Blogging from the Apocalypse

Dec 27, 2008 13:48

I have seen the end, my friends.

I am here to tell you that the world dies by neither ice nor fire. Zombies and killer robots do not play particularly central roles in bringing about the world's destruction, either. No, that honor goes to my laundry. After a week of illness followed by a week of holiday preparations and celebrations during which I was forced to ignore its increasing vastness, it has become a force unto itself. Implacable, merciless, it cannot be stopped. It is already too late.

Save yourselves, dear friendslist. I have no hope of survival for myself, I only pray that this transmission reaches some of you in time. Arm yourselves while you can. Secure your homes with hampers and ironing boards. Mankind's last night is upon us, but some may yet survive if they are prepared. Goodbye.

(Also, I had a really lovely Christmas and hope all of you did, too, but due to the Laundrypocalypse and related issues such as the Bathroom that Time Forgot, I haven't been able to keep up with LJ at all, so leave me a comment if I missed anything you wanted me to see. I'll be back Monday. Kisses!)

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