Harry Potter: Kitties (The Consequences Remix)

Oct 13, 2009 17:07

Original Fic: Kitties, by jestana
Remix: Kitties (The Consequences Remix) [Albus/Minerva, 100 words, rated PG], by isiscolo

Seeing Minerva surrounded by kittens, Albus remembered the first time they had kissed. She'd been playing with kittens then, too. They'd relaxed in the sun, and fallen asleep, and when he woke he had kissed her.

And then he'd declared his love for her, and she had for him, and they had done more than just kiss.

Minerva was playing with kittens again, but they were different kittens. Smaller. Younger. One was white and ginger, and looked vaguely - unsettlingly - familiar.

She was an Animagus, and her form….

He looked at Minerva, and at the kitten, and counted backward…and wondered.

original author: jestana, remix author: isiscolo, fandom: harry potter, -round 7-

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