farmers' market: tuesday market tomatoes

Sep 07, 2004 20:01

I haven't posted a market report in nearly a month. I have in fact gone marketing in the intervening weeks (though not so regularly as has been my wont), but for various reasons haven't been able to post. I can sum the reports up for you pretty quickly: "lots of corn, and a spectacular deal on portobello mushrooms one Saturday afternoon."

I suspect that my major marketing is moving to Tuesday afternoons for the time being; there's a small but very good market in my old neighborhood, which I used to attend largely for the sake of the tomatoes but where I'm now buying many more items.

To wit: swiss chard, scallions, red torpedo onions, pattypan squash, zucchini, tomatillos (green salsa!), red bell pepper, apple pepper, italian frying pepper, basil, cilantro, a mix of lettuces (the cool wet summer's been hell on tomatoes and corn but the lettuce has been exquisite), and two adorable little eggplants: one small but standard-globe-shaped, deep purple and one egg-shaped, striped in white and pale purple.

And, of course, tomatoes: green zebra, yellow ping-pong, pink ping-pong, wapsipinicon peach, flammé, snow white, and a couple that are new to me: black russian, a pointy-ended oblong tomato in the purple-green characteristic of "black" tomatoes, and italian gold, a bright orange oblong that smells divine and is too soft for slicing or salads but apparently makes a remarkable (and lovely) sauce.

truepenny pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago that since she and mirrorthaw now have a digital camera I could easily take my very own photo of some heirloom tomatoes to replace the lovely but rather generic-looking tomato in the current icon. Stay tuned to find out whether my vegetable-obsessiveness wins out over my native laziness.

farmers market

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