Feb 04, 2010 10:47
Andrew's uncle passed away last night. From what I heard, he was playing basketball at church, had a heart attack, and shortly after that, he was gone. So sad. I didn't know him that well, but he was a very nice, fun-loving man. I really feel for his family. I've had to deal with death a lot in my life time. I've lost two uncles, a grandmother, a baby cousin, and, of course, my mom. And I don't even know how many funerals I've been to of people I wasn't related to but was a friend of a family member. I was amazed when Andrew told me that the first funeral he'd ever been to was my uncle's--after we were married. He says he doesn't like funerals. Um, who does? They're sad. But I can tell ya from experience that if you're the one standing in that line next to a loved one that it means SO much to know that people care enough to come. I remember being amazed that so many people came to my mom's funeral. The line was outrageously long, and the flowers filled the chapel and overflowed into the foyer of the funeral home. It made me feel good to know that she and our family was loved. So that's why I go to funerals. I can empathize with them. I know what it's like. And it's hard. Really hard.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Sherwoods today.
We're probably going to be going to Arkansas this weekend to be with the family and attend funeral services. The whole situation just makes me sad. I keep thinking about wife and kids and grand kids... his parents... his siblings... It doesn't seem right that a parent should have to bury their child. But I suppose God has a plan, and we have to trust in him. He knows what he's doing.
I feel that my own mother's death has made me a stronger person, and it has also given me the ability to empathize and comfort others who have gone through similar experiences. It's not that I'm happy about her dying, and I still wish she were here every day, but I can see how God's plan is working to make me better.
It doesn't make it any easier, though. so, anyway, if you get a chance, say a little prayer for Delwin Sherwood's family. Thanks.