Voice Post//Action for TW3 Flat

Apr 28, 2008 09:17

[Slight hum of someone phasing into the flat.]

Don't look now but...

[It seems empty, he sounds surprised, then sounds a 'pft'.]

Well the undead must've gotten to this lot. I'll help myself.

[To that famous coffee--something trills in a high pitch, then a crash and struggle!]


[Whoosh, and the trilling squeals into the distance ( Read more... )

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handsomejack April 28 2008, 16:29:14 UTC
Jack had been in his room beating his head on the wall doing something productive like, folding socks, when he heard a ruckus.

It brings him striding up along the hallway, brows knitted together.

"What the hell?"


warped_inside April 28 2008, 16:35:26 UTC
Tosh is returning from one of her outings for the day depending on what time of day it is, coming in the door just in time to hear the fading squeal and John's announcement.

"What's going on? What are you doing here?"

[ooc: Hope it's okay if I jump in. Depending on whether it's morning or afternoon, Tosh is either dressed in her pajamas and a jacket, or done up nice and professionally, just fyi.]


kissesandbangs April 28 2008, 16:38:40 UTC
"Vermin of the cold space variety attacked my precious face."

He points at the open window, "but I got rid of it for you."

[ooc: Don't mind at all! We can work on poly time, so it's noonish XD]


handsomejack April 28 2008, 16:52:46 UTC
Jack made a face.

"Vermin? What vermin? There's no space vermin in this apartment."


"Present company excluded."

Come on, like he could miss that shot?


warped_inside April 28 2008, 16:55:17 UTC
Tosh was looking around the flat, confused as well. She dug the PDA she'd been tracking Skinner with out of her coat pocket and switched it on.

"What exactly did it look like? I was just calibrating for all the various heat signatures in the flat last night, and I didn't see anything unexpected."


kissesandbangs April 28 2008, 17:00:11 UTC
"That makes you a parasite doesn't it? I couldn't get you off my back," he said to jack with a little grin. Smirk. Grin. Something obnoxious.

John gestured with his hands. "Round, this big, blue, tentacles. Ugly."


handsomejack April 28 2008, 17:05:36 UTC
"Never heard you complaining when I was there," Jack fired back automatically and then he stopped.


Whirling in place, Jack was already reaching out to catch the maternal ball of fury that one Toshiko Sato was about to become.

"You can't kill him, Tosh!"


warped_inside April 28 2008, 17:12:42 UTC
Oh, but watch her try.

It took about the length of time that Jack needed to make his retort for Tosh to catch on to what John was describing. But when she did, her eyes widened and she dropped the PDA from her hand, grabbing for a gun that wasn't at her belt before just launching herself bodily at John.


[ooc: Feel free to manhandle Tosh as necessary. ;)]


kissesandbangs April 28 2008, 17:18:09 UTC
He curled a bit, to emphasize his following words. "Oh but sometimes you had this way of--"

John quirked a brow at Toshiko, unfazed by her sudden need to shout and claw. He really had no idea. Thank god for Jack Harkness, he had no idea how integral to his wellbeing the man meant right about now.

"What's her problem," he asked Jack, "was it an experiment?"


handsomejack April 28 2008, 17:23:49 UTC
Catching Tosh around the waist, Jack picked her up and pulled her back, while simultaniously giving John a glare.

"No you ignoramous, Tosh ... TOSHIKO, settle down!"

Still holding on to Tosh, Jack pointed at John.

"He is a baby and we have been baby sitting him for a friend. What exactly did you do to Ellington?"

Answer carefully John or else Jack was letting go of Tosh and she'll probably ensure you never want to have sex again.


protect_them April 28 2008, 17:26:16 UTC
With all the noise in the flat, it's natural that Gwen would want to see what was going on, and that's just what she did.

"... what's with all th'noise out here? What about Ellington? It's been a little while since I saw him.."


warped_inside April 28 2008, 17:29:33 UTC
Normally, an order from Jack in that tone of voice would have at least settled Tosh enough that she'd have stood quietly fuming. But it had been a bad weekend, and she was already unhappy with John over the thing with Dawn, and she was terrified that something really horrible had happened to Ellington.

So it was a good thing that Jack maintained his grip on her, because she was struggling hard to get loose. Those guns at John's hips were looking awfully attractive at the moment.


kissesandbangs April 28 2008, 17:36:51 UTC
Another quirked brow for Jack. John was really good at giving those. He noticed Gwen as well.

"That's Ellington? I was expecting a person or a terrier," John shook his head then hooked a thumb over his shoulder... to the open window. "I pitched it when it jumped on me out of nowhere. It could've eaten my face."

There was a kazoo on the floor, fallen from the shelf. No doubt another gesture to pull at the heart strings of those who wanted to kill him even more. Outside on the street level, there was a splatter of black ink on the side walk, fear squirt really, and the trail led from sidewalk to the gutters. A zombie was ambling through the street as well.

"That's your real problem, the undead. I was checking in."


handsomejack April 28 2008, 17:43:45 UTC
Jack had to make a little hop step to escape the tender mercies of a flying Tosh foot which just about racked him.

This soured his mood further!

"He doesn't have teeth!"

Jack closed his eyes and blotted out all the immediate panic thoughts of what the hell was he going to tell Blue and where the heck was Ellington and that damn kazoo was on the floor and Jack could cheerfully take a swing at John himself except John hadn't known and ...


This from a man who rarely if ever crses like that.

"Gwen, get down street side and see if you can see him," hopefully not dead, please not dead. "Toshiko I mean it, QUIT!"


Well, Jack saved the worst for last. John, he merely looked utterly disappointed in. As if he wanted to believe better and at that moment John had just let him down utterly.

"Zombies, right. Get out of here."

[ooc: You is much ebil and I am sniffling for Ellington! Full scale City Wide search for the Star Baby damn it!]


protect_them April 28 2008, 17:50:33 UTC
Gewn shot a nasty look at John, barely refraining from pulling her gun on him herself. Jack's order, however, took precedence, so she nodded and went to get her good shoes since she figured it would be a long day of searching.

"If you've hurt him too badly, I'll happily help Tosh castrate you," was said to no one in particular, even though it was obvious just who she was speaking to.


warped_inside April 28 2008, 17:55:12 UTC
Tosh finally relaxed, but mostly because she realized that her energies would be better spent searching for Ellington.

For now, at any rate.

Rather than continuing to fight Jack in an effort to get to John, she gave a weak wriggle in the opposite direction, toward the door, meant to communicate a wish to please be let go so she could help Gwen in the search.

"I'll kill you later," she snapped at John, giving him a look that seemed to be trying to burn a hole through his skull.


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