Slings & Arrows: Play the Part (The Remix Told By an Idiot, Signifying Nothing)

Oct 15, 2009 16:00

Original Fic: Play the Part, by akamine_chan
Remix: Slings & Arrows: Play the Part (The Remix Told By an Idiot, Signifying Nothing) [Geoffrey, 100 words, rated G], by isiscolo

Geoffrey stares across the table at the doctors as they confer among themselves. Finally Dr. Henderson looks over at him. "What do you think, Geoffrey? Are you sane enough to be released?" he asks in his usual mild tones.

Geoffrey shrugs. "A fool knows himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."

"He's not crazy," says Dr. Chu flatly. "He's an actor." As though that explains it all. Maybe it does.

"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit," says Dr. Henderson, smiling at Geoffrey.

Geoffrey smiles back. Maybe he is sane, after all.

remix author: isiscolo, original author: akamine_chan, fandom: slings and arrows, -round 7-

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