Average Everyday Superheroes • Percy/Annabeth

Dec 21, 2010 01:41

Average Everyday Superheroes
• 1,300 words
• Just keep reading. It is Percy/Annabeth, I swear.

They had a constant and bitter argument running about the dining room table.

"Again, Annabeth?"

She pointed at him, frowning, like don't you even go there. "I will clean it up. Tonight. Sometime tonight, I will clean it up. Are those flowers?"

"There's glue everywhere. What do you need papier-mache for?"

"Here, give me that." She took the flowers, complete with flowerpot, from him and moved into the kitchen. "I'd tell you but I'd also have to explain metope, and - "

"Yeah, all right, I don't want to know. I brought you... flowers." Percy frowned down at his now-empty hands and then mentally rewound the past few exchanges; he put the state of the dining room behind him (why Annabeth's models couldn't stay in her workshop was beyond him, but at least she could be trusted to clean up when she said she would) and headed into the kitchen.

She breezed right by him, an empty flowerpot in hand. A second later, she flew back in, kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Thank you for the flowers, they're great."

Great. Yep. They were also now in a bucket, because apparently that was all Annabeth had time to find before rushing off with a flowerpot like it was the best thing since Rome.

Percy's thoughts went like this: that bucket is horrendous and there's no drain holes and it's too small and the garden supply store is closed now and I'm pretty sure we don't have any more empty pots because my wife is insane.

He probably wouldn't love her if she wasn't, though, so that was a good thing.

"Dinner?" he asked, peering into the dining room and decidedly Not Looking at whatever mess she was making now.


"Dinner. That thing that happens every day where you eat food so you don't die."

"Oh. I ate already," she said, waving a hand, which was Annabeth-speak for Oh my god can't you see I'm too busy for human things like eating? I AM NO MERE MORTAL. He generally let her have that, though he put his foot down if it went on longer than three days. Subconsciously-hungry!Annabeth was anger-rage-panda!Annabeth and no one, not even Percy and his endless fountain of patience, could take that.

"All right," he said, and he did spare a narrow look for the specific model she was working on - something that looked like a Greek temple had fornicated with a Gothic Cathedral, and it had flying buttresses, which was the only architectural term he could ever remember because, lol. Buttress.

And being thoroughly childish made him think of Nico so he texted him, asking him out for dinner in the most ridiculously romantic way possible because it was totally wasted on Annabeth and Nico at least thought it was hilarious. Yes, Percy was very comfortable with his sexuality, thanks for asking. Look, his dad was a Greek god. It does not get any more homoerotic than that. But really, they'd talked about this. He was a housewife. Annabeth was a dude. Nico was his hetero life partner and Rachel was his gurlfrand. Rachel was Annabeth's fag hag. They totally got this.

dude is the dining room still a mess, because i am tired of your living room floor

How do you know about my dining room?

so hey, what are you getting me for christmas?

Percy slid his phone shut and tossed it across the room. Ten minutes later, Nico stepped out of the shadows.

"I've got half a bottle of Olympian wine and a pizza. Tell me you love me."

The look Percy gave him was ridiculously close to adoration. "I love you."

Halfway through Clash of the Titans, Annabeth came in. She'd cleaned up - she had on a gray Mickey Mouse t-shirt, fresh jeans, and she might have brushed her hair. It would require a closer examination. Percy held out his arms and she crawled into his lap, sticking her bony legs in Nico's side until he hugged her feet. Yes, she definitely brushed her hair. Fancy, Percy thought, and grinned. "Pizza?"

Annabeth blew out a breath and grinned. "Heck yes."

They liked watching Clash because it was terrible, and Percy hadn't seen it in a long time but it had this magical property of just getting funnier and funnier every time. Especially when Annabeth was there.

"Seriously, where did he even get the kraken anyway?!" she screeched, while Percy and Nico tried not to kill themselves laughing.

"Dismembered a Norse valkyrie," Nico said matter-of-factly, sipping at his very-watered-down wine. "I read about it in the Quibbler."

Annabeth snorted and Percy, as usual, was left in the dark.

"The Quibbler?"

"Honestly, Percy, don't you read?" Annabeth said in this snotty little voice that was clearly an imitation, and though it made Nico laugh - a lot - Percy was still confused. Very confused.

"Harry Potter, Percy. It's from Harry Potter."

"Oh." He sat back and chewed on one of Annabeth's unwanted crusts. "Lame. Demigods are totally better."

At night and sometimes on weekends, they went hunting.

This was, by far, the best part of Percy's life. He'd been totally freaked out by fighting monsters as a kid, but - he'd started at least, twelve, and that was totally trauma-inducing. Plus, it was different when you went out looking for them, rather than the other way around. Getting caught unawares with nothing but your own sadly retarded brain and a questionable state of pants - terrifying. Setting out in awesome armor with a badass pen-sword in your pocket and a hot dongless boyfriend that you were married to at your side - awesome.

Fighting with Annabeth - yeah, it was the best part of his life. Fighting with her, at her, for her, beside her, anything as long as fighting and Annabeth were involved, and Percy was first in line for signups. He loved her like this - okay, he loved her all the time, even when she made a mess of his dining room, because even that was pretty endearing. But especially now. He loved her when she was invisible, sneaking around monsters while he made a lot of noise and flash and got their attention (because, let's face it, he could take the hits), and he loved seeing her bronze knife blade arc out at just the right moment, and he loved her with her hair tangled and monster guts splashed on her face and he loved her fierce, smart, sharp and perfect. Percy wasn't really good at anything and Annabeth was good at everything and that was okay with him. Because he let her. He was there to smile and nod when she got angry, because she needed someone to get angry at. He was there to offer his awkward comfort when she was sad, because she needed someone to cry on who wouldn't think less of her for it. She was everything, and he let her be everything, because why shouldn't he? Annabeth was, and he loved that.

Then they went home, and he started in about the dining room table again, because she'd gotten glue on this tiny little insignificant part that he didn't even really care about anyway. But she knew that, and she yelled back, and they both smiled from ear to ear.

fandom: percy jackson and the..., genre: domesticity, genre: humor, genre: established relationship, pairing: percy/annabeth, fanfiction

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