I wanna soak up the sun

Dec 29, 2008 08:56

1. Hi, internet! I missed you! *hugs*

2. Sung: one mass for Christmas Day and two each for Christmas Eve and Holy Innocents. Am all sung out, yo.

3. On a related note, "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day" and "Coventry Carol" are still two of my favorite things to sing ever.

4. green_tea_lady called my cell and sang "Blue Christmas" to my voicemail while I was opening presents with my folks. With the syrupy vibrato and everything. Best. Little sister. Evar.

5. I spent Saturday, in its entirety, cleaning like a crazy cleaning thing. This is good in that my part of the house is now pretty darn tidy. This is not so good in that oh, my aching back.

6. I have craft store gift certificates. Muahahahahaaaaaa!!

7. I also have SPN Season 3! It is pretty and shiny and has a featurette about the Impala! *clings to it*

8. You guys! Night Watch! I have no words!

supernatural, books, craftiness, green tea

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