2009 fic/vid year in review

Jan 01, 2010 15:03

After three straight years in which most of my fannish output was in due South, this year was a marked change. I wrote more than I did last year, but my fannish involvement was still quite low compared to previous years.

Month-by-month list, with links:

What a Woman Can Do | Lord of the Rings, Éowyn/Faramir, NC17, 4730 words

Diner | due South, Ray/Ray, PG, 1000 words
The Empire (Award) Strikes Back | RPS, Sean Bean/Viggo Mortenson, PG, 620 words
Dead Girl in the Garden | Being Human, George and Mitchell, G, 100 words
The Most Lamentable Comedy of Richard Smith-Jones | Slings and Arrows, Richard, PG13, 2:46 (vid)

Just Different | Wilby Wonderful/Whole New Thing, Emily/Emerson, R, 1010 words

Aid and Comfort | Sharpe, Sharpe/Spears, NC17, 5775 words
The Good Life (The Consequences Remix) | due South, Fraser/Kowalski, PG, 100 words
Ode to a Sumptuous Supper (The Doggerel Half-Wolferel Remix) | due South, Diefenbaker, Fraser/Kowalski, G, 100 words
Myth Reading (The It's All Greek to Me Remix) | Hornblower, Hornblower/Kennedy, PG, 100 words
Honesty (The Such a Lonely Word Remix) | Hard Core Logo, Joe/Billy, PG13, 100 words

Ash and Smoke (The Retrospective Remix) | Lord of the Rings, Denethor, PG, 1870 words

Five Extraordinary Encounters That (Probably) Never Happened | Slings and Arrows crossover with Harry Potter, Iron Man, The Devil Wears Prada, due South, and RPF, various characters, G, 1850 words

Play the Part (The Remix Told By an Idiot, Signifying Nothing) | Slings and Arrows, Geoffrey, G, 100 words
Kitties (The Consequences Remix) | Harry Potter, Albus/Minerva, PG, 100 words

Seekrit Mystery vid for festivids I can't talk about yet
Gifts of Love | No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, Mma Ramotswe, G, 5000 words

Totals sliced in various ways:

15 stories (7 drabbles including one that is a sonnet, 1 ficlet, 4 short stories of 1000-2000 words, 3 short stories of 4500-6000 words) for a total of around 22,550 words, and two vids (although only one has been posted - the other's for Festivids and I guess will be included next year). This is more words and stories than last year, and more individual stories (although far fewer words) than 2007.

All but two stories (and one vid) were for challenges. Seven stories (six of them drabbles) are remixes.

Fandoms I wrote more than a single story in: due South, with three, and Slings and Arrows and Lord of the Rings with two each. But despite due South edging the other fandoms in number of stories, it loses on wordcount: I wrote more words in Lord of the Rings than in any other fandom. Huh. (I also wrote a lot of words on a LotR story I lost interest in, alas, and wrote a lot of words on the sequel to Clarke's Law which I hope to finish in 2010.) New writing fandoms for me this year are LotR, LotR RPS, Being Human, Whole New Thing, No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, and Iron Man (if you count the tiny bit of crossover).

7 slash, 5 gen, 2 het; my 3 longest stories are one each het, slash, and gen. 5 G, 7 PG, 1 R, 2 NC17, which is a lot less porn than I normally write. But by wordcount it's about half R and NC17, half totally tame.

Meme questions and answers:

My favorite story this year: Hmm. Maybe Five Extraordinary Encounters. I kind of like most of them equally, maybe because of the wide variety.

My best story this year: Again, I dunno. Aid and Comfort, maybe.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I think they were all appreciated duly! I think the remixthedrabble stories get the least attention, though.

Most fun story to write: Gifts of Love, because I really enjoyed the pastiche. I also really enjoyed doing the Richard vid, once I sat down to do it.

Hardest story to write: The two October remixthedrabble stories really drove me crazy, maybe because I wasn't feeling the love at the time. The most technically difficult story was probably Ode to a Sumptuous Supper because I was working with three constraints at once: a remix sonnet of exactly 100 words!

Most sexy story: What a Woman Can Do, aka Éowyn invents the strap-on.

Story with single sexiest moment: I kind of want to give the nod to Just Different, here, because it's their first time, and the story ends right at the sex, and that makes me feel all breathless and hot.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Kitties, I guess. Animagus bestiality FTW?

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: They all did, of course, but especially Aid and Comfort, Ash and Smoke, and my seekrit festivid which totally shifted my perceptions of the source, and I am dying to talk about it!

Biggest disappointment: Not finishing the damn sequel to Clarke's Law, which hangeth over my head like a sword. This is the same as my last year's disappointment. Also, not feeling the fandom love for the new Star Trek and therefore missing out on the Next Big Thing.

Biggest surprise: That vidding is getting easier and more fun.

Most unintentionally telling story: What a Woman Can Do. La la la.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Less, I think.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Hahaha festivids. La la la. Also, LotR RPS, which I only wrote because a prompt totally grabbed me.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I wrote a couple of pastiches totally out of my usual style - in particular, Diner, which is noirish present-tense. And it was really good, I think!

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? HAHAHA. Last year's goals: Finish the damn sequel to Clarke's Law. Write this Aragorn/Boromir epic AU that I have been scribbling bits of. Write more. And this year, I am at 1 out of 3, and that's only because "write more" is so vague. I have no goals for this year. Maybe that's for the best.

Also posted on Dreamwidth where there are

navel-gazing, vid, meme, year in review, fic, writing

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