Confession [2/?]

Jun 20, 2009 08:23

Title : Confession
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Being with someone who doesn't make your heart beats faster is not love and a love where you are just chasing is painful.
A/N : I'm back with chap 2 now~~~

my dearly little sister made this fic graph >(^^)<

[Chapter 1]

Chapter 2

Uchi arrived at the café 10 minutes earlier from the actual meeting time. Two tickets were held tightly in his palm. He kept staring worriedly, but there were this voice in his head telling him that’s it’s the right thing to do.

He doesn’t want to think about if Ryo will eventually know that the ticket wasn’t for a movie, but for something else. He’s not going to blurt it all out the moment they met, he’ll keep it a secret until they reach the theater.

Ryo probably will hate him forever for this. Why Uchi would take him to see the person who hurts him the most in this world? What if Ryo’s been trying hard to forget about Tegoshi for these 2 years?

Uchi was playing with the straw from the drink while uncertainly waiting for Ryo. Ryo was a little late, but it gives time for Uchi to slowly think back on what happened the night before. Well, last night he met Yamapi again. And Yamapi was at his house, and he also met Jun.

Uchi hates the feeling that’s making him be aware that he moved on so fast. But 2 years isn’t fast, it’s already long enough to forget about someone you once loved, right? But then why, when he saw Yamapi again last night, he feels sad.

And why can’t he look into Jun’s eye after Yamapi was in the same room with them?

“Uchi Hiroki-chan!”

A sudden man’s voice surprised Uchi.

Uchi blink, realizing that somebody was standing near his table already, grinning at him.

“Nishikido-kun!” said Uchi shocked. He stood up from his seat, here Ryo gave a warm brotherly hug to him.

“What’s wrong, Ucchan? Day dreaming again?” smiled Ryo.

“Eheheehe.. Sort of! Oh my god, come on sit down… Waaaaah, it’s so good to see you, Nishikido-kun!” said Uchi excitedly, it’s been a while since he’s this happy meeting an old friend.

Ryo was wearing a long brown coat, and his hair was shorter with messy side bangs, he’s still gorgeous as ever. Still got that scary vibes around him, or maybe just what Uchi thought so. Uchi can’t help to notice the honest smile Ryo had on his face right now, he never smiled like that before.

Ryo sure looks better than 2 years ago. He seems okay, he looked happy and most definitely have a better life now.

“Ucchan.. So you got a bookstore now, huh? No more gazillion crazy part-timer jobs again?”

“Ahahaha.. Oh, please do not remind me of those days.. I can’t believe I was once got no holiday for myself..” said Uchi laughing. “But things have changed now, it became easier for me and my family.. I mean, life is good..”

“I bet it’s good because you got a boyfriend too..” said Ryo teasing him. Uchi blushed for a second.

“Well.. That counts too..” Uchi chuckles. Just now, why did it sound like a lie? Uchi hurriedly change the topic. “Anyway, tell me about yourself first! What about you?? Got someone already??” asked Uchi playfully.

“Mmm..” a long pause from Ryo. He put his hand on the table, making sounds with his fingers.

“No, I’m still just me.. Its.. Well, just me..”

Ryo smiled softly, Uchi understands but doesn’t want to show too much concern. But in his heart Uchi yells ‘YEAY! He’s still loves Tegoshi!’.

“So what are we going to watch now?” asked Ryo.

“Mmm… I don’t know, lets just walk and see.. Come on, its starting in 15 minutes!

--- ---

They walk to the theater, chatting along the way. They laughed a lot, realizing there were some parts of each other that didn’t change very much. It was strange, why a person like Ryo who was totally the opposite of Uchi can make Uchi feels like having an older brother.

They talks so casually, so lightly, just say what they’re thinking. It’s as if they weren’t separated for 2 years. And because of this Uchi dared himself to talk about what’s he’s really feeling right now.

“Ne, Nishikido-kun.. Do you.. Remember Yamashita-kun?” said Uchi slowly, they almost reach the theater.

“Oh, that unforgettable man..”

“Wha-.. What? Did you guys have an affair?” asked Uchi panickly.

“No- Shit, not that way.. I mean, how can I forget the man who suddenly hit me up in my sleep, duh.. Ucchan!” said Ryo in an awful tone.

“Oh, that day..” said Uchi slowly, embarrassed a bit. But yeah, that day was kinda hard to forget.

Ryo chuckles seeing Uchi still gets so nervous talking about Yamapi. “So, what about him?”

“I met him, last night..”

“And you love him more than anything in this world..?” asked Ryo straight away.

Uchi hass already used to Ryo’s way of talking. It’s always to the point without even considering how others might feel. As much as what Ryo said felt so true, but Uchi can’t say anything about it. He has a boyfriend, and this is wrong. Even just to think about Yamapi for a bit, it’s wrong.

“It’s just too sudden.. I can’t act normal.. I’m confused…” Uchi sighed pathetically. “He and I.. We shouldn’t have met again..”

“Maybe its destiny?”

Uchi chuckles at Ryo’s unfunny joke, but just the idea of Ryo’s making a joke made Uchi laughed. “Oh, how pointless it is.. To even think to share this story with you, Nishikido-kun.. You even hated the man I’m talking about..” smiled Uchi. Ryo nodded amusedly.

“Hahahaha.. It’s not like that, believe it or not.. I know understand how you felt, Ucchan..” said Ryo convincingly. Patted slowly on Uchi’s shoulder.

“Thanks..” said Uchi.

“I probably wouldn’t handle it as calm as you did..”


“If I met Tegoshi again someday, I can’t think of that day..” Ryo shook his head a couple
time. Maybe, not believing that he just said Tegoshi’s name.

‘Ooops!’ is what Uchi thought in his heart.

Maa… Maa..

They’ve reach the theater anyway, there’s no turning back right now. Gomen ne, Nishikido-kun.

“Eh? Are we watching a play?” said Ryo confusedly as they entered the hall. He didn’t even realize it that they’re going to the opposite direction from the cinema.

“Yes.. Indeed..” said Uchi, letting out a deep breath, praying inside his mind.

“Cool! This might be the first time ever I watch a play! I’m so excited! Thanks, Ucchan!”
said Ryo cheerfully.

Uchi blink, now he’s getting even more worried.

--- ---

The hall went dark, and the curtain slowly opened. He lighting from the stage was shining brightly, it was a musical opening. The dance and the song were amazing, all of the cast was on the stage. It was really beautiful from where they’re sitting, so was one of the boys up there on the stage.

“That’s Tegoshi..” said Uchi in his heart when he spotted Tegoshi. Uchi soooooooo happy seeing Tegoshi again, he feels like crying. But the funny thing is, he didn’t dare to look into his side, or to find out if Ryo has also spotted Tegoshi.

But suddenly Uchi was distracted by the dialogs the cast started to play, it was a play
about a family who struggles to find their son back. They were separated in the war and 10 years later they’re still searching for him. Tegoshi plays the missing son.

There were so many times Uchi honestly thought that Tegoshi was really good. Tegoshi was so charming up there on stage that Uchi forgets about worrying Ryo.

--- ---

The story was beautiful, and sad, but a happy ending. Without a doubt, Tegoshi gave the best and it was stunning! At the end of the curtain call the audience were clapping their hands, Uchi even stood up from his seat.


Uchi heard Tegoshi’s voice among the rest of the cast saying thank you. The show has ends . But when Uchi finally look to his left side, the seat was already empty.

Ryo had left. He left somewhere before the show was ending.

And now Uchi felt bad, of all people he should’ve known that Ryo wasn’t ready to meet Tegoshi.

Uchi regret what he did, he wished it wouldn’t turn out like this. He just wants Ryo and Tegoshi to meet again and maybe work things out between them. He felt really bad that he end up sitting quietly back at his seat, until suddenly there’s someone from his right side touched his shoulder.


Uchi stared at the man who just greets him.


“Hello..” said Yamapi.

“What are you doing? Why are you here?” asked Uchi impatiently.

“Tegoshi sent me the ticket a couple days ago..” said Yamapi. “In fact, I think he planned
for his friends to see him together, I was sitting beside you all the time you didn’t even
noticed, ne…”

“Oh, you’re the one who was late before? Sorry I scolded you.. It was already dark, I have no idea, Yamashita-kun..” said Uchi laughed a little bit.

“That’s okay..” smiled Yamapi.

No one knows how relieved Uchi was that he doesn’t come there with Jun. Because last night after Chinen and Yamapi went home, Jun asked Uchi about Yamapi, or how Uchi were friends to Yamapi. And Uchi said honestly that Yamapi was the man he loved before. Jun seemed to be shocked but really glad that Uchi didn’t hide that fact.

“So, lets meet Tegoshi on the stage.. I bet he’s waiting for us..” invited Yamapi.

“Uhn!” nodded Uchi. “Oh my god, I totally forgot to buy a flower for him!”

“Oh yes, that’s right.. I forgot that too, because I was in a hurry to get here before…”
said Yamapi pouts a little.

---- ----

“UCHHHHHHAAN!! YAMAPI-CHANNN!!!!” screamed Tegoshi hugged the two of them in the same time. His scream was louder than any of his dialogs before. But it’s soooo Tegoshi. He can’t hide his happiness seeing them again.

“We miss you, Tegoshi!” said Uchi happily.

“Me too… Me too!! Me so happy!! Oh my god, its so cute seeing you guys together like this, brings back to the old days ehheeehehehehe…” teased Tegoshi boldly.

Uchi and Yamapi stole a glance at each other, but quickly got shy and turn their faces away.

“You were great, Tegoshi..” praised Yamapi. “You blew us away with you performance!” Yamapi gave two thumbs up, Uchi followed him.

“Really?? Really? Really???” said Tegoshi while jumping around in his place. “How good? How great?? Tell me!!”

“SO GREAT!” said Yamapi and Uchi at the same time. Then the three of them laughed together.

“Uwaaaa.. I’m so happy!” said Tegoshi once again. “Ucchan, where’s your date? I sent you two tickets right?”

“Oh.. Umm, my boyfriend couldn’t make it..” said Uchi fastly in a low tone. “But I wasn’t alone.. I was here with someone else!”

“Oh, that’s too bad! I was looking forward to meet the man who made Ucchan's heart melt! Hahahahaha you lost, Yamashita-kun! Ucchan has a boyfriend already.. You didn’t try very hard back then!” said Tegoshi again.

Yamapi and Uchi was only smiling bitterly, no idea how to react to the all the facts that has been said and was making them very uncomfortable. But that’s Tegoshi, and they knew how he just says things as he pleases without intention of hurting.

"You've met him, Tegoshi.. Its Jun.." said Uchi, quietly. Still trying to smile.

"Ahahahhaaha yes i knew that, Jun-senpai ne...."

Uchi nods, praying that they'll get over this topic soon. He wanted to see Yamapi beside him, but didn't have the courage to do that.

“So where’s my present? Present!! You said I was great, right??” demands Tegoshi, he still has that same way of him and the same expression on his face when asking for present. Uchi couldn’t forget how much Tegoshi loves presents, yet he forgot to buy a flower for him.

“Sorry, Tegoshi.. I didn’t bring anything.. Let me just treat you to dinner, the three of us!” said Yamapi, while he made a “gomen” sign with his hand.

Tegoshi pouts first, but then he looked peased. “ Okay! I want to eat Yakiniku!”

“Actually, Tegoshi…” Uchi started to speak. “I brought you a present.. But he left.. I’m sorry..”

“He… left? Who left?” asked Tegoshi clueless.

“Nishikido-kun..” said Uchi.

--- ---

Suddenly they heard a foot steps of a person running from the entering hall. It was a man running up to the stage with hand full of a big, like super huge bouquet of red roses. It almost hides his face.

Uchi was shocked that that man were heading their way, and was more surprised when he realized that it was Nishikido Ryo.

Ryo stopped in front of them, in front of Tegoshi to be exact. He bends down, totally like what you see in movies but this was reality. He lift the bouquet up for Tegoshi and said…

“You are precious! You own the stage! You were great up there!!” said Ryo catching his

--- ---

so so so!!!?
i'm so excited when i wrothe this chap!
hope you'll like it too..

comments are LOVE as usual..
i'm feeling so much better, but i'm on my exam weeks now *sigh* -_-

IMU all minna~

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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