It was raining last night/this morning and it was about 1:15am when Jaime got up to let Tom in because it was taking him forever to open the door and the dog was barking enough to wake everyone up inside...or maybe that was earlier and we just woke up because it was hot and we were parched. Either way we woke up just to hear my phone vibrating
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So far today I have been very happy to get the latest Chiodos record called Grand Palace Ballet and the latest Bring Me The Horizon record called Suicide Season.
I would update about last nights adventure...but I will refrain from doing so. However, I was rather pleased when I climbed to the top of the book shelf all by myself.
So, time for an update. My life seems to be evening itself out at the moment. Where some things are coming unraveled at the seams, others are being tied up ever so neatly. It's nice in ways, and then not so nice in others
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I should be starting my paper, or rather finishing it as I type but I wanted to get this all down before I get too into work. I had a really good past week to say the least. Last weekend was really good and this whole week was real laid back for me. I have things back in check so hopefully things will be a little more able to be dealt with from now
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