Oct 28, 2011 14:11
Dad and I had to run to Sam's last night, and of course they've already got their holiday displays out. We had fun looking at their bizarre trees and the 5' wreathes and all the toys and gift sets and what-not. Seeing some of the decorations had my inner Martha Stewart itching to come out.
On the way home, we drove around the neighborhood and saw people's decorations for the upcoming holiday. One house had these cool light displays going on; you'd think it was a spooky laboratory or something. Very cool, and it's right at one of the entrances to our neighborhood. A few houses went all out, with decorations on the windows and lights on the bushes. I wasn't aware they made those bush-covering lights in orange.
We get to our house, and we see that our next-door neighbors have decorated. Here's the thing: They're clearly Christmas decorations. Like, I know some people modify their Christmas stuff for other holidays, and that's cool, but...no, really, this is definitely Christmas. And it's not even past Halloween yet. I'm not really sure what's going on there, if they didn't realize that there are specific color schemes for the two holidays and they just figured the other houses were getting a jump on things or what. They're not American, and it's possible holidays aren't celebrated like this where they're originally from, but who knows. It made me scratch my head, at least.