Bittersweet [14/?]

May 16, 2009 16:03

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Tegoshi Yuya, a wealthy boy who always gets what he wants, suddenly decides to have a part time job just for fun
A/N : sorry it took me so long to finished this chap -_-, life was a bit hard these days. But i hope you'll enjoy it.
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9][Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13]

Chapter Fourteen

I thought my life has changed a bit when he came. When he filled my days, when he stays in my mind for almost every seconds. I couldn’t help it.

To be in love with him.

I was afraid to mention the word love, because I think he was my first. I’ve never been in love before.

I thought he’s going to be the one,

Until that day happened.. And until today,

Somebody else appeared in front of me today..

--- ---

“Ucchan!! You came!!” screamed Tegoshi cheerfully. He ran across the room passing a lot of people and tables. He hugged Uchi right away who was just standing behind Ryo who brought him there.

Uchi just smiled weakly. “Happy birthday, Tegoshi…”

“I’m soooooo happy that you’re here!! Ryo said you’re not coming, so I had to force him to get you! Gomen ne.. I really want to come yoooo! It’s my birthday !!” said Tegoshi excitedly.

“Uhn!” Uchi nodded.

“So, where’s my presents?! You brought presents for me right? !Where? Where? You don’t come with empty handed right?!!” asked Tegoshi right away. With hands open wide in front of Uchi’s face.

Uchi just laughed a bit. Surprisingly he did have present. To be exact, he just bought that presents today. Or to be really exact, he just bought that present 15 minutes ago.

--- ---

30 minutes earlier….

Knock knock knock…

“Nishikido-kun?” Uchi was shocked to see Ryo was standing behind his door. Uchi thought he had made it clear that he wasn’t going to go to Tegoshi’s Birthday party. He wasn’t feeling all that well. The truth is, he wanted to be alone.

“Sorry, Ucchan.. He told me to come get you no matter what..” said Ryo with a bitter smile on his face, looking irritated like he was just bullied by Giant, in Doraemon. Which is Tegoshi here.


“That brat even threaten me that he’ll burn down my house if I don’t get you there…”


--- ---

“I- I don’t have anything to wear.. I don’t think it’s a good Idea for me to come.. Just drop me here, I’ll go home by myself..” said Uchi worriedly. He knew that the place they’re going is where the good looking people are. Even though it’s not all that formal, but Tegoshi’s friends are all from wealthy families. They must’ve come with their best appearance.

Just like Ryo today, Uchi noticed that Ryo was wearing his best suit. And with hair tucked behind his ears, he looked so neat.

In the other hand, Uchi was still wearing his house clothes. A normal T-shirt and jeans and.. Oh, this is the worse part. He’s not even wearing shoes. Ryo just dragged him out as he is. He didn’t even had time to prepared anything.

Even if he had time, what would he prepared?

“Don’t worry.. We still have 20 minutes..” said Ryo suddenly.

“For what?” asked Uchi.

Suddenly Ryo hit the break and the car stopped. Uchi turn his head to the left and realized that they’re in front of a boutique. Uchi blink, there’s no way he’s going to…

“We’re going to get you ready..”


--- ---

And in just 10 minutes out from the store, Uchi was looking as good as Ryo with all new branded clothes and shoes and a little presents in his hand. Uchi still couldn’t believe it, it all happened so fast. He even thought he didn’t have a chance to breath.

This is the first time Uchi entered a store like that, and clearly that was the first time he bought something from there. Which caused him almost four month’s salary. Good thing he wasn’t the one paying for all that.

“Why are you looking so shocked?” said Ryo laughing. They’re already on the way to the party now.

Uchi turn his head to Ryo suddenly. “You’re asking me why I’m so shocked? You really really asking me that, Nishikido-kun?” said Uchi helplessly.

Ryo just continued laughing.

“I can’t believe I’m really going..” said Uchi slowly.

Ryo stole a glance at Uchi for a bit, he saw Uchi’s sad face again. If there’s one person who understand what Uchi is feeling right now, that person is Ryo. Ryo was the one there when it all happened.

“You.. You’re afraid of meeting him there, aren’t you?” asked Ryo.

Uchi just lowered his head.

It’s true, he was the reason Uchi didn’t want to come.

Because Uchi knew Yamapi will be there too.

--- ---

There were so many people there, with loud music. Uchi was just sitting at the table which was located in the middle, oh bad luck. He was only playing with the food he just took from the buffet. He didn’t even have appetite to eat.

From a far he saw Tegoshi was laughing with his friends. He must’ve had a great tie right now. Not to mention his presents were a bunch. This people must’ve come with presents too.
That enough to make Tegoshi’s mood happy for a week.

Uchi was left alone in the table, because Ryo had to keep an eye on Tegoshi, so he must be around where Tegoshi is.

“Hmmm… I think I’ll just go grab a drink..” said Uchi as he stood up from his seat. Walked passed the crowd until he could grab a glass of juice. He chose to stand near the glass door, so at least he could enjoy the view of Tokyo city from that height. The restaurant was located in the 20th floor.

He felt a bit calm being in one spot like this. At least he doesn’t have to wander around, it could increased the chance he meet Yamapi there. He doesn’t even know if Yamapi already there or not. He doesn’t want to think about him.

--- ---

“Ucchan!” called Ryo.

“Hi.. Wow, you looked tired..” said Uchi when Ryo approach him.

“Yea.. It’s really hard to stay by his side with this much people.. But right now he’s eating with his friends on the table, so I guess I could breathe for a moment..” smiled Ryo. He took Uchi’s drink and drank it right away. Uchi just chuckles.

“Hey.. Why don’t you just try to enjoy it.. You could dance in the middle, like those people..” said Ryo pointing at a group of people that were dancing with the music. Uchi hurriedly hit Ryo’s shoulder.

“Very funny, Nishikido-kun..” said Uchi.

Ryo laughed, so Uchi unconsciously laughed too. They were walking to the balcony, because Ryo said he has something to talk about. And it’s really important.

“What is it, Nishikido-kun?”

“I’ve made my decision, Ucchan.. I’ll quit my job..” said Ryo straightly and so suddenly.

“Are you serious?!” asked Uchi surprised.


“But why?”

Ryo looked unsure for a moment, but then he released a deep sighed. Uchi waited, the cold night breeze were caressing their faces. Uchi rubs his cheeks a couple times.

“I love him.. That’s why.. I couldn’t reach him if stayed like this.. I worked for his brother, and if I stay, Tegoshi will never get out of this world.. I know he hates it very much, he hates being born in a Yakuza family..”


“That’s why.. If I quit my job, I’ll quit this world I’ve lived in for years.. I’ll get a new one and maybe get a bigger apartment with my savings.. Then, I’ll asked him to live with me..”

“Oh my god, Nishikido-kun.. That’s so..” Uchi just smiled. He couldn’t even finish his words.

“But, maybe I can’t give him everything like he has now.. But, I’ll try my best to make him happy.. I realized that last night, when I held him.. I never want to let him go.. ” Ryo dropped his gaze for a bit before staring back at Uchi. He saw Uchi was smiling warmly at him.

“Nishikido-kun… That sounds wonderful.. I’m so happy for you!” said Uchi, this was actually the first thing making him happy for the past 48 hours. Even though Ryo wasn’t quite sure for now, but Uchi believes that Ryo could do it.

“That’s why.. I’ll tell him later today…”


--- ---

Ryo went inside again after that, but Uchi stayed in the balcony. He said he felt much more comfortable being there for a bit. Actually, Uchi really wants to go. But it wouldn’t be fair to Tegoshi. Tegoshi had been so nice to him, wanting him to be there, he can’t just leave like that.

After a while, Uchi heard the glass door was opened by someone.

He saw a tall man walking near where he is.

“Ohh.. Sorry.. I thought no body was here..” said that man.

“No, it’s okay..” said Uchi.

“Looking for some fresh air too?” he asked, while joins Uchi staring at the view.

Uchi laughed a bit. “Maybe..”

Uchi didn’t pay much attention to the man beside him. Or he just still couldn’t let his mind to relax. He’s still thinking about it, about him. Why? Why is the problem we want to forget just kept repeating inside our heads? It’s really torturing.

“Hey.. You’re not from the school right?” asked that man suddenly staring at Uchi.

“Mmm.. no, I knew Tegoshi from part time work..”

“I thought so.. Cause I’ve never seen you before.. I’m Jun, Matsumoto Jun.. I’m Tegoshi’s senpai at High School.. Right now I’m studying in Medical School..”

That man offered his hand, so they shook hands. “I’m Uchi Hiroki..”

Looks like Jun was on the balcony because he wants to smoke. Suddenly out of nowhere both of them were chatting, just random stuff. At least Uchi wasn’t alone anymore.

“You mention part time work before, I didn’t know Tegoshi worked somewhere.. Better yet, it sounds impossible..” he chuckles. Seems like this guy was close to Tegoshi in his high school years. “I was on the same journalism club with Tegoshi, and I remember him not doing anything in the club..”

“Pretty much the same at our part-time work..” said Uchi.

And just like that, Uchi thought he’ll never have a good time being there, but he actually enjoys talking with this man. He’s very simple and easy going. Uchi was laughing and for a second he forgets about the thing that was bothering him before.

--- ---

Ryo was about to take Uchi inside again, because he left him there quite long. But when he get there, he saw Uchi was talking with someone, and Ryo knew that person. That was
Tegoshi’s senpai. Ryo knew he is a nice person so Ryo left them there.

When Ryo was just walking around, he saw someone that’s making his eyes narrowed. He saw him, he saw Yamapi just arrived and now is talking to Tegoshi who seem pretty happy.

“Yamapi, you came!!” said Tegoshi joyfully.

“Happy Birthday, Tegoshi..” said Yamapi. “Sorry I was late..”

“It’s okay! Where’s my presents? Where’s the guitar?!” demands Tegoshi laughing. Yamapi gave him a bag, it rather small though so clearly it’s not a guitar.

“Sorry, I haven’t been able to find the guitar..”

“Wow! Cool jacket! Thank you, Yamapi! Okay, since this is really cool too I forgave you for the guitar.. Ahahahhaa… Come on, you should eat the lasagna, it’s chooooooo oishiii yo!” said Tegoshi as he about to grabbed Yamapi’s hand and bring him to the buffet lounge.

“Umm.. It’s okay, Tegoshi.. I’m not staying.. I’m leaving..” said Yamapi. Even though he knew that is not a very good idea. Seeing from the changed expression on Tegoshi’s face.

“WHAT? Nande??? You don’t want to be in my party??” protest Tegoshi looking pissed.

“No, it’s not that.. Nmm.. Well.. Something comes up last minute, so I have to go now.. I’m really sorry.. I hope you like the present..” said Yamapi again.

“Eeeehhh?? What’s wrong with my supermarket friends today.. First, Ucchan didn’t want come
too.. I have to make Ryo bring him here… And now you! You’re leaving so soon.. Aaaahh.. it ruins my mood… I hate you guys..” said Tegoshi with a pout on his face, and a really annoyed tone.

Yamapi stared blankly at Tegoshi when he heard Tegoshi said that name.

“Is… he here?” asked Yamapi slowly.

“Who? Ucchan? Yea he’s here.. He’s with Ryo before.. I don’t know.. Somewhere in here.. Why don’t you find him and stay here? That’ll make me happy yoooo.. Come on stay!! STAY STAY STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!”

--- ---

Jun looked at the his watch, the clock just hit the 11 O’clock, but there’s no sign of the party ending. “Mmm.. I guess I’m leaving now, tomorrow I have to got up early.. I got a morning class…”

“Oh..” Uchi nodded.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, Hiroki..” said Jun smiling. “See you again..” that Jun guy waved good bye and walked back to the door. Uchi stared at him, and realized that he’s now alone again. He doesn’t want to get back to the party, nor does he want to be alone there too.

So it also shocked Uchi when suddenly he called that man before reaching the door.

“Wait! Matsmoto-san!” called Uchi, while running to catch up with him. “Can you.. Can you give me a ride home? I really want to go…”

--- ---

as always comments are LOVE
jya minna~
i'll try to update this asap ^^

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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