The All-New Comprehensive Compendium!

Dec 10, 2011 15:02

Fandoms are alphabetical, fics grouped by pairing. Hover over the title for a short summary!

Total Fics: 358

Ace Attorney
Such a Bad Idea • Klavier/Apollo
Photographic Evidence • Phoenix/Miles
You Did What?! • Phoenix/Miles
Off the Contract • Matt/Juan

Jealousy Among Them • Cleitus/Cassander
River • Alexander/Hephaistion

The Authority
Lawfully Wedded • Apollo/Midnighter

Avatar: the Last Airbender
How Cliché • Zuko/Aang

Black Butler
Facsimile • Sebastian, Ciel

Chronicles of Narnia
The Best of All Possible Worlds • Caspian/Edmund

Cut and Run
Starlight and a Heart That Doesn't Heal • Zane/Becky

Chicks and Lucky Stars • Matt/Foggy

DC Universe
Art and Meaning • Kyle Rayner
Rainbow at Night • Jason Todd/Tim Drake

The Demon's Lexicon
Heart-Shaped Boxes • Alan/Mae
Love Me Do • Alan/Mae
101° Fahrenheit • Alan/Mae/Nick
Lips and Teeth • Alan/Nick
Normality and Wanting • Alan/Nick
Faeries • Alan/Nick
When Stars Collide • Nick/Jamie, Alan/Mae
Once Upon a Time • Nick/Jamie
Action and Reaction • Nick/Jamie
Worth Dying For • Nick, Bartimaeus [Bartimaeus Trilogy xover]
The Lady of Shalott • Mae/Jamie

Doctor Who
You Run and I Follow • Nine/Rose

Live Like Today • 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 • Matt/Tai

Final Fantasy XII
My Father's Name • Balthier
The Truth Is • 1 | 2 ⋅ Basch/Balthier
The Smile • Balthier/Fran
Slick • Balthier/Fran
My Dear Penelo • Basch/Penelo, Larsa
Beautiful • Basch/Penelo
Innocent • Fran, Penelo
Pretty • Basch/Larsa
Something Tells Me • Basch/Vossler
Absolutely Clueless • Balthier/Vaan

Final Fantasy (etc, crossover)
Veni Veni • Vincent/Kuja [angel AU]
Macedonian Morning • Vincent/Kuja [Alexandrian AU]
Mary Did You Know • Cecil/Rosa, Ceodore, Kain
Of Bedtime Stories and Times Long Past • Ceodore, Kain
Unbreakable • Cecil/Kain/Rosa [Hogwarts AU]
The Weight Of • Golbez/Tifa [square enix universe fusion]
First Snow • Leon/Cloud, Zack/Cloud [square enix universe fusion]
Come At Me With Your Full Strength • Edge/Rydia, Irvine/Yuffie [modern AU]

Good Omens
The Colors of Christmas • Crowley/Aziraphale

Dévorer • Hannibal/girl!Will
The Bone Arena • Hannibal/Will
Finale • Hannibal/Will
Give Yourself a Taste • Hannibal/Will

Harry Potter
I Saw Three Ships • Harry/Luna/Draco
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies • Harry/Luna [Merlin AU]
Valerie • James/Lily
I Drove All Night • Harry/Draco

The Hobbit
That Waited Once For Me • Kili/Tauriel
With My Fingers in Your Hair • Kili/Tauriel
Waiting • Kili/Tauriel
Little Star • Kili/Tauriel
What if We Remember • Kili/Tauriel
Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies • Kili/Tauriel
The Snow Queen • Fili/Kili/Tauriel
Not as Red as Blood • Fili/Kili/Tauriel
Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters • Tauriel/Sigrid
Soulmates Never Die • 01 | 02 • Fili/Frodo, Kili/Tauriel, Thorin/Bilbo
Another Side, Another Story • 01 | 02 • Thorin/Bilbo
Pitch-Dark • Thorin/Bilbo

The Infernal Devices
When the Thunder Calls for Me • Tessa-centric
l'Ultima Notte • Tessa, Nico di Angelo [PJO xover]
Nothing Can Stop Me • Tessa/Harry [1D Devices xover] [demigod AU]
Boadicea • Will/Tessa/Jem
We Are None of Us Meant to Be Alone • Will, Jem
Indecency and Loveliness • Will/Tessa/Jem

Iron Man
100 Suns • Tony/Jarvis

Kingdom Hearts: Radiant Heights AU
So This is My New Freedom • Xehanort/Larsa
Flour and Sugar • Xehanort, Dilan, Braig, Even
The Kiss That Never Was • Terra/Cloud

Kingdom Hearts
When the Galaxes Crossed • Aqua/Quorra, Sam/Rinzler/Sora, Junior/Riku
A Brighter Time • Ansem's Apprentices
Our Last True Prayers • Ansem's Apprentices
Let it Beat • Axel/Demyx
Something Else • Axel/Demyx
Hershey's Special Dark • Axel/Larxene
Forever • Axel/Roxas
Lullabye • Axel/Roxas
The Way U Are • Axel/Roxas
House Colors • Braig/Even
Mirror Mirror • Dilan/Braig
You Don't Have to Bang • Dilan/Braig
Off-Limits • Dilan, Zack
Someone Else • Goofy/Donald, Daisy
Hello, It's Me • Ienzo/Myde
Send Me a Song • Ienzo/Myde
We Belong to the Sea • Ienzo/Myde
Defeat • Ienzo/Zexion
Fresh Meat • Larxene/Sexu (before she was Xion)
The Space Between • Lexaeus/Leon, Lexaeus/Ellone
Tragedy • Lexaeus/Luxord
Drinking Buddies • Luxord/Xigbar
Heart Attack • Marluxia/Larxene
Chain of Command • Marluxia/Xemnas
First Snow • Leon/Cloud, Zack/Cloud
Restoration • Leon/Cloud
Where the Heart is • Leon/Cloud, Laguna, Ellone
Surprise • Leon/Sora, Yuffie
Innovation • Leon/Sora
Fortress • Mickey/Minnie
Worth It • Riku/Sora
Invincible • Riku/Sora
Itsumademo • Riku/Sora, Kairi
Frosted Days • Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas
The Icebreaker • Roxas/Sora
Stairway to Heaven • Roxas, Sora, Namine
Where Soul Meets Body • Terra/Isa
Unbreakable • Terra, Ven, Aqua
Judgmental • Tidus, Rould, Riku
Vivaldi's Rain • Vexen/Saix
Sea Salt • Xaldin/Roxas
Topping Games • Xaldin/Xigbar, Dilan/Braig
Scars • Xaldin/Xigbar
Certain as the Sun • Xaldin/Xigbar
Old Habits Die Hard • Xaldin/Xigbar
LOL • Xaldin/Xigbar
"Cleaning" • Xaldin/Xigbar
Is This the End? • Xaldin/Xigbar
There You Will Be • Xaldin/Xigbar
As You Like It • Xaldin/Xigbar
Shower Pirates • Xaldin/Xigbar
Organization XIII • Xaldin/Xigbar
Hairties • Xaldin/Xigbar
The Final Hurt • Xehanort, Sora
Papier-Mâché • Xehanort/Isa
Mine • Xemnas/Saix
The Heart of All Words • Xemnas/Saix
Explosive • Xemnas/Saix
Even If It Kills Me • Xemnas/Xigbar

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
All I Ever Wanted • Perry/Harry
Beautiful Disaster • Perry/Harry
The Best Times • Perry/Harry
That's Not Blood • Perry/Harry
How Not to Narrate, by Harry Lockhart • Perry/Harry, Harry/Watson

The Losers
Bring On the Years • Jensen/Cougar

Perfect • Arthur/Merlin
Coventry Carol • Arthur/Rachel Dare, Merlin, Percy Jackson

In Dreams We See Our Fates Revealed • AnacrusisOvertureCast
The Thunderer • Zeus/Ganymede
In Other Words • Zeus/Ganymede
Our Ocean • Zeus/Ganymede
Forever is Not Enough • Zeus/Ganymede, Hera
Conquer the Sky: A Play in Five Acts • Zeus/Hera
That Which We Represent • Apollo/Hermes
Soul-Sick Medicine • Prometheus
Be Forewarned, The Night has Come • Zeus/Prometheus

Heaven's Queen • Waka/Ammy
Just Like the Sun • Waka/Ammy

One Direction
Just to Know Your Name • Harry/Louis
Dinner, Bootcamp, Destiny • Harry, Simon [demigod AU]
Nothing Can Stop Me • Tessa/Harry [Infernal Devices xover] [demigod AU]
All Things Bright and Beautiful • Harry/Louis
Centrifugal Motion, Perpetual Bliss • Harry/Louis
Cupidity • Harry/Louis [demigod AU]
Sugar Me Sweet • Zayn/Harry
A Singular Alignment • Zayn/Harry/Louis

Original: The Walls of Sezendum
Candle in the Dark • Arcus/Anezka

Original: Misc
Horizon • 4cast: Night/Sol
Watercolor • Big Kitty: Kioku/Yuchi (fanmix + drabbles)
Honey to the Bee • Invincible: Anthem, Johari
The Meadow • Lost World: Haku/Boat

Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The 34th Annual Hunger Games • Reaping
All I Do is Fall in Love • Thalia/Piper, Jason/Leo
Louder Than Air • Jason/Leo
You Can Fit More Kittens in a Swimming Pool • Leo, Jason, Piper
This Damn Machine • Travis/Leo
Run From the Light • Percy/Nico
The Boundaries You Leave Behind • Percy/Nico, Reyna/Octavian, Butch/Clovis, Annabeth
Avalanche • Percy/Nico, Annabeth
l'Ultima Notte • Nico, Tessa [Infernal Devices xover]
Human After All • Percy/Nico, Ganymede
Jump In • Percy/Nico
Samson • Percy/Nico
Time to Say Goodbye • Percy/Nico
Only One Leads to You • Percy/Nico
All Those Empty Spaces • Percy/Nico
4:42 am • Percy/Nico
Comfortable • Percy/Nico
Home for the Holidays • Percy/Nico
All the Difference in the World • Percy/Nico
If No One Will Listen • Percy/Nico, Sally
Boy Who is a Friend • Percy/Nico, Sally
Luke • Percy/Nico, Hermes
Let Me Be Your Armor • Percy/Nico
Heartstrings • Percy/Nico
This Treaty of Inviolable Friendship • Percy/Nico
Sakura Blushes • Percy/Nico
Stop Thinking • Percy/Nico
One Blink to the Next • Percy/Nico/Bianca
The Water-Bearer • Zeus/Ganymede, Percy
Immortality • Ganymede, Percy/Nico
Cohabitation • Zeus/Ganymede, Percy/Nico
The Tick Tick Before the Boom • Ganymede, Bianca
Nervous Ghosts • Bianca, Poseidon, Percy/Nico
She's On Fire • Percy/Rachel
It's Time • Percy/Calypso
Scar Tissue • post-Percy/Annabeth
Average Everyday Superheroes • Percy/Annabeth, Nico
Your Hero • Luke/Nico, Percy
He Puts the Walls Up • Luke/Nico, Percy/Travis
No Rest for the Wicked • Luke/Percy
Like All the Boys Before • Luke/Percy
Game On • Luke/Percy
What Keeps You Awake • Luke/Percy
We Have a Barter System • Luke/Percy
Impending • Percy/Ethan
Going Under • Luke/Ethan
Destiny • Luke/Thalia
The One That Stayed • Luke/Calypso
Against All Odds • Luke/Calypso
Sex is the Game That Everyone Wins • Luke/Travis/Connor
Beautiful Contradiction • Travis/Connor
Debauchery • Travis/Connor
Debauchery, Part Two • Travis/Connor
She Does • Clarisse/Silena
Tiny Heart • Clarisse/Silena
Vocabulary • Clarisse/Silena
A Friend Like You • Clarisse/Silena, Charlie/Silena, Ares/Aphrodite
Jealous Becomes • Clarisse/Annabeth, Ares/Sophie la Rue(/Athena)
Mothers Know Best • Annabeth, Athena
All Too Real • Rachel/Annabeth
One Week • Rachel/Annabeth, Athena, Luke
The Best-Laid Plans • Triton/Annabeth
Oldest Line in the Book • Ares/Triton
The Bravest of Them All • Ares/Sophie la Rue
Goodbye • Poseidon/Sally Jackson
The Winner • Apollo/Hermes, Apollo/Pan, Grover
The Memory Of • Hades/Persephone
Six-Word Drabble Fest Roundup • many

Let it Snow! • Morty/Eusine

Loving Victor Bayne • Jacob/Vic

Pushing Daisies
Fancy That • Olive, Ned/Chuck
Everybody Smiles at You • Ned/Chuck

Joy of Man's Desiring • Herman Melville/Nathaniel Hawthorne
Just Called to Say • Jim Carrey, Ewan MacGregor
Wagon Train to the Stars • 1-10 | 11-20 • William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy
Four Days Closer • William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy
Mr. Spock's Starship Singalong • William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy
A Day That Ends in Y • William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy
This is Not Porn • William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy
Whatever You Say is Invalid • William Shatner/Leonard Nimoy
Life is But a Dream • 01 | 02 | 03
California Rain • Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto
Misc Trek RPF Drabbles • various
Real • Robert Downey Jr/Jude Law
Martyr • Jude Law/Gyu Ritchie, Robert Downey Jr
"I met him and I loved him." • Robert Downey Jr/Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow
On Top of the World • Mark Strong/Hans Matheson
There is a Light • Jake Abel/Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson/Alexandra Daddario

As the Sky is Blue • Hamlet/Horatio

Sherlock Holmes: BBC
The Art of Scheduling | How to Love a Goldfish | When the Wolf Comes • Mycroft/Anthea
Swimming With a Raincoat • Sherlock/John
No Such Thing as 'In Between' • Sarah, Sherlock/John
The Christmas Song • Sherlock/John
Electrum • Sherlock/John
White Mage of Radiant Garden • Sherlock/John
Day and Age • Sherlock/John, Holmes/Watson
Alegría • Sherlock/John
Probability • Sherlock/John
Sousei no Aquarion • Sherlock/John
Carol of the Bells • Sherlock/Sebastian
An Endless Succession • Jim/Sebastian
Center of Attention • Jim/Sebastian
Je t'Aime Je t'Aime • Jim/Sebastian

Sherlock Holmes: Canon
The Glorious Not • Holmes/Watson, Holmes/Trevor
A Lesson in the World of Music • Holmes, Watson
There's No Better Team • Holmes/Watson [Pokémon fusion]

Sherlock Holmes: Ritchie Films
Two of Swords • Holmes/Watson
Close Enough to Hurt Me • Holmes/Watson
Nine of Cups • Holmes/Irene, Irene/Simza, Holmes/Watson
What Friends Do • Holmes/Clarkey, Lestrade, Watson
Dogs • Holmes/Watson, Clarkey
Pastorale • Holmes/Watson
Positively Angelic • Holmes/Watson
Through the Looking Glass • Holmes/Watson
In Sickness and In Health • Holmes/Watson
Dawn • Holmes/Watson
Sempiterna • Blackwood/Coward
Luck and a Day Like Any Other • Blackwood/Coward
Not in Blood • Blackwood/Coward, Holmes
The Sun and the Moon • Blackwood/Coward

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Take Control • Joe/Dex
Atmosphere • Joe/Dex
With Each Time I Breathe • Joe/Dex, Franky/Polly

Star Trek (TOS)
Together We Are • Kirk/Spock
No Excuses Necessary • Kirk/Spock
Confirmation • Kirk/Spock
Knock Knock • Kirk/Spock
The Motion Picture: Abridged • Kirk/Spock
Out Loud • Spock/McCoy

Star Trek: Reboot
With a Little Help From My Friends • Come Together | Fixing a Hole | Eleanor Rigby | In My Life | Yesterday | Nowhere Man • Kirk/Spock
D'va t'Koh-Nar • Wuh'rak | Svi-shaya | Kastorilaya | Kobat'es | Dashaya | Dvunel | Ne'hish
The Last Will and Testament of S'chn T'gai Spock • Kirk/Spock
Remember When it Rained • Kirk/Spock
Ragtaya • Kirk/Spock, Sarek/Amanda
For Our Past • Kirk/Spock, Sarek/Amanda
For Our Future • Sarek/Amanda
Relevance • Kirk/Spock
The Logical Emotion • Kirk/Spock
Sanctuary • Kirk/Spock
16 Things Jim Kirk is Allowed to do in Private • Kirk/Spock
Spiccato • Kirk/Spock
Perfectly Imperfect • Kirk/Spock
Medicine • McCoy, Kirk/Spock
Marrow • Kirk/McCoy
The Imp of the Perverse • Kirk/McCoy
Reasoning • Kirk/McCoy
Biologically Insane • Spock/McCoy
Color in Translation • Spock/McCoy
Labels • Spock/McCoy
Reactionary • Spock/McCoy
Medical Necessity • Spock/McCoy
Leverage • Spock/McCoy
Court of Stars • Spock/McCoy
The Fundamental Equation • Scotty/Chekov
We'll Never Say Goodbye • The Sound of Silence | The Dangling Conversation | Patterns | Song For the Asking • Nero/Ayel/Mandana
Insomnia • Nero/Mandana

Stargate Atlantis
Quintessence • John/Rodney

Every Night My Heart Unfolding • Dean/Castiel
Make Myself Believe • Dean/Castiel
The Reverb in Those Holy Halls • Sam/Gabriel

Tales of Symphonia
Things That Fade Away • Zelos/Genis

Team Fortress 2
Camouflage • One | Two | Three | Four | Five • Spy/Sniper/Medic, Spy/Pyro
Seeing is Believing • Spy/Pyro
Traditional • Spy/Scout
Winterlander • Sniper/Scout, Heavy/Medic, Spy/Engie
Hunting Party • Spy, Scout

I Won't Be the One • Vash, Knives
How to Start Again • Vash/Wolfwood

He Fights for the Users • Tron/Ram
Let Us Be Three Tonight • Flynn/everyone
Pater Familias • Flynn/Alan, Jordan, Sam
Of Bowties, Trains, and Pajama Parties • Flynn, Sam, Junior
How to Miss Someone and Never Know if They're Coming Back • Flynn/Alan
The Gay Unmarried Life of Flynns • Flynn/Alan, Sam/Junior
Home • Flynn/Alan
Time Means Nothing • Flynn/Alan
The Pygmalion Source Code • Face to Face • Sam/Rinzler
Appropriation • a Rinzler origin story
Two Weeks' Nothing • Sam/Rinzler, Alan
On Sundays Sam/Rinzler
Your Name in Mine • Junior
Off the Hook • Sam/Junior
The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships • Junior/Quorra, Sam/Rinzler
There is Another Sky • Sam/Junior/Jack
Brighter Than Sunshine • Sam/Junior/Jack
In Midnights, in Cups of Coffee • Sam/Junior/Jack

So Be It • Achilles/Patroclus

Come Crashing • Ragnar/Athelstan/Lagertha

Welcome to Night Vale
Put Your Weapons Down • 01 | 02 • Cecil/Carlos
Tall Tales of Spring • Cecil/Carlos

White Collar
Predictable • Peter/Neal/El

The World Ends With You
Anything I'm Not • Prologue • 777/Tenho
Garbage • Minamimoto/777
Extraneous Solution • Minamimoto/Hanekoma
Knock Knock • Beat/Shiki
What You Want • Beat/Neku
680 Yen • Joshua/Neku
I'll Show You • Uzuki/Neku
My Next Symphony • Joshua, Kariya

Young Justice
Better Harder Faster Stronger • Superboy/Robin
Simplicity • Artemis/M'gann

write all the fandoms!, compendium, everything and its mother and cthulu, organizer, fanfiction

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