Title: Pumpkin Spice Latte For Two Prompt: Pumpkin Spice Latte Fandom: Original Characters: Didi. Tino Word count: 595 Rating: PG Summary: Didi and Tino take a walk to the new coffee shop and enjoy a cup… Author's note: Thanks go out to Kat for pinking this.
Title: Birthday Shopping Fandom: Original Characters: Bernd and James Word count: 816 Rating: G Prompt: Blue Summary: Bernd and James go birthday shopping for James’ and his twin Amber’s presents… Author’s note: This is unbetaed so any mistakes are my own.
Title: Happy Birthday, Amber Fandom: Original Characters: Bernd and Amber Word count: 780 Rating: G Prompt: Birthday Summary: Bernd and Amber quietly celebrate her birthday… Author’s note: This is unbetaed so any mistakes are my own.