In his last recent surprising mail, Ryo said that he’s in town for a couple days for business matters and he wanted to meet Uchi. Catching up some old friends, he said.
Yes, maybe now those new friends Uchi made at the supermarket has a new name to call, old friends.

About 2 years ago Ryo left Tokyo. The precise word is disappearing. He left the Okada family by quitting his job. He left around Tegoshi’s birthday, maybe right after Tegoshi birthday. The only person knowing about his leaving maybe only Uchi. Uchi wanted to ask why, he knew it’s something related to Tegoshi but Ryo won’t give out even a single word about it.

Uchi believes in this life some things don’t go well, even if you blame it on other people, it’s still hurts you the most. Whatever reason you give, still not helps you from the pain. Maybe that was what Ryo felt.

The last thing Uchi knew, Ryo looked so happy telling all these plans he made for Tegoshi. But the next thing Uchi know that Ryo looked upset infront of Uchi’s doorstep telling goodbye. Uchi wished he were there that night of Tegoshi’s birthday. He wonders what happened. But he wasn’t there, he left early if he remembers correctly.

Ofcourse Uchi remembers that night. How could he forget?

“Ryo-chan is here in town.. And Tegoshi’s play also here in town..” Uchi narrowed his eyes.

Almost look like the fate didn’t let Uchi think more about Tegoshi and Ryo, because suddenly Uchi’s cellphone rang and he pick it up right away.

“Moshi-moshi..” said Uchi.

“Hey.. What are you doing right now?”

“What is it Jun…? Calling me for no reason again?” protest Uchi’s cute voice.

“Yeaa.. sure… Ahahahaa.. So, are we meeting for lunch today or should I pick you up at the bookstore?” asked Jun, sounded like he’s on the road driving his car.

“I’ll meet you at the restaurant.. After I go to Ryutaro’s school, I have to get his report card today.. Okay? I promise I won’t be late.. Around 1 pm, right..?” giggles Uchi.

“Okay.. I’ll see you later.. I missed you..”

“I miss you too.. Bye..” said Uchi before placing his cellphone down at the table. At the same table there’s a photo frame, inside it it’s a photo of him and Jun. Jun was hugging him from behind, holding a pair of new sport shoes he got from Uchi as a present for his high grades at the university. Both of them were laughing inside that photo.

Uchi starred at it. This is his life now.

His current happy life.

“Aahh.. It’s almost lunch time.. I should get ready to go to Ryutaro’s school..” said Uchi panic, hurriedly closing his laptop, also closing his bookstore, then go get ready to his room.

--- ---

“See, Nii-chan! Didn’t I get good grades? It’s because Yuto-nii teaches me everyday…” smiled Ryutaro happily. Ryutaro now is in his fourth grade of elementary school, he still as adorable as ever he just got taller a bit.

“I’m so proud of you! Jun will be thrilled to see this too.. Let’s show it to him later, okay?” said Uchi happily. They were walking out from Ryutaro’s class. The school was filled with a lot of parents also getting their child’s report card.

“Are we going to eat lunch with Jun-kun?” asked Ryutaro.

“Yes..” smiled Uchi.

“Yay! Jun-kun didn’t come yesterday, he promised to play the game guitar hero with me..”

“Heehehe.. Maybe he’s busy yesterday.. Ah, there’s a taxi!” Uchi waved his hand to stop the taxi. A white taxi stopped in front of them, Ryutaro got inside first. Uchi followed next.
But just when he wanted to get inside the taxi, suddenly he heard a boy screaming.


Uchi looked at that screaming boy on the parking lot of the school, that boy looked like Ryutaro’s age. He was waving, a car stopped in front of him, and that boy got inside the car.
Uchi had a curious expression on his face. That boy’s face looks so familiar, but it doesn’t seem to ring a bell. Uchi lowered his head, he can’t think much. So he stepped inside the taxi. And the car went away.

--- ---

On the way to the restaurant, Uchi can’t seem to let it go.

“Papa?” said Uchi to himself.

Isn’t that what..

What Chinen used to call… him..?

“Yamashita-kun…” said Uchi unconsciously. It was so shocking that Ryutaro who was sitting next to Uchi got surprised at his brother’s sudden concern face.

“What’s wrong, Nii-chan?” aske Ryutaro kindly.

“Ryuu.. Is there.. Any of your friends named.. Umm, Chinen-kun?” asked Uchi hesitantly.

Uchi waited for his little brother to answer his question, he wanted the answer to be no but he can’t deny that there’s a bit of hope it might be true. Suddenly Ryutaro’s face brightens up.

“Aah, Chinen? He’s my classmate yoo! He transferred to my school last year.. But this year we’re on the same class.. He’s very funny, Nii-chan…” explained Ryutaro cheerfully, he didn’t know what Uchi is feeling right now.

It’s really him.. It’s really Chinen, the boy I saw before..

He also got taller just like Ryutaro..

And he was calling the man inside the car with… papa.

And that man would be..


--- ---

Looks like the thing Uchi just found out already meddles on his mind. He can’t seem to stop thinking about it. He didn’t even concentrate on conversation Jun kept making with him when they reached the restaurant.

Uchi just stares at the food, eating it quietly.

Jun touched Uchi’s hand on the table. “Hey, Are you okay?”

Uchi smiled at him. “Uhn! Nothing is wrong..”

--- ---

When Jun drives them back to the house, they made sure Ryutaro are already got inside the house before Jun suddenly pulled Uchi closer to him. Wrapping his pair of hands on his boyfriend’s waist.

Uchi chuckles a bit.

“You don’t know how long I waited to do this today.. I know we can’t do this in front of your brother..” said Jun teasing Uchi’s ear. Acting like a stubborn kid.

“I miss you too..” said Uchi calmly. Resting his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Hugging him close. He should relax being close to where he belong, but Uchi doesn’t know why suddenly Yamapi’s face appears in his mind when he hugged Jun.

It was the face of a person he’s been trying to forget for more than 2 years.

And those three names from the past, most likely will come into sight again in Uchi’s life
after this.

--- ---

kekekekeke >.<
that's all for now,
and yes,
i promise you the continuation of this fic after this!
but it will be a short one, the title will be CONFESSION,
probably just 3 chapters ^^

i hope you like this too minna~
thank you for all ^^

ILU all~
as always comments = LOVE

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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