Bittersweet [15/?]

May 24, 2009 16:43

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Tegoshi Yuya, a wealthy boy who always gets what he wants, suddenly decides to have a part time job just for fun
A/N : im back! with new fresh chapter *runs*
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9][Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14]

Chapter Fithteen

“Ahh! There’s message!” said Tegoshi while he grabbed on his cellphone. He opened the message he just received and it was from Uchi.

11.15 pm
To : Tegoshi Yuya

Tegoshi, I’m leaving now.
Thank you for inviting me and making me come.
I wish you have a wonderful birthday.

From : Uchi Hiroki

“Eeeehh? Ucchan is leaving!!” said Tegoshi loudly as he reads the message.

Yamapi heard that. He was still standing beside Tegoshi. Having doubts on what he should do. Uchi was so near right now, but he’s leaving. Should Yamapi just let him go? Should he find Uchi? Or just let everything stays the same and nothing change?

There’s a lot of voices in Yamapi’s head that’s starting to hurt his brain. He really wants to see Uchi, but he knew that the younger boy does not wish to see him. What should he do?

”Well, maybe Ucchan is tired.. I guess I’ll see him on Monday… Hmmm, Hello? Yamapi…??” Tegoshi waved his hands in front of Yamapi’s face. “Why you looked spaced away for a bit?
Are you sick? You looked so blank..” said Tegoshi sounding superior.

“Tegoshi..” said Yamapi.


“I’m going to look for him..” said Yamapi before turning his back and rushing to find Uchi
before he leaves.

--- ----


Uchi turn his head when he felt someone grabbed his hands from behind, he was just about to enter the lift.

Surely, the thing he worried the most is happening.

“Y-.. Yamashita-kun?” said Uchi shocked.

“Wait.. Don’t go..” said Yamapi breathlessly. He was running trying to catch Uchi before
Uchi go into the lift. He managed to hold him just in time.


“Stay.. I want to talk..” asked Yamapi.

“I don’t.. No..” said Uchi, staring at the floor. He tries to take his hand off Yamapi a couple times but Yamapi wouldn’t let go.

“Please..” asked Yamapi again.

“Why..” said Uchi.

Uchi look up slowly, he finds Yamapi eyes were staring at him.

Uchi let Yamapi pulling him away from the lift. Before the lift door was closing, Uchi said
‘Bye’ to Matsumoto-san who was originally agreed to give him a ride home. But now, with
Matsumoto-san was gone. Uchi had no other choice but to face Yamapi.

--- ---

“RYOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” called Tegoshi across the room.

Actually Ryo was behind him.

“What?” said Ryo.

Tegoshi turn his head and laughed at himself. But after that he grabbed on to Ryo’s shoulder and be all clingy to him. He doesn’t care with all these people around, they wouldn’t mind anyway. They already knew that Tegoshi was spoiled like that.

“I missed you..” said Tegoshi sweetly. He touched Ryo’s ear before tucking back some of
Ryo’s hair. “Mm.. I like your hair..” Tegoshi giggles a little.

“Hey, you’ve been drinking?”

“No.. Well, just a couple glasses.. I’m not drunk..” giggles Tegoshi again.

“Well, if you take another glass.. I’ll dragged you home and tell your Aniki..” said Ryo looking pretty aggravated.

“Heehehehe.. You’re so worried about me.. But I love that..” said Tegoshi with his devilish smile.

“Yeah, whatever..”

“Ryoo.. Come here… Let me hug you!” demands Tegoshi suddenly.

“Excuse me?”

“Just give me a hug, I’m tired!! Hayaku!!!” said Tegoshi. Ryo showed a what the hell expression, but in the end he could refuse it and just let Tegoshi jumps to him. Ryo wrapped his hands around Tegoshi just like what the younger boy did first. Ryo lift Tegoshi’s body up a couple times just to play. Tegoshi was really light, Ryo felt like his backpack weight more than Tegoshi.

“Yay.. This is really fun.. Let’s go there.. Let me grab the melon..” said Tegoshi laughing.

“Okay..” Ryo has to admit it. That he loves Tegoshi’s voice whenever he’s happy. It sounded
bossy ofcourse, but Tegoshi’s happy voice was never so loud. And with his cute little chuckles.

Tegoshi grabbed the melon with his two hands, one for himself and one for…

“Ryo eats this too..” said Tegoshi as he feeds Ryo.

“Hmm.. Oishii..”

“Eheehehehe…. I knew you love Melon..”


“I also knew you love me..” said Tegoshi suddenly getting closer and whispered it to Ryo’s


“Thank you for staying by my side last night..” smiled Tegoshi. Now they’re staring at each other. Tegoshi’s face was this close to Ryo, made Ryo forget where they are and nearly leaned over to kiss Tegoshi. But he’s the type that don’t get crried away in moments, so Ryo just keep silent and nods.

Tegoshi circled his hands on Ryo’s neck, right now he had a shy expression on his face, and that’s a rare thing.

“And for being the first person to say happy birthday to me.. Arigatoo…” said Tegoshi slowly. “I think I know who I might give my first cake to..”

“Nee.. Tegoshi..” Ryo began talking. “I need to tell you something..”


“I’m quitting my job..”

“WHAT?!” and now that was Tegoshi’s unhappy voice.

“I’ve decided to quit..”

In a second Tegoshi jumps away from Ryo, standing in front of him just like that. Ryo wanted to take steps clser to Tegoshi, but he held back. Because Tegoshi was mad, angry hearing that coming from Ryo’s mouth.

“You hate me?” he asked Ryo right away.


“Then why do you want to leave me?” said Tegoshi stubbornly and looking like he was about to cry. He took a coupe steps back away from Ryo.

“It doesn’t mean I’m leaving you, Tegoshi..”

“You’re tired of me, aren’t you.. You’re leaving me!!! RYO BAKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” screamed Tegoshi as he storms out on Ryo. Ryo didn’t look surprised by this, he knew that was exactly how Tegoshi would react.

Now he just has to find a right time to calmly explain to Tegoshi again.

--- ---

When they are still walking in the alley of the building, suddenly Uchi stopped his step. His head was lowered. He doesn’t care that Yamapi still holding his hand. He can’t take it anymore, he wasn’t okay with this. He’s not ready to talk to Yamapi.

“Please, let me go home..” asked Uchi with little voice.


“Please.. I want to go home..” said Uchi again. Still not raising his head.

“Hey..” said Yamapi worriedly. Because Uchi’s voice sounded like he was crying, not because
Uchi wanted to, but because Yamapi was there. It makes Uchi remembers what happened the night before.

“I’ll take you home..” said Yamapi standing close to Uchi.


“It’s already near midnight.. Please, just let me take you home at least..”

“It’s not like I’m not used to go home alone at this hour.. Did you forget, Yamashita-kun? I worked t a night club..”

Yamapi just let out a sigh. “Let’s talk about this on the car..”

“No, I don’t want you taking me home!” said Uchi harshly. “Let go of my hands, I don’t want you near me!”

“Uchi.. I know why you’re doing this.. I know why you’re giving me a hard time here.. You’re upset about last night and right now you won’t give me a chance to say I’m sorry.. What am I supposed to do..”

“I’m giving you a hard time? It’s okay, Yamashita-kun.. You should just save your time.. You don’t have to pretend you’re sorry..”

“I am sorry, Uchi.. Just give me a chance..”

Yamapi moved closer and hold both of Uchi’s hands. The younger boy did not seem to refuse it or maybe he just doesn’t have the energy to push Yamapi away. But he still doesn’t have the will to look directly to Yamapi’s eyes.

“Please.. I’m sorry..” said Yamapi again, in a softer voice. He knew he’s the one who has to apologize for what he did.

It’s not that Uchi was stubborn or anything, but he just couldn’t accept Yamapi again. He felt confused and sad. He can’t think of what’s right and wrong.

But the way Yamapi held his hand right now, makes Uchi can’t deny it that he missed him even more.

“Why did you do that…”Uchi let his head fell to Yamapi’s shoulder. “I was… You don’t know how much it’s hurting me.. The thing you said about me, makes me hate myself..” said Uchi as he buried his face on Yamapi’s shoulder.

Yamapi touched Uchi’s back before wrapping his hands gently around Uchi. Uchi remembers perfectly the feelings to be this close to Yamapi. He never forgets the day Yamapi first hugged him.

“I never thought you would be the first person I hit in my life..” said Uchi.

“ About the things I did.. About the things I said.. I didn’t mean it…”
Uchi pulled away for a bit. He look up to see Yamapi. His hand was touching Yamapi’s face slowly.

“I don’t think I could forgive you.. Even if I could, now it’s not the time..” said Uchi, he tried to hold the tears from falling.

Yamapi did nothing, he just stares at Uchi who looked more fragile than Yamapi could tell. It’s his fault. How could he hurt someone like Uchi.. How could he walks through without believing him that day?

Uchi doesn’t deserve him. He deserves so much better than Yamapi.

Somehow now, he felt Uchi’s pain as if it were his.

“I understand..” said Yamapi.

It was really quiet there, but now more people are coming from the lift to go to the party. A lot of people starting to pass by where they were standing. It isn’t a nice place to talk again, or maybe they don’t have anything more to talk about.

“Let’s just forget about it..” said Uchi.

“Okay, if that’s what you want..”

Uchi smiled to Yamapi. But right now, he looked so sad even when he smiles at Yamapi.

“Are you never going to talk to me again?” asked Yamapi.

“I will talk to you..”

But things will never be the same again.

“I know.. You’re a good person, Yamashita-kun..”

“I might feel at east if I could be like that someday..” said Yamapi weakly.

Yamapi couldn’t believe what he started would end up like this. He hates himself more than anything right now. He never thought this day would be the day he lost his love.

He saw Uchi saying good-bye to him. Uchi walked back to the lift, and Yamapi could never do anything to stop him. They’ve agreed to let everything go.



Just before the lift door opens, Uchi closed his eyes when he felt Yamapi lips were placed on his lips. His hands were holding on to Yamapi’s shirt, and their bodies were glued together. Uchi knew that this is just going to make him cry again.

Why does it feel painful in my chest?

When he kissed me..

“Yamashita-kun..” said Uchi still closing his eyes.

“You look nice tonight..” said Yamapi.

“Thank you..”


Good bye was the last thing Uchi could remember before the lift door closed.

“Bye…” whispered Uchi, as he leaned on to the lift’s wall, finally letting out his cry.

--- ---

Inside, Tegoshi’s friends were all gathered up near the cake because Tegoshi was about to cut the massive huge birthday cake. Everyone was cheering but the birthday boy looked all moody and upset. And everyone doesn’t know why. Only Ryo knew what’s going on.

Ryo was watching him from across the room. He was planning to give Tegoshi the present now he got in his hand, after Tegoshi done with cutting the cake. He’ll take this risk because he’s serious about Tegoshi.

He’ll tell him the real confession, he’ll tell Tegoshi that he loves him.

“First cake..!! first cake..!!” screamed everyone in the room. Tegoshi had just cut the first piece of his cake. Everyone was waiting for the lucky person that will receive
Tegoshi’s first cake. That person must have a great deal in Tegoshi’s life.

Ryo remembered his encounter with Tegoshi before, Tegoshi said thank you to him for being the first person to say happy birthday and somehow Tegoshi knew who he might give the first cake to.

That time, Ryo couldn’t help to think that Tegoshi was talking about him.
Because of the way Tegoshi hugged him before.

Ryo grabbed tighter on the present, he wanted to see Tegoshi’s face when he gave it to him. He’s hoping he could see that smile that he loves the most in this world. He’s been letting this feeling grow without the person knowing about it.

Or at least that’s what he thought so. It turns out that he’s not good with hiding his feelings, Tegoshi had figured it out for a long time.

“I love you, Tegoshi..” said Ryo in his heart so many times.

Tegoshi held the plate of his first cake and turn his body to the people while saying..

“First cake is ofcourse for KAME-CHAN!!” said Tegoshi.

And just like that, Ryo’s heart was crushed into pieces.

--- ---

please don't kill me minna~
i know it became more complicated and i think the next one will be the last chapter for this series! please look forward to it! anything can happen~ *runs*

life still sucked, im sooo busy with my ASSignments and my things for my internship!
sorry i took such a long time to update ^^
but i hope you still like it ^^

ok as alway comment are LOVE <333

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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