new vid up: "Thistledown Tears"

Sep 06, 2004 15:59

This is the Firefly vid that I sent to this year's VividCon Premieres show. As always, it and others are available at

Thistledown Tears
fandom: Firefly
music: Jeffrey Foucault, "Thistledown Tears"
format: DivX, 37 MB
summary: Ensemble. The time to wrestle the angel is here.

password: jacob

I came up with the idea for this vid in December 2002 and committed to it later that month while marathoning Firefly with renenet. Then I had to wait for the DVDs to come out. Then I had to figure out how to put the vid together, which sent me into several different tailspins of panic over the course of the planning process, since it's a vid that's focused and structured differently than any other vid I've done to date. Then I made a clip database, which turned out to be a great investment of time despite having started out largely as a procrastination strategy. Then "Window of Opportunity" took over my brain. And then suddenly it was mere days before the VividCon submissions deadline and I had almost nothing, and then renenet drove to my house and spent the weekend so she could provide stellar beta right there in front of me while I sprawled on the floor making assorted noises of consternation and complaint.

And now there's a vid, and I'm pretty happy with it. So go check it out if you're so inclined. As always, feedback is most welcome.

Also, go buy both of Jeff Foucault's CDs. I plugged Jeff's first CD in a quasi-review a year and a half ago; in the interim, a new one's come out, and damn if it's not even better than the first - simpler, with greater musical and emotional range, and showing off Jeff's considerable vocal and guitar chops to much better advantage. His live shows, always a strong point, just keep getting better; he now pulls off some of the finest performances it's ever been my privilege to see.

ETA: coffee_and_ink has pointed out that I should mention the several .mp3s available in the Music section of Jeff's site: if "Thistledown Tears" isn't enough to convince you, you can check out other songs as well. And if you like the songs, buy the CDs if you possibly can.

And now I'm going to go watch some Farscape so I can safely watch "SOS," the Farscape vid that sisabet posted recently.

vids: announcements, vid: thistledown tears, tv: firefly/serenity, music: jeffrey foucault, vividcon

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