30 Days of Who meme: Day 19: The Scene That Made You Cry the Most

Aug 17, 2010 20:51

No, I hadn't abandoned the 30 Days meme, just...put it on hiatus at those TV types say. So, to continue:

Day Nineteen: The Scene That Made You Cry The Most

Unseemly Snivelling Follows: )

television, thoughts, doctor who, memes, navel-gazing

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Comments 25

dbskyler August 17 2010, 20:55:45 UTC
Nice choice, and great clip! I love the way Karen Gillan delivers the line, especially her pause before "something blue." What could have been trite and stupid in the wrong actor's hands became incredibly moving and powerful.

Damn, now I want an icon of the TARDIS with the words "something blue" underneath it.


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 04:57:16 UTC
Thread jumping to say I've got this one, which was the nearest I've seen... Though I'd not seen clocketpatch's below.


dbskyler August 18 2010, 05:08:01 UTC
That's a nice one. clocketpatch's below is good too, and a little closer to what I had in mind, although I was just thinking of a static picture with "something blue" on it.

I wish I had graphics skills! I keep getting these definite images of icons that I want, but I can't make them myself.

Oh well, I did just acquire two other icons that I like a lot, so I'll have to make do with them instead. This is one of them.


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 05:12:55 UTC
You could always try an icon request post - for example, doctoreleven just reinstated its Charity Tuesday posts - whereby anyone can request fic, graphics, etc. relating to DW.


clocketpatch August 17 2010, 22:53:34 UTC
That bit you quoted. I just broke down and started bawling because somehow, somehow, despite the Sarah-Jane, Jo and Eleven meet-up we've been baited with, and despite the next series being green-lighted, and despite none of the real riddles of the plot or villain being solved, I'd got it into my head at that moment that Who was ending, that Eleven was going to step through that crack and wouldn't be coming back (even though I knew he had to), because, well...

because it would be such a perfect way for him to go really, and for the show to end. It would be sad beyond belief, but at the same time, it would tie the Whoniverse (which has really gone a bit off on its own track at times) back into the real world and... I don't know where I'm going, but it made sense in my head, at the moment, and how insanely tired Matt looked, and, um, yep, something in my eye, and sniffles, all of it.


jjpor August 18 2010, 18:27:18 UTC
It would be a twist of epic, nay Moffat-ian proportions (seriously, if he thought some of the fans hate him _now_...it'd be like when RTD killed Ianto, but about thirty thousand times worse! And I'd be leading the charge! XD ( ... )


akashasheiress August 17 2010, 23:20:44 UTC
What, no Warrior's Gate?

I wish I could've enjoyed The Big Bang. It's just that one, er, thing that almost ruins the entire story for me. That is a very moving quote, though (although I'm a bit surprised you picked as the most moving moment ever).

''Same with Vincent and the Doctor, to a point; it was a lovely, sensitively-written, strongly-acted story that I loved to bits, but that bit where they took him to the future at the end just seemed to be trying a little too hard.''

Yeah, this. It just felt sort of insulting to the real Van Gogh, and to people suffering from mental illness in general.


jjpor August 18 2010, 18:36:42 UTC
Nah, not the most emotionally moving moment ever...just the most recent one I can remember. Maybe just the most recent one in NuWho (tearful farewells on beaches not my thing, really). It was asking what made you cry the most, to which a really honest answer would be "nothing really"; it's not that there aren't plenty of touching/moving moments in Who, I just don't tend to cry at things apart from morbid cartoons as mentioned above or when I am v v drunk. But that quote just struck a chord with me, really. Yes ( ... )


akashasheiress August 19 2010, 20:03:20 UTC
Lol, I wouldn't hold it against you if did think it was the most moving ever. IDK, I think one of my problems with TBB was the same as with VatD: the whole schmaltzy ending with bringing Amy's parents back cheapened the whole thing. I mean, I know Moffat hates killing characters off permanently Which makes me fear that River will never really die but... Plus I could relate to the Lonely Orphan thing, but that's just me being entitled. I hate love and happiness, can you tell.;D


jjpor August 21 2010, 12:34:33 UTC
Yeah, me too! :D No, not really. Not most of the time, anyway. I sort of know what you mean about the family etc and also Moffat's aversion to character-killing. I think that, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, Moffat's a bit of an old softie at heart...which should mean that if ever does take that final sanction against one of his characters (River?? Possibly! :D), it should have all the more impact. Maybe.

I think the thing about that particular moment wasn't that it was sad or heartwarming or anything like that, though; it was more like it seemed to be making some very heartfelt, profound statement about Doctor Who as a television programme and about being a fan of Doctor Who, and that kind of thing is straight up my fanboyish alley, really... :D


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 04:59:13 UTC
That monologue from Eleven to wee!Amelia as she's sleeping definitely floored me.


jjpor August 18 2010, 18:29:19 UTC
At the risk of sounding like some sort of gushing S5 fanboy, it was lovely! ;D


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 18:31:09 UTC
*grins* I don't think there's anything wrong with being a gushing S5 fan...


jjpor August 18 2010, 18:37:17 UTC
I'm coming to terms with my gushing-ness... ;D


primsong August 19 2010, 05:52:12 UTC
Excellent pick - and excellently said as well, I couldn't agree more.


jjpor August 19 2010, 16:51:50 UTC
Well, glad to be in agreement with you! :D It is a top moment, though, even if I couldn't hand-on-heart say greatest ever. There are just so many great moments in Who, is the problem...


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