Turn my life upside down Chapter 11

May 13, 2009 14:43

Title: Turn my life upside down
Author: ihatetarts
Chapter: 11
Beta: foryouforever
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Pierre/David Seb/Chuck
Summary: Pierre meets David at school. After some time their friendship turns into a relationship. Suddenly David acts weird and wants to keep it a secret.
Disclaimer: fiction
Authors note:New Chapters!
Dedication:innocenc_e foryouforever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

It's Monday before prom and David is still declining my invitations...but I'm not about to give up: there's only one prom in your life and you should make it memorable or skip it completely. I'm going for the first option. You might call me stupid, but then I'm not the only one: Sebastien didn't give up on the thought of Chuck as his prom date. Funnily enough, he hasn't asked him out yet.

Sebastien wants to meet me in library for a talk. I wonder what this is going to be about. When I enter the huge room with its countless books, he's there already, waiting; he walks over to me and points in the direction of a group of very dusty shelves. Here are the books which aren't even read by the librarian.

“Pierre, you're my bestest friend, aren't you?” Sometimes I think I'd have fallen for Seb sooner or later if David hadn't come into my life. He's really cute for a guy: big, blue eyes and he's almost as perfect as David at pouting to get his way.

“I am, I'll always be and will do whatever you ask for, and you know it. So stop your little smarmy introduction and get to the point. What do you want this time?”

“You're mean and shove that fucking smirk off of your face, it doesn't fit you - but you're right: I need you to do me a favour.”

“Surprise, surprise.” I’m kind of harsh with him but if you remember, I don't do it unjustified.

“You don't have to be all sarcastic, and don't roll your eyes at me.” Maybe I should try to be serious or this will go on like forever. “You know prom is soon very soon and I told you I want Chuck to be my date but...”

“But you haven't even asked him out yet and you want me to do that for you?”

“No, or not really. You promised me to talk to him.”

“And I did or tried to. But as I recall, someone went and broke his little heart.”

“I know what I did and you don't have to point that out over and over again. I know I was wrong. You were right. Whatever - it doesn't matter anymore: he's gotten over her and ready to get his heart stolen by the one and only me!” Is there, anywhere out there, someone more naive than him? “You only have to talk to him, you know - check out the situation or something. I might be naïve, but there's no way I'm going to risk hurting myself by pouring my heart out to him.” His way of thinking is, in a really, really weird way, logical.

“What about if I ask him if he's got anyone in mind for prom?”

“You're my hero!” He falls round my neck and if he applies any more weight, I'm sure we would be on the floor right now. “If it weren't for Chuck and your hott stuff David, I'd ask you out.”

“You're flattering me.” Finally, he lets go of me and leaves me alone between the dusty shelves. Why do I always allow him to be so persuasive? Oh right, he's Sebastien.


“Guess who's got a prom date?” Chuck says, sitting down beside me in cafeteria. I immediately look at Seb who's sitting right in front of him. I guess the talking thing is settled now. Patrick is the first one who responds to Chuck.

“How much did you pay for her?”

“Ha ha very funny. Her name is Brittany, I met her in my chess club. Okay, actually, it was in front of the door: she dropped her books and, like the gentleman I am, I helped her pick them all back up. Blonde, blue eyes and a body you'd die for.” To their, but not my, surprise, Seb stands up and leaves as fast as he can without being too dramatic. The only thing he manages to say is that he left something in gym. I can't blame him: I think in his position, I wouldn't even be able to take it as calmly as he does.

“Seriously, how much?” Chuck gives Patrick a nasty look. “If she's just half as hot as you describe her, why would she want to date you?”

“She said she likes intelligent guys.” He hits back, and if you think that would shut Pat up, you're wrong.

“You mean geeks.” Chuck doesn't respond this time. In my opinion, he's just too mature to go on with this little game - he has always been the most mature one of us.

“So what about you guys, found any dates yet?” Jeff asks and, of course, Patrick is the first one who answers again.

“Yes, I have a date: her name is Sarah and she goes to my cine club.” Patrick tells us proudly. David, who's sitting on my right, and I are quiet for the whole conversation.

“Damn, Sarah? She's hot, and I don't mean for a nerd.” Jeff says with wide eyes. I'm impressed myself: Sarah spurned him at least 23 times. We've already bet he'd never get to just invite her on a cup of coffee. “I asked Natalie out but she hasn't given me an answer yet.” I don't really know about her: we attend the same math class but said class really drains me. I mean, what do we need algebra for? That kind of knowledge won't allay my hunger or pay the rent.

“What about you two? Will you go together?” The guys look directly at David, who seems to be as speechless as I am, and I. I look at him to avoid their gazes and, to my dislike, he looks a bit angry - as if it was my fault they asked. Unlike him, I've been expecting them to ask sooner or later, like Seb had. The guys have known about us from the very beginning and David even wanted them to know.

Out of the blue, he jumps up and heads towards the corridors: “I'll look for Sebastien.” So he leaves us a bit confused at our table. I notice the guys are waiting for me to say something, anything.

“I guess it's time for an explanation,” they look, nodding, at me waiting for me to go on. “You know, David didn't want us to come out yet - actually, it looks like he won't ever come out.” I sigh for a moment and try to settle my thoughts. “He said a guy would beat the shit out of him if he finds out he's gay.”

“He was threatened?” Jeff asks and I nod at him sadly. “No one is going to touch him as long as we are there to protect him.”

“I told him the same thing. But he doesn't rely on me or us enough to risk it I think. It might be selfish but I don't wanna miss my prom.”

“Maybe you should talk to him again then you'll see if he changes his mind after all.” Chuck suggests, though I can see he isn't sure himself if this is going to change anything...but doing nothing won't change anything, either, I guess.

“I'll go after him.” Just like David and Seb, I leave my friends behind, not really sure who I should search for first.

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