Turn my life upside down Chapter 14

Jul 30, 2009 23:55

Title: Turn my life upside down
Author: ihatetarts
Chapter: 14
Beta: foryouforever
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Pierre/David Seb/Chuck
Summary: Pierre meets David at school. After some time their friendship turns into a relationship. Suddenly David acts weird and wants to keep it a secret.
Disclaimer: fiction
Authors note:SORRY that it took me so long but a lot of things changed in my life... whatever, hope you still want to read the upcoming chapters =)
Dedication:innocenc_e foryouforever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

"Hey, let's have some fun -- that's what we're here for, right?" Is all I can say to him and to my surprise, I'm quite successful: Sebastien takes my hand and we drag our asses onto the dancefloor. The people around us sort of move away at first, but it doesn't take more than half a minute of us dancing like complete idiots to get used to the fact that a couple of fags are among them. We danced this way through a few more songs until we were almost completely out of breath.

Suddenly, Sebastien shoves me in the direction of the stage and a hand, I guess of the lead singer of our high school band, pulls me onto it. Next moment, I find myself with a microphone in my hand singing to Green Days's "Basket Case": everybody's up on the floor, rocking the gym, with only few killjoys choosing to remain glued to their chairs, or don't mind and continue just making out in the dark corners.

I can see the guys with their dates in the middle of the crowd, enjoying this night as much as they deserve to: Sebastien is right in front of the stage, pretending to be my personal groupie. I bet if he had a poster and a pen he would write on it "Kiss me, Pierre!" or something. I move from one side of the stage to the other, making some people scream the lyrics with me. The adrenaline rushes through my veins and I really do feel like a rockstar. Drunk with euphoria, I stagedive and - fortunately - they catch me and carry me for a while until I get back on stage to end the song with the words: "Thank you, Montreal, I love you!" This made Patrick laugh out so loud that I think he just drowned the speakers.

I give the real singer his microphone back and head back to my place to get some rest: "Hey Mr. Superstar," Jeffs says and slaps my back, "this is what I wanna see at our next gig." Still out of breath, nodding is all I can do as a reply.

"You're really good - I can't wait to see all of you playing live," Natalie states; I give her a small smile but I don't think she even notices, because she's already getting up to go with Brittany and Sarah to the restroom.

It's good to see Sebastien smiling and finally having fun: I couldn't have taken it - seeing him in pain for the whole night.


Later on, we've gone back to partying and we all are having much more fun than I expected.

"Thank you Beaubois High School, we love you!" The singer calls into his mic and jumps off the stage.

"Adieu! And leave me some sour creme chips, yeeeaahh!" The drummer shouts and stagedives. It's so funny to see that they almost drop him: the head boy appears on stage to hold a speech and brings forth the names of the prom king and queen. I don't really care about this part, and I haven't even voted one of the candidates: I voted for Spongebob and Patrick (I mean Patrick Star, not my friend Patrick, though the thought is quite funny, Pat and Spongebob king and queen...).

"The name of the prom king is...Jake Whatsoever!" Everybody is clapping hands except me as said guy walks over to the head boy, receiving his "crown" and cheering for himself. Such a dork. I lean back into my seat watching this ridiculous scene: the prom queen is Tiffany Anywho. I bet you can imagine her: silky blonde hair, thin, pink ball dress fitting perfectly with the decorating scheme of the hall.

Now comes the oh-so-romantic part of the night: the "royal" couple dances to a slow song. All of us watch them for some time, and I can see some girls bitching about the queen, just envious, of course. Gradually, more couples start to dance, too, including my friends.

"Come on Pierre, let's dance too!" Sebastien says as he pulls on my jacket.

"You aren't serious, are you?" I ask, but the look on his face tells me he is very serious: "alright, alright - you win," Actually, I don't really feel so bad about this slow dancing thing: it's just that I wanted to slow dance with someone else.

I follow Sebastien and we stop near our friends. I put one of my hands on his waist and the other one clasps his hand while his left hand holds onto my shoulder. This way, we get to look as thought we're deeply in love with each other, staring into the eyes of the other, "thank you, Pierre - though your plan didn't work out, I had a great time with you."

"My pleasure," I tell him and he gives me one of his smiles.

"May I take over?" A quiet, but very familiar, voice says. David. My David. Wearing black tight pants, a black shirt with a white tie, black eyeliner and his hair is styled into a mohawk - only the tips of his hair are still blonde; the rest is dyed black. His way of being dressed up. I look at Sebastien who's already starting to free himself from my grip, and he nods, smiling at us both. He walks away - I don't really know in which direction - I'm too distracted by David: I hold him like I just did with Sebastien but tight enough that nothing can seperate us; his head rests on my chest and we move slowly to the sound of music playing on the stereo.

"When did you dye your hair?" I ask him, and he looks, a little confused, up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Right before I came here. You like it?" I nod and lean down to kiss him; he hesitates for a moment but gives in - we haven't kissed in a long time or we've spent time just being to one other, so it feels even better to finally feel his lips on mine and smell his fruity hair conditioner.

"Someone's got beaten up outside!" A male voice shouts at the entrance to the gym. We break the kiss and I look around to find the faces of my friends. They all are here but--Sebastien! I let go of David and run into the direction where the guy just shouted what had happened from. There's a big crowd standing in the parking area and I make my way through them, stopping when I find what I was hoping wouldn't be true.

"Has anybody called an ambulance?" I call out, helplessly angry, receiving a positive response from a girl who still has her fingers clasped tightly around her cellphone. I kneel down beside Seb, afraid to hurt him more, so I only stroke his bloody cheek: "Sebastien - Seb - can you hear me? Answer me. Seb? Damn, fucking shit - talk to me!" But he doesn't. There's a pool of blood around his head. The tears run down my cheeks.

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