Voice Post//Action for TW3 Flat

Apr 28, 2008 09:17

[Slight hum of someone phasing into the flat.]

Don't look now but...

[It seems empty, he sounds surprised, then sounds a 'pft'.]

Well the undead must've gotten to this lot. I'll help myself.

[To that famous coffee--something trills in a high pitch, then a crash and struggle!]


[Whoosh, and the trilling squeals into the distance ( Read more... )

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Comments 122

handsomejack April 28 2008, 16:29:14 UTC
Jack had been in his room beating his head on the wall doing something productive like, folding socks, when he heard a ruckus.

It brings him striding up along the hallway, brows knitted together.

"What the hell?"


warped_inside April 28 2008, 16:35:26 UTC
Tosh is returning from one of her outings for the day depending on what time of day it is, coming in the door just in time to hear the fading squeal and John's announcement.

"What's going on? What are you doing here?"

[ooc: Hope it's okay if I jump in. Depending on whether it's morning or afternoon, Tosh is either dressed in her pajamas and a jacket, or done up nice and professionally, just fyi.]


kissesandbangs April 28 2008, 16:38:40 UTC
"Vermin of the cold space variety attacked my precious face."

He points at the open window, "but I got rid of it for you."

[ooc: Don't mind at all! We can work on poly time, so it's noonish XD]


handsomejack April 28 2008, 16:52:46 UTC
Jack made a face.

"Vermin? What vermin? There's no space vermin in this apartment."


"Present company excluded."

Come on, like he could miss that shot?


playstheblues April 28 2008, 18:22:55 UTC

You have two seconds to explain what that trill was.


handsomejack April 28 2008, 18:27:30 UTC
[Eyes closed. So much for John finding a nice dark hole to hide in!]

Hello, Blue.

[ooc: Is this all right?]


playstheblues April 28 2008, 18:28:27 UTC
.....hello Jack.

What was the trill.


handsomejack April 28 2008, 18:35:43 UTC
[Trying to remind himself why he didn't kill John himself so he could hand Blue a body?

There was a reason.

A really good reason.

He's working on it.

Almost there.


Nope, can't come up with anything.]


[Quietly spoken, drawing himself up the way he does when he's about to say things people aren't going to like.]

There was a misunderstanding, with Ellington. Tosh and Gwen have already started looking for him, I'm going to be joining them shortly. We'll find him.


king_coffee April 28 2008, 19:55:48 UTC
Ianto walks in to the flat to what he perceives to be a huge mess of shouting people.

"Oh, I only left for half an hour. What's happened now?" he calls to whoever remains in the apartment.


handsomejack April 28 2008, 19:58:17 UTC
John threw Ellington out the window.


kissesandbangs April 28 2008, 19:59:02 UTC
Ice on the eye. Don't mind him on the couch.


king_coffee April 28 2008, 20:05:50 UTC
Ianto just closed his eyes and sighed. "Why would you do that?"


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 22:57:40 UTC
Jack lead the way down into the sewers.

"What did we decide, Ianto. Are sewers an acceptable 'date' venue?"


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:02:17 UTC
Ianto follows down, armed with his standard Torchwood-issue automatic, and another little weapon courtesy of John tucked away, just in case.

"Oh of course, all the damp and stench you could ever want."


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 23:05:05 UTC
Landing neatly with his feet on either side of the short run off ditch, Jack began to walk towards the main tunnel.

"Well, you know me, Ianto. If there aren't gut eating zombies and filthy sewer tunnels, I just don't feel like I've shown you a proper good time."

Looking over his shoulder Jack smirked, drawing the Webley.

"And guns, can't forget the guns."


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:10:16 UTC
Walking to Jack's left and just a little behind, Ianto grins. "Oh I couldn't expect anything less of you. Your dating skills are immaculate."

At Jack's comment about the guns, Ianto raises his just slightly in agreement. "Unfortunately, I don't think the stun gun would work on the undead."


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