Voice Post//Action for TW3 Flat

Apr 28, 2008 09:17

[Slight hum of someone phasing into the flat.]

Don't look now but...

[It seems empty, he sounds surprised, then sounds a 'pft'.]

Well the undead must've gotten to this lot. I'll help myself.

[To that famous coffee--something trills in a high pitch, then a crash and struggle!]


[Whoosh, and the trilling squeals into the distance ( Read more... )

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//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 22:57:40 UTC
Jack lead the way down into the sewers.

"What did we decide, Ianto. Are sewers an acceptable 'date' venue?"


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:02:17 UTC
Ianto follows down, armed with his standard Torchwood-issue automatic, and another little weapon courtesy of John tucked away, just in case.

"Oh of course, all the damp and stench you could ever want."


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 23:05:05 UTC
Landing neatly with his feet on either side of the short run off ditch, Jack began to walk towards the main tunnel.

"Well, you know me, Ianto. If there aren't gut eating zombies and filthy sewer tunnels, I just don't feel like I've shown you a proper good time."

Looking over his shoulder Jack smirked, drawing the Webley.

"And guns, can't forget the guns."


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:10:16 UTC
Walking to Jack's left and just a little behind, Ianto grins. "Oh I couldn't expect anything less of you. Your dating skills are immaculate."

At Jack's comment about the guns, Ianto raises his just slightly in agreement. "Unfortunately, I don't think the stun gun would work on the undead."


Re: //And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 23:14:35 UTC
"Probably not," Jack agreed, carefully peeking around the corner before turning it and coming out on a slightly wider walkway.

Of course the refuse channel was slightly wider as well and full of all sorts of dank, sewery smells.

"Just think of this as, well okay maybe not dinner and a movie but definitely the movie part. Horror flick in 3-D?"

He froze, holding up his hand and listening intently, then relaxed.



//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:22:11 UTC
The wider walkway allows Ianto to walk next to Jack. Even if he is getting nasty gunk on his shoes.

He wrinkles his nose against the smell. "Without the 3-D glasses, none the less."

He waits when Jack halts them, gun at the ready and relaxes a little when the older man reveals just what it was. "A lot of those, I think."


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 23:31:58 UTC
There was a reason Jack liked his boots. Regardless, the beloved coat was going into the washing machine post haste when they got home.

"Who knew weevils were good for something. Never saw a rat in Cardiff."

The way Jack said it, well it was possible Jack had a thing against rats. Vicious space scum, he laughed in the face of, rats ... shoot first, discuss later!

Checking down a couple of paths, Jack chose one to the right and walked along.

"Tosh is going to want to kill him if we don't find Ellington."

Or worse, if they found Ellington dead.


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:39:36 UTC
Maybe Ianto would learn one day that suits weren't necessary for everything.

Probably not.

"Maybe. Except rats don't, you know, go for the jugular."

Trusting that Jack knew where he was going, Ianto followed down the tunnel, keeping his pistol pointed forwards. "I know. I can see how he made the mistake," Ianto had thought the same thing at first after all, "but he should have been more careful about it."


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 28 2008, 23:47:46 UTC
"Yes, he should have." Jack agreed, front sweeping the next turn and then heading along the wall. Was it just him or were there some strange noises coming from up ahead?

"Unfortunately, that wasn't the way he was trained. I hate that he did it but I can't be angry with him for doing it. Don't know that that distinction is going to go down real well with people."

As he walked, his voice lowered and he lifted a hand to silently halt Ianto's forward progression.

He had a bad feeling they'd run out of luck in the no zombie encounter department.


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 28 2008, 23:54:10 UTC
Ianto nods, he can understand that, even if the others won't. Instinct overrides all, sometimes.

When Jack raises his hand he stops dead and points his gun dead forwards, despite the fact he doesn't know how effective shooting a zombie would be.

"How many do you think there are?" he asks softly


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 29 2008, 00:07:43 UTC
"More than I really want to tangle with in these tight quarters," Jack whispered and he motioned Ianto to move back.

Unfortunately, he was motioning Ianto to move back right into the path of a couple of zombies who had been creeping up on them from behind. Just as Jack was becoming aware of this unfortunate state of affairs, he looked the other way and ...oops.

More zombies.

He considered trying to shoot them but, you know Ianto had a good point, how the hell did you kill the already dead? Jack had a theory, not one he wanted to be wrong about at this late date in the game so, with a silent apology to Ianto's fine suit ... into the sewer channel they went.



//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 29 2008, 00:19:56 UTC
Well, Ianto thought, he'd never predicted that he'd go down by gut-eating zombies in a city so far from home it was out if tome altogether.

He readied his gun anyway, just about to squeeze the trigger. Possibly a head shot could do it, he thought or...

His thoughts were abruptly cut off as Jack tipped the both of them into the fast-flowing channel, completely under for a few seconds until he kicked off and broke the surface.

"Jack?" he yelled, spitting out - Ugh! Disgusting!- what ever the hell was in his mouth, looking about for the other man.


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 29 2008, 00:24:08 UTC
There was a shit creek joke in here somewhere, wasn't there?

The water was indeed quick moving and Jack was currently keeping his mouth shut, his eyes squeezed almost shut and trying not to breath. He didn't say anything to Ianto, simply let the stream of filth carry them down and away from the zombies.

When he was happy with their distance, he grabbed for Ianto and kicked towards the slimy side of the channel. Ugh, getting out was going to be worse than getting in!

"Uuuuggghhhh," Jack spat off to the side as he hauled his great coat sewer sodden self out of the channel and reached to help Ianto so the younger man didn't have to grab the slimy edge.

Hey, he could be a considerate date!


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 29 2008, 00:29:32 UTC
Ianto grabbed frantically for Jack's hands and let himself be hauled out.


"I think I'm gonna be sick," he muttered, laying collapsed on the ground where he'd landed. He spat vehemently, trying to get the nasty out of his mouth and he just knew he'd be brushing his teeth for ten minutes solid as soon as he could.

"Ugh. Warn me next time, would you? So I don't try and breathe as I fall?"


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// handsomejack April 29 2008, 00:31:43 UTC
"Sorry," Jack said, maybe meaning it, maybe not. "But I was a little surprised by the zombies."

He was standing a few feet away looking a bit like a large drown cougar annoyed and trying to wring out it's tail as he squeeze much out of his coat flaps.


//And now for some sewer and zombie fun// king_coffee April 29 2008, 00:35:55 UTC
"Yeah, well."

Ianto pushed himself into a standing position, and decided that no, he wasn't going to be sick. It wouldn't help.

But still. Ugh.

He pulled off his suit jacket and like Jack, began to squeeze it out.

"Thank you, though," he manages.


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