30 Days of Who meme: Day 19: The Scene That Made You Cry the Most

Aug 17, 2010 20:51

No, I hadn't abandoned the 30 Days meme, just...put it on hiatus at those TV types say. So, to continue:

Day Nineteen: The Scene That Made You Cry The Most

Unseemly Snivelling Follows: )

television, thoughts, doctor who, memes, navel-gazing

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dbskyler August 17 2010, 20:55:45 UTC
Nice choice, and great clip! I love the way Karen Gillan delivers the line, especially her pause before "something blue." What could have been trite and stupid in the wrong actor's hands became incredibly moving and powerful.

Damn, now I want an icon of the TARDIS with the words "something blue" underneath it.


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 04:57:16 UTC
Thread jumping to say I've got this one, which was the nearest I've seen... Though I'd not seen clocketpatch's below.


dbskyler August 18 2010, 05:08:01 UTC
That's a nice one. clocketpatch's below is good too, and a little closer to what I had in mind, although I was just thinking of a static picture with "something blue" on it.

I wish I had graphics skills! I keep getting these definite images of icons that I want, but I can't make them myself.

Oh well, I did just acquire two other icons that I like a lot, so I'll have to make do with them instead. This is one of them.


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 05:12:55 UTC
You could always try an icon request post - for example, doctoreleven just reinstated its Charity Tuesday posts - whereby anyone can request fic, graphics, etc. relating to DW.


dbskyler August 18 2010, 06:28:58 UTC
"doctoreleven"> sounds like an awesome comm. I stayed away from it while I was avoiding spoilers, but I think it's time to join!

It's still Tuesday here, btw . . . ; )


persiflage_1 August 18 2010, 07:16:21 UTC
There you go then! Time to make that/those request(s)!


jjpor August 18 2010, 18:17:48 UTC
I mean, it's probably too early to be calling it an iconic moment or anything, but it certainly made a big impression on me at the time.


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