Turn my life upside down Chapter 12

May 18, 2009 00:03

Title: Turn my life upside down
Author: ihatetarts
Chapter: 12
Beta: foryouforever
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Pierre/David Seb/Chuck
Summary: Pierre meets David at school. After some time their friendship turns into a relationship. Suddenly David acts weird and wants to keep it a secret.
Disclaimer: fiction
Authors note:New Chapters!
Dedication:innocenc_e foryouforever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

It takes me no more than five minutes to find David in a corner of one of the hallways: his arms are wrapped around his legs and he doesn't make a move.

“I was looking for you.” I say, standing five feet away from him.

“You found me.” He states without even looking up at me.

“I know you're afraid, but it's our prom. The guys said they would protect you from anybody. Soon, you won’t be seeing anyone around here ever again, including this unknown motherfucker. You can have a great night with me and the guys and get out of here alive if you just trust me.”

“Would you just shut the fuck up? I won't go to this fucking prom, and you can't make me: we live in a free country!”

“If it's as free as you say, then be free and go to the prom with me!” I retort, but it doesn't seem to impress him.

“If you care so much about this stupid night with a bunch of jerks I don't care about, look for somebody else.”

“Alright, David, you win: I'll go to the prom and prove to you that nothing is going to happen.”


“FINE!” I turn away, thinking about beginning to search for my soon-to-be date while he sits back down on the same spot where I found him. The bell rings, so I abandon my thoughts and head for the class I'm probably already late for.

When I enter my physics class, I apologize to the teacher and take my seat beside Sebastien. I'm kind of surprised that he has shown up at all and hasn't been swallowed up by the ground. I scribble down a little note to tell him I want to talk to him after this class. He nods and puts the note in one his books.


Through the crowd of students Seb follows me out of the building. We walk around for a while without saying a word. He's not in the mood and, to be honest, I'm not either.

“Are you okay?” I finally ask him.

“Uhm, yeah - it's not like I promised myself too much.” He's a bad liar, just like me.

“What would you say if I asked you out for prom?”

“What do you mean?” Seb gives me a questioning look.

“Chuck's unreachable right now, right?” He looks nodding on the floor. “Sorry…”

“It's alright. Go on.”

“Someone threatened David, and now he's afraid he'll get beaten up if this guy finds out he's gay.” I tell him, suddenly feeling a little sad as I recall our fights.

“All of us noticed that something weird was going on between the both of you. We respected it and never said a word about it or to anyone else, but for some time, you haven't been quite yourself: you don't joke around with us anymore, and you always seem to be downcast. We decided to question it under the pretense of the prom, but the reactions of your little drama queen didn't give us any answer...but that explains it.”

“Oh, now I understand why it took you so long to question.”

“So you wanna date me?”

“Yeah - I want to prove to David that whoever's got a problem with fags will get into big trouble with me.” I tell him and we both sit down on a bench in the school yard.

“And you want to use me for that?”

“Hey, if you're lucky, Chuck might get jealous. We both will profit from my plan.” Undeniably, what I said has cheered him up quite considerably.

“Alright, I accept your invitation.”

“Oh, you know that this is going to be your big coming out, don't you?” When I and David started dating, we called the guys together to tell them about us. It was at Chuck’s apartment where we met everybody, and I said something like: “we have to tell you something” and Patrick responded straight off “you both finally got together”, after which, Sebastien then blurted out “I’m gay too!” and nobody said a word: the others just looked at the three of us until Jeff asked: “But you three aren’t…?”; we had shaken our heads and Pat commented: “This makes a fifty percent rate of gayness in the band”. We burst into laughter after that, and luckily nothing changed between any of us. We usually practised at Chuck's apartment because for some months, his landlord offered us a room in the cellar where nobody would be disturbed by us. There, David and I used to make out a lot times, not really caring if the boys are around. David wanted them to know, but when they got to know about us, he also added that he wanted them to keep it as a secret for the moment.

“Well, I didn't plan it to be with you, but this is going to be so awesome. Everyone will only look at us. We'll be in the thick of things. And it will be yours as well. Because of David nobody just suspects you to be...”

“Gay?” I laugh and he nods. “Well, I guess I'm not the stereotype of a fag.”

“You're so right but nevertheless no guy would spurn you!”

“Are you flirting with me?”

“Practicing for Friday night: we should make a credible couple.” We both laugh and sit there on the bench for a while until he takes a look at his watch. ”Shouldn't we go to history class now?”

“Uhm...no, let's skip. I don't want to see David right now, anyway.”

Right now, I don't really know what we are: every time we meet, we ignore or yell at each other. I miss the scent of different fruits he leaves in my bed; the way he says good night before he falls asleep in my arms; the dirty things he whispers into my ear when I don't expect it; the random questions he asks, and the way he makes me laugh by his childish behaviour.
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