Turn my life upside down Chapter 8

Mar 16, 2009 19:51

Title: Turn my life upside down
Author: ihatetarts
Chapter: 8
Beta: foryouforever
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Pierre/David Seb/Chuck
Summary: Pierre meets David at school. After some time their friendship turns into a relationship.
Disclaimer: fiction
Authors note: I started posting this story two years ago on Hott Baguettes but never ended it because I had no time to write anymore. Now I'm finally done. Hope you like it.
Dedication:innocenc_e foryouforever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

SNEEZE! Fuck, I can’t stop sneezing: obviously, I caught a cold last night...I hope David is feeling better than me. I'm lying in my bed, zipping through the TV channels in search of anything worth watching. As though I'm not feeling bad enough, my mom walks in, she's on the phone, and complaining rather loudly.

"I told him he looked like he had fever yesterday, but no, my oh-so-responsible son had to go out and visit his friends." If she'd only known half of it... "His own frivolity put him into this situation - never listening to his mom, so now he has to live with the consequences. Here, Pierre - it's David." She ends her little 'conversation' with him, holding out the phone to me: I take it, and before daring to say a word to David, I gaze at mom, waiting for her to leave my room. "Don’t look at your mom like that! I'm leaving now, anyway. Without me, this family would end up in chaos." She remarks, more to herself than to me, and closes the door behind her. I switch my attention back to the phone in my hand.

"Hey babe, how are you?"

"I’m fine but I hear you aren't doing so good - your mom told me. How's my poor baby feeling?"

"'Terrible' doesn’t explain it enough."

"Want me to come over?"

"Yeah, pity me - I need you here right now. Be quick." I say hoping he can't resist the pout I'm wearing, which he only can hear.

"All right, I'll take my mom’s car. Keep up, I’m coming." We hang up and I put the phone down on my dresser; I sneeze and hastily grab at the tissues beside the phone, sneezing some more even as I did so.


I feel soft lips lightly pressed against mine; reflexively, I kiss back. These lips can belong only to David - the lip ring betrays his secrecy. Blindly, my arms wrap around where I figure his waist has to be, and in the next second, I pull him on top of me, holding him so tightly that he can’t escape. In that same moment, we open our eyes simultaneously, smiling at each other.

"You fell asleep." He whispers.

"Apparently. Else you wouldn’t have kissed me awake."

"Sorry - I couldn’t resist you any longer: you look so innocent, cute and peaceful in your sleep."

"I’d love to wake up like this every morning."

"Morning? It’s half past 6 in the afternoon."

"Really? How long have you been sitting here?

"Hmm...I guess, three hours. Don’t look at me like that: it doesn't bother me. I took the time to explore your room," I blush at this statement, taking in the glint in his eyes - oh shit, what has he found? "I found some interesting things, you know."

"What kind of things do you mean?" I ask, sort of afraid of the answer he's going to give. He smirks at me. Oh, please don’t say...

"Porn...and a lot of it. I can't believe how one person can have such a big collection of films and magazines for adults! Maybe we can watch some of them together, one day." Oh my God, is he trying to kill me?

"S-sounds good to me." I stammer,

"I knew you’d say that - after that, we can try out some of the things we see on these films." Just as the words are leaving his lips, my nose is beginning to tickle: I have to sneeze. Fortunately, everything lands in the tissue I grab at the last moment, but my forehead into rams his and he rolls off the bed, down onto the floor, holding the spot where I hit him. Immediately, I rush to him, stroking his back and touching his wrist to pull his hand away and look for some sort of wound; maybe a bruise or something. A bump. "Damn,” he whines, “What kind of a head do you have?"

"I’m so sorry David - I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm okay Pierre; I’m really okay - stop fussing," For the first time since our 'crash', he looks at me and I can't keep my eyes off of the big bump I caused. My expression must have given me away, because his face fell slightly, "Pierre - what’s wrong? Why are you look at my forehead like that? Pierre, damn it, answer me!" I keep silent, so he gets up and heads into the bathroom: I rush after him.

"David - don't..." I call, but it’s already too late.

"Aaaahhh! Pierre, what the fuck have you done to my face?" He turns away from the mirror, back to face me and I try to look as guilty as possible. I really do feel guilty.

"Babe, please..." I try weakly,

"Don’t 'babe' me - you deformed my face! I can't leave the house any more - not with a bump as big as Mount Everest on my forehead!"

"Dave, you look as beautiful as always - nobody will notice this little bump."

"And that's why you can't stop looking at the thing?" He screams at me, pointing furiously at the spot. This makes me look back into his eyes.

"I...I don’t. Come here - it’s really not that bad." Finally, I'm successful and manage to calm him down, holding him in my arms in the corridor between my room and the bathroom.

"What are you both doing over there?" I hear my mother’s voice and we jump apart abruptly, separating ourselves by a few feet, both blushing slightly, "David, darling, what happened to your head? Wait a second; I'll be back with some ice in a moment." The bump made her forget what she witnessed the moment before. I lead David back into my room and sit beside him on my bed.

"I'm really sorry."

"I just exaggerated - it's not that bad. I am a little bit responsible that you caught the cold in first place, just because you put my health before yours."

"I volunteered so you are not."

My mom comes back in with an ice bag, offering it to David, but I take it and put it to his forehead slowly. "Stop fighting, you two - you aren't little kids any more." She says as she leaves us alone again.

"Lean back." He does what I say him and lies on my bed, with me holding the relieving ice against his skin. "Are you okay?"

"The cold is giving me a headache, I think." I lift it and put it aside, stroking his forehead, which is wet from the melted ice, gently. I lie down beside him and pet his tummy without breaking eye contact. "Pierre, although you injured me and deformed my face, I like you - I mean I really like you." David blushes and I smile at him.

"Well, I really like you too, David." I tell him, and kiss the bump on his forehead. He whimpers quietly and I pull him closer to me; he wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek before he snuggling into my chest. "Don't sleep, baby." I whisper into his ear.

"I’m not - I'm just enjoying your arms around me." He murmurs, his eyes closed and voice heavy with sleep, and we both knew he was going to fall asleep anyway. I nod and keep watching him, knowing I won't sleep any time soon, because it's all I've been doing all day.
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