Dec 31, 2006 12:25
it probably won't improve my health any, but i think i might drink more tea and less coffee. earl grey has won me over from early in 2006 (when a friend suggested it to me during a departmental tea) and i like it more than chai now.
i think it's the only blend robust enough to replace my morning cup of coffee.
so that's one more new year's principle to add. i was thinking of another principle, but it's more vague and could be a meta-principle, really:
adapt to living and interacting (socially) with people again.
it mightn't make any sense to you, but having interacted back and forth with family, this holiday season, i realise that social skills are like any other skill; they weaken when not practiced.
the world is a social forum. it's unwise to forget how to live in it.
i have a few thoughts about these past week + days at my parents' house, but they are scattered thoughts and won't make much sense. i might write about them later.
also, it's not easy to think mathematics at home. the trouble is, when i'm working i look much like when i was a student and studying known things -- the pad of paper is out and a book is flipped open, i jot down this or that occasionally but often stare aimlessly at nothing.
unlike my student days, sometimes i pace and fiddle with other things for a spell. for example, sometimes i write a quick blog post. q:
so i don't think i look like i'm working to most people, and as a result, i receive irregular interruptions.