30 Days of Who meme: Day 19: The Scene That Made You Cry the Most

Aug 17, 2010 20:51

No, I hadn't abandoned the 30 Days meme, just...put it on hiatus at those TV types say. So, to continue:

Day Nineteen: The Scene That Made You Cry The Most

Unseemly Snivelling Follows: )

television, thoughts, doctor who, memes, navel-gazing

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jjpor August 18 2010, 18:27:18 UTC
It would be a twist of epic, nay Moffat-ian proportions (seriously, if he thought some of the fans hate him _now_...it'd be like when RTD killed Ianto, but about thirty thousand times worse! And I'd be leading the charge! XD)!

But yeah, big emotional moment. I'm not claiming bestest ever or anything, just the biggest one recently, for me. And yeah, all about Doctor Who and what it means in a kind of meta way, I thought. At least, I hope that was the intention (I'm fairly sure it was). And good point on the tired look - I think one of the reasons it really worked was the way Smith sold it with the acting.

I hope...I hope when NuWho ends it's something as perfect and open-ended as Survival was, because I don't believe any one writer or showrunner has the right to end the adventure now, not RTD, not Moffat, not His Holiness the Pope (although if the Pope ever ended up showrunning Doctor Who... O_o). Even if it's not viable on TV any more, there are always novels and audios and what have you, and that twelve regenerations thing can be handwaved away pretty easily I'd argue; that sort of fanwankiness should never be a reason for ending it. But yes, if he ever did have to go I hope it'd be something as well-written and acted as that and not, repeat not, overblown tosh like End of Time. I would hope. :D


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