VividCon conversations

Sep 06, 2004 18:16

Scene: in the room, pre-Club Vivid. Mely has burrowed under the covers for a restorative nap; h.l is slathering gunk into her hair.
here's luck: You know, I don't have much in common with Angel, but I think we have a similar approach to hair products.
Mely emerges from under covers and peers towards mirror.
mely: You don't look like Angel. You look like Wolverine.
h.l: I don't know what you're- well, maybe.

here's luck: People seem to have liked the Wonderfalls vid. I'm very pleased.
renenet: I betaed that vid!
h.l: And the vid is better for it. Even though it made me crabby.
r: Omigod you were so unhappy with me.
h.l: Well, I knew you were right. It's just that I hate you being right when it involves me doing work.

r: Wasn't Max Headroom originally a commercial?
h.l: I have no idea. Once again the vast lacuna in my pop culture knowledge manifests itself.
r: Do you know why I love you and why you get a free pass on the pop culture knowledge thing?
h.l: Because I use words like "lacuna" to describe how dumb I am?
r: Yes.
h.l: I thought so.

hair, funny, favorites!, quotable, vid: window of opportunity, vividcon

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