Hard Core Logo: Honesty (The Such a Lonely Word Remix)

Jun 11, 2009 17:25

Original Fic: Honesty is Overrated, by exeterlinden
Remix: Honesty (The Such a Lonely Word Remix) [Joe/Billy, 100 words, Rated PG-13] by isiscolo

If Joe Dick was honest with himself, he knew that Hard Core Logo wasn't going anywhere. Or rather: it wasn't going anywhere without Billy, and Billy was, apparently, going. Q. E. fucking D.

If he was honest, he would admit that he didn't want it to go anywhere. He didn't want to play a huge fucking arena. Bars were better, 'cause it was okay if he got shitfaced.

He didn't want some asshole manager telling Billy he was better than this. Even if it was true.

Especially because it was true.

Fuck honesty, he thought, and picked up the gun.

remix author: isiscolo, -round 6-, original author: exeterlinden, fandom: hard core logo

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