Turn my life upside down Chapter 7

Feb 28, 2009 00:29

Title: Turn my life upside down
Author: ihatetarts
Chapter: 7
Beta: foryouforever
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Pierre/David Seb/Chuck
Summary: Pierre meets David at school. After some time their friendship turns into a relationship.
Disclaimer: fiction
Authors note: I started posting this story two years ago on Hott Baguettes but never ended it because I had no time to write anymore. Now I'm finally done. Hope you like it.
Dedication:innocenc_e foryouforever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

I'm waiting for David at the entrance to our school. Since the day we met each other, we always meet here, and usually, he's late. With my hands shoved in my hoodie pockets, I kick some pebbles in random directions for a while before looking up at the night sky: some clouds and the full moon surrounded by masses of stars. This is too beautiful.

I hear steps and shift my gaze back down, seeing David walking towards to me, as beautiful as he always is and wearing a red 'Slut' shirt and blue jeans.

When he stops in front of me I give him a light kiss to welcome him. "Wanna go?" He nods, smiling, and takes my hand. I intertwine our fingers and we start walking in the direction of the park.

We are both silent, but the silence isn’t awkward: it’s kind of comfortable, just enjoying in the company of one another. The park is dark, of course - it's night: it would be a miracle if it wasn't dark. I spent a lot of my childhood in this park with my friends, but we always left before sunset: it's quite scary to walk in a park late at night these days, and the tight grip on my hand tells me David is a little bit afraid to be here in the darkness.

"Don’t worry, I'll protect you." I whisper to him, trying to calm him down, but it just makes him worse.

"Protect? There shouldn't be a need to be protected." He says, a nervous tremor in his voice.

"You're safe, okay?" He looks up at me and nods, still looking quite unconvinced.

We walk along a runnel and stop at a place where we can stand close to the water. David kneels down to watch the little stream closely, like little kids do.

"A frog! Pierre, did you see that? There was a frog - a frog!" He squeals and grabs me by the wrist, pulling me down with him and pointing at the spot where he had seen it. "Do you think the frog will change into a prince if I kiss it?"

"You wanna cheat on me with a frog? I’m hurt." I kneel beside him, pouting childishly.

"No, I’m sorry - I was just wondering if this tale is true, you know."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that’s the reason it’s called a fairy tale: it is not true. You have to find your prince in real life." David smiles widely at me.

"You're my prince!" He jumps on me and pushes me down to lie on my back. I smirk and immediately roll us over, so that I'm on top of him.

"And you’re my princess." He slaps the back of my head for my comment. I guess I deserved that.

"Hey, I’m not a girl." He tells me, looking a bit offended and sulky.

"I know - that's how you turned me gay." He blushes and I laugh a little bit at this.

"I did?" I nod, "I knew you wanted to get into my pants from the beginning." He giggles and I'm nearly embarrassed; I look away to the runnel beside us.

"The water is making strange noises."

"It’s starting to rain, dumbass." Does he need to call me that over and over again? I know I’m an idiot, but the people around me don’t have to point it out all the time, right? "We should leave: I don’t want to get wet." I shake my head, grinning because there’s something better in my mind. "Pierre, get off of me, it’s raining." I take off my hoodie and place it over our heads and my shoulders like a tent to stop the rain from falling onto us. The only things I can see at all are his shining eyes in the darkness, as though there's a fire burning inside of him, shining through those eyes and able to light even the darkest places.

I stroke his warm cheek and whisper in his ear: "I told you I'll protect you, even if it’s just from some raindrops." His lips attack mine and we kiss under our 'hoodie tent' beside a runnel in the middle of the park during a late night summer shower. My back and everything outside our little tent is getting wet, but David is safe and dry underneath me. He shoves his tongue into my mouth, massaging mine passionately. One of his hands moves around my waist and the other grabs my ass, making me smile into our kiss: he notices this and grabs onto it even tighter. My hoodie, the back of my shirt and my pants are soaked with water, but I don’t care because, in this moment, I'm kissing the one I love.

"Hey - what are you doing over there?" A male voice shouts and we stop making out and look, flustered, into the eyes of one another, although it’s hard to see anything at all.

"Fuck! The park attendant. I'll count to three, then we'll get up and run away, alright?" David agrees and I prepare myself for our 'escape'. "One, two...three!" I jump to my feet, pulling David with me and keeping hold of his hand, the other gripping my hoodie.

Hand in hand, we run in the opposite direction of the park attendant, over the little bridge across the runnel, passing by a lot of trees and benches: the rain is making it hard to see, and the sky is too clouded to let more rays of the moonlight down to earth.

When I'm sure we're safe I stop, out of breath and soaked to the skin, under a big tree.

"Do you think he followed us?" David asks meekly; I shake my head and wring out my hoodie. When I think it's dry enough, I wrap it around David's wet shoulders. I embrace him and stroke his back; he shivers and his arms coil around my waist, holding onto me tightly.

"I'm sorry - you were right: we should have left when you said so. Now you're going to catch a cold because of my stupidity," I babble, feeling guilty.

"Shut up. I enjoyed our make out session, and you couldn’t have known we would get disturbed. Honestly, it was damn romantic to kiss like that in the rain, and then to run away afterwards."

"Let’s sit down." I move backwards to lean against the big oak where it's dry and I pull David down into my lap: he's still wrapped up in my hoodie and he buries his face in my neck. "I’m not your first boyfriend, right?" This question has been preying on my mind the whole day, but it's only now that I've gathered the balls to ask him about it. He lifts his head and looks at me, his eyes telling me that, on one hand, he's a little bit surprised, but on the other hand, he expected to get asked that question.

"You can't really call him my ex-boyfriend, but yes - you aren’t the first guy I've been with."

"I know there’s something you haven't told me yet - you never tell me about Matane no matter how many times I ask you. You can trust me, you know: we are not only boyfriends, but best friends, too. David, what happened there?" He starts to tell me about his past, avoiding looking into my eyes.

"In Matane, I had no friends like I do here with you and the guys. Once, I had a friend but I had a crush on him and everybody got to know - he told them all. From then on, the older guys would beat me up and call me a fag - he used to do it, too. One time I was really hurt, the captain of the football team came up and suggested me a deal...he wanted me to - he wanted me to suck him off once in a while. He promised me I wouldn't be hit up my ass anymore - I agreed because I already had a crush on him and to give your crush sexual satisfaction sounded better than coming home with bruises." With tears rolling down his cheeks, David laughs at this cynical thought and I find myself holding him tighter, almost crying with him as he continued: "Everything was fine, my bruises healed during the following months and he even said to me that he loved me...I was so happy that day. To keep our relationship a secret would have been okay with me if he hadn’t had his girlfriend whom he wanted to leave. She found out before he could break up with her, and he denied everything - the next day when I arrived at school, he beat the daylights out of me and I spent some weeks in a hospital. That’s why my mom decided to move to Montreal: I almost died that day."

"Shh...it’s okay. Just cry." I whisper, and for quite some time, he cries into my shoulder while I try to calm him down.

"Would you leave me if someone found out about us?"

"No, Dave - and some people already know about us."

"Who do you mean?" His wet eyes look expectant at me.

"At first, Seb - he heard us last night; the frog, and I'm sure he has already told every animal around; and the park attendant, if he isn’t blind...and there’s something you need to know: I won't ever leave you, because I’m your prince, right?" This makes him giggle a little bit. "What are you laughing about?"

"I'm just imagining you as a frog that I need to kiss to change you into a prince. You would be so cute."

"Hey, am I not cute as a human?"

"Not as cute as you would be as a frog."

"Will you kiss me even though I’m not a frog?" He captures my lips and we sit there under that big old oak kissing and cuddling. "Look, it stopped raining, let’s get home."

We stand up and as the gentleman I am, I accompany him home, the whole way with my arm around his waist.
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