Jun 06, 2011 01:52

ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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Comments 66

00_07 June 6 2011, 06:11:44 UTC
Relationship meme for Sync and Vanya?

(Warning, I am awful at coming up with questions!)


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 06:19:35 UTC
VANYA IS INTERESTING. Sync's not really sure what her deal is, because to him every interaction with Vanya is a contradiction of the previous one. He doesn't like her, but he doesn't actively hate her. He's mean to her, but she wants to be his friend. She's an idiot, but she has potential. WHAT IS HAPPEN. Sync doesn't have positive interactions with others that he can reference when dealing with people he doesn't consider an enemy or a loser. The best he can hope for is a degree of neutrality-- people who are either on the same level as him, or in positions he can muster up a degree of respect towards. In canon, this is a small group: Van, Legretta, Largo, and Arietta are pretty much the only people he doesn't have immediately antagonistic feelings towards. Vanya is kind of stuck in limbo between this categorization, and the other category which is Everyone Else What I Hate (there is another small group of People I Really Hate, which is the protagonist group of TOA). The fact that he can't immediately lump her in with either group ( ... )


00_07 June 7 2011, 01:44:18 UTC
Vanya thinks Sync is confusing but interesting, and possibly not as scary as she once thought! She wants Sync to have friends, and if she's the only one that will be his friend, then she's willing to keep trying. Sync really does remind Vanya a lot of herself when she first came to camp. She understands thinking you're useless and not wanting friends. It's what she thought, and sometimes still thinks, before everyone at Camp convinced her otherwise. Except Sync's strong and has powers, so Vanya doesn't understand completely how he's useless, beyond the replica thing ( ... )


ionic_bond June 7 2011, 04:53:57 UTC
It's not terribly exciting. Because Sync is so anti-social, he keeps to himself a lot except for when he needs to get food at the Mess Hall. Every now and then, he'll come out and watch people, but Sync's really good at hiding in trees undetected for long periods of time and just plotting revenge. Plus he's unlikely to want to talk to or approach people unless there's a reason (ie, he feels like being a brat to someone). There's some space in the more forested areas where he practices his artes on the trees, and as a result he's probably decimates a few dozen trees at this point.

Reverse for Vanya!


tickingtykebomb June 6 2011, 06:15:49 UTC
Claire on Mindy?


solipsismmortal June 6 2011, 06:31:17 UTC
She's fun! Claire enjoys talking to her and hearing her take on things, and likes that they have things in common. He definitely wonders about her upbringing, and sometimes lingers on the state of the world in which kids who aren't part of the mafia have to experience that environment anyway, but realizes it's not his business and as long as she doesn't hurt someone he cares about or does something he greatly disapproves of, he won't have to kill her. Which is nice. I think he also likes interacting with her because there's a hidden side of him that longs to be a father-- he gets along with kids pretty well, certain immortals notwithstanding.

Reverse? And please list who you play, I'm bad at keeping track.


tickingtykebomb June 6 2011, 06:53:29 UTC
I always forget to list. It's Mindy, Wendy, and Anemone.

She liked Claire! She was willing to overlook his obvious crazy because he's interesting in a way that pings her. Mindy doesn't enjoy dying, but she's completely willing to talk to people she recognizes could kill her if she thinks she could get something out of it. Claire falls under that category! He's fun in a sort of mentor-y way. But then he revealed his mafia background which automatically makes him an enemy since her entire life she's been trained to kill anyone associated with organized crime :( So now conflicted feelings are happening and she can't trust him ever and baw, what a waste of a perfectly good role model.

SOTU for Naoto?


solipsismmortal June 6 2011, 06:55:15 UTC
It would be super interesting if Claire found out Mindy's issues with the mafia. THIS SHOULD COME UP SOME DAY.

I will answer your question shortly.


kepthishead June 6 2011, 06:46:11 UTC
Robin's thoughts on team tsundere?


pieta_au_lait June 6 2011, 06:58:25 UTC
WE ARE ALL BESTIES. At this point, Robin would protect them both with her life, if it came down to it. They can be frustrating and incomprehensible to her sometimes, but she loves them both deeply and is so grateful they've stayed by her side. Her feelings for CROW and Elliot range from affectionate to motherly, and although she's developed a tinycrush on Elliot, she has no desire to act on it and thinks it's better to stay the way they are. The last thing she wants is to hurt either of them, and she thinks it would be deeply painfulif Robin ever deliberately wedged a divide between the three of them.

Gimme a SOTU for Luke!


areplicatedhope June 6 2011, 12:35:48 UTC
It's somewhere between bittersweet and melancholic? He covers it pretty well by faking being okay because that is how Luke rolls in the later part of the game, but he's torn. He wants the protagonist party to go home and to live their lives, because at camp they're putting all of that on hold and postponing the whole recovery effort ... but on the other hand, he's happy to see them again! They're his friends, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like seeing them, even when Jade is being a dick ( ... )


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 22:30:46 UTC
Raphael... haha. For him, it's really hard to pick just one, because he thinks of himself as a failure most of the time, especially when he reflects on his younger years. However, it's probably something that happened later on in his life that he thinks of as the biggest mistake he ever made: trying to steal Sara away from Setsuna and lock her in his tower, which led to her capture by Sandalphon ( ... )


watchmycannon June 6 2011, 06:50:20 UTC


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 06:59:03 UTC


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 06:59:43 UTC
Guy on Sync. hor.


acivilservant June 6 2011, 07:02:24 UTC
Ehh it's complicated. Guy doesn't like sync, per se -- he realizes he is actually pretty evil; despite also being tragic and misunderstood it is very clear that sync does like hurting people, and that's not something Guy can over look easily.

On the other hand, he apparently just wants acceptance and that hits Guy right in his squishy feelings place

and the part of him that is used to putting up with Luke and Asch and Jade in their difficult moments is like "eh, could be worse" whenever Sync is just unpleasant at him instead of actually hostile.

Claire's favorite thing about Camp. Aside from Chane.


stigmatize June 6 2011, 08:03:37 UTC
Naoto on Judith lol


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 08:41:35 UTC
There's something Judith said to Naoto a while ago that's stuck with her-- I believe she described Naoto as "straight-forward". Naoto's never been experienced in personal relationships or understanding feelings, even though she's been making progress in recent years. So to her mind, Naoto-in-a-relationship wants to be able to provide something useful for Judith; in this case, she wants to be someone in Judith's life that doesn't come with messy complications. She genuinely cares for Judith deeply, probably to an extent that she doesn't yet understand. There is a part of her that yearns to explore their arrangement deeper, to touch upon things she's anxious about and wants to know more about, but realizes that if she tries to do that, it may end up complicating things on a level Judith doesn't want. So that part of her was being ignored until recently, until Naoto spoke to younger Judith, and understood that there was a history of pain and frustration in Judith's past that Naoto has no idea about. It made her realize that while it ( ... )


stigmatize June 7 2011, 00:54:05 UTC
sob okay ( ... )


hardlyboy June 7 2011, 03:33:27 UTC
Naoto definitely got the sense that Judith had a painful and difficult childhood, and her feelings of frustration completely took her over, in part because she had no outlet for her anger or a way to undo the injustices she was forced to experience. Naoto realizes she can't fully understand what that was like, but at the same time feels sympathy for Judith. As a child, her frustrations at being a young female in a position where her age and sex were used against her were not things she could easily change, and despite how she tried, there was never an easy way out. So, letting her frustrations define who she was is something Naoto's very familiar with ( ... )


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